Mad Man

Annica hugged herself, which was starting to shiver from the cold. Rushing to help the young maid find some herbs from the forest, she forgot to bring her coat. 

The sun was still visible in the sky, but its cloud-covered rays told her that it was likely to rain soon.

Better hurry up and find that damn plant before it rains and she gets soaked, Annica thought.

Ginny said that Brianna needed the root of a mandrake plant that grew around the stream for a potion she was going to make. It was said that it would help her with menstrual pain. Because of the number of times the woman bought and used various potions, it seemed that Brianna could make her own potions by now.

Annica grumbled to herself. If it wasn't for Ginny, she would have let Brianna cramp up and pass out for all her care.