chapter 13:whispers

After an hour, Leandro escorted her back to the mansion. As they entered through the back door, he turned to her with a sly smile. "How did you enjoy my tour Laura."?


Laura wondered if she had seen anything during tour,she was to concern about her dream to admire the beautiful garden,but nonetheless she smiled." Of course it was delightful." She replied offering a bow.


"Well then,you must be fatigued now ,I would leave you alone now ,to get ready" Leandro said his smile still etched in place.


Laura's heart almost left her body." What ready.?" She asked almost loosing her lady's facade.


Leandro's smile grew even wider. " I forgot to mention, Lord Alfred and some of the council elders will also be joining us for lunch. It's a special occasion, since it was only the council elders from the human side that were present on our wedding day. It's a chance for them to officially meet you, I would send a seamstress."


Laura knew this was coming up nonetheless but her heart still shook in terror,but she still smiled "of course I would get ready then to welcome the guests." Laura said secretly clutching her dress.


Leandro nodded and went back outside.after he left Laura took a deep breath,proceeding to go back to her room but to her biggest fear she wasn't familiar with the mansions route yet, her first thought was too call for Leandro but she didn't want to seem helpless. Instead, she decided to explore on her own and find her way back to her room.


Laura wandered through the opulent hallways of the mansion, marvelling at the intricate designs and luxurious decorations. She admired the grandeur of the place but couldn't help feeling a sense of unease. The mansion seemed much larger than she had initially thought, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.


As she turned a corner, Laura stumbled upon a grand staircase leading to the upper floors. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to go up or continue exploring on the ground floor. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to ascend the staircase.


As she made her way up, the atmosphere grew noticeably colder. Goosebumps formed on her arms, and she felt a chilling presence enveloping her. Laura quickened her pace, feeling a sense of urgency to get back to familiar territory.


Finally, she reached a landing on the second floor, with several doors leading to different rooms. Laura glanced around, uncertain of which direction to take. Suddenly, she heard a soft whisper coming from one of the rooms. It sounded like a woman's voice, faint yet distinct.


Intrigued and slightly apprehensive, Laura slowly approached the door from where the whisper had emanated.


Feeling a mix of curiosity and trepidation, Laura raised her hand to knock on the door, hesitating for a moment before the rational part of her brain reminded her that she was in a strange place and shouldn't be snooping around. Just as she was about to turn away, the whispering voice grew,louder, almost urgent.


With a deep breath, Laura finally knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the dimly lit hallway. There was a moment of silence but before the door opened, Laura heard the sound footstep and turned around with urgency,her heart almost left her chest ,when she found Sarah standing some steps from her,her red eyes green eyes clouded with confusion.


She bowed politely"milady you seem to be lost.".


Laura's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected appearance of Sarah. Relief flooded through her as she nodded gratefully. "Yes, Sarah, I seem to have taken a wrong turn. Could you help me find my way back to my room?"


Sarah smiled kindly and gestured for Laura to follow her. "Of course, Milady. Let's get you back to your room safely.


As they walked through the maze-like corridors, Laura couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had gripped her earlier. She couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious whisper she had heard, but she pushed the thought aside, focusing on the present moment.


"Milady, we have arrived," Sarah announced as they stood in front of Laura's room.


Laura smiled, though the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "I apologize for inconveniencing you, dear Sarah," she said.


Sarah noticed the lady's face pale slightly out of guilt and almost knelt down. "No, milady, it's not your fault that you are not yet familiar with the mansion's layout. With time, I believe you will become accustomed to every nook and cranny."


Laura smiled, "Yes, nevertheless, I still caused you stress. Please forgive me."


Sarah insisted, "No, milady, I am pleased to have been able to assist you."


As Laura was about to speak, they heard footsteps from behind. They both turned to see a lady dressed in a light yellow gown that accentuated her curves. Her black hair was tied up in a ponytail, with no fringe threatening to break free. Her chin was sharp, her lips thin, and her red eyes piercing.


The lady walked over to Laura and Sarah, not sparing a glance at the latter. Standing before Laura, she looked her over. "You must be the human bride of Master Leandro?"


Laura, accustomed to the attitude of Cephues, was not about to let disrespect go unchallenged. "What do I look like?" she retorted.


The lady sighed and appraised Laura, her eyes tinged with belittling contempt. "You humans need to learn proper manners, but I will overlook it. I am Lady Aurora Milton, the finest seamstress who will ever grace your presence. Master Leandro has sent me to take your measurements and craft something for you."


Laura glanced at Sarah, who stood by her side with her head bowed as low as possible. "I didn't realize vampires lacked such taste that even their best seamstress resembles nothing more than a church mouse."