Reinforce The Future

"Our Supreme Mighty Empire does not believe in anything including bitches. We will only believe in ourselves. the three of you are no longer welcome here!" Yun Yun stretched out his hand to signal Elf Warrior Ilesere and others to leave.

Seeing the resolute and tough attitude of this mortal emperor, Elf Warrior Ilesere sighed and couldn't say much, so she could only lead the people away. If people don't believe in elves' faith, is it possible to force them to believe in elves? Elves are not robbers and bandits like orcs and goblins.

After the elves left, the civil and military ministers hurriedly walked in from outside the hall. It seems they were all very worried about the emperor's safety.

"I hope you all will keep your mouths shut about what happened today. If even half of it is spread..."

Yun Yun stopped mid-sentence. Many ministers heard the emperor's words and bowed one after another, "I will never reveal a word about this matter. If even a word is spread, we will execute the person with full torture!"

He stood up from the dragon chair and left the Star Palace. "no more court for today." Today's imperial meeting ended hastily.

After Yun Yun returned to the Imperial Palace, he sat on his dragon chair and closed his eyes to meditate. The maids around him were all kicked out. since he ascended the throne. The profession of servant slaves was abolished, and the original duties of servant slaves were given to females to become maids with full benefits and more pay.

"system?" Sitting on the dragon chair, he murmured.

[Yes, 'my' host?] A cold voice sounded in Yun Yun's mind.

"I have already unified the whole world, and you are just here but is it too late for you to come?" Yun Yun's face didn't change at all, but there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

[It's not too late, the host's journey has just begun.] The system said: [Warm reminder, the host does not need to speak directly, just think about the words to communicate with the system in your brain, and your system will know it.]

"Then may I ask, what system are you in?" Yun Yun asked.

After understanding that this world was the "Fantasy Tales" universe, he naturally wanted to know what kind of golden finger he had. It's about his interests and survivability.

[I am your Civilization System.] The system said.

"The Civilization System? What's the use? Does It travel through all the worlds or something?" Yun Yun said that he had never heard of the Civilization System at all. on earth, he had read a few junk novels, and the golden fingers in them were called XXX Systems.

The system said: [The purpose of this system is to upgrade and lead the development of civilization, this system is not responsible for traveling across the universe.]

"taking care of civilizational development?" A system that fosters the development of civilization? Is this a non-changing leadership direction system? As for the whole thing being so advanced?

[Yes, this system is dedicated to assisting the host and leading his civilization.] The voice of the system sounded in his mind: [It has been detected that the Supreme Mighty Empire has unified the world and officially entered the first industrial era. Will the host receive the electromagnetic reward for entering the Industrial Revolution era?]

"Electrics-and-Science reward? Receive it."

In the industrial age, Electrics-and-Science is indispensable thing, and the Supreme Mighty Empire is in the stage of upgrading civilization. There is technology for free, so why not grab free things? Gradually, ripples appeared in the space in front of Yun Yun, and a stack of drawings and heavy books slowly appeared on the table.

[The system has issued rewards. The system said.

"Water mills and Wind-Powered Turbines? Transmission towers? Radios?" He picked up the drawing in front of him and looked at the large characters on it, which were the text of their Supreme Mighty Empire. This is a necessary prerequisite technology for the beginning of the information age. This is the rhythm that allows him to develop his own civilization. That thick book is a well-organized book on Electrics-and-Science, in which all the basic knowledge about Electrics-and-Science is compiled.

"System, human life will last only a hundred years, unless we have the same genes like elves do or break our human genetic coding. I am thirty-eight years old. Do you think I can develop technology that breaks genetic restrictions in the remaining decades?" Yun Yun frowned. In just a few decades, he could at most push this huge civilization to the end of World War II technology.

but the grand occasion of the 21st century, the information age, cannot be upgraded due to restrictions in today's learning. The development of science needs to be done step by step, otherwise it will easily collapse in itself due to the knowledge that others may not know.

[The system has modified the host's underlying gene chain structure. The host will coexist and die with your civilization. The host's degrading body functions will gradually return to their youthful state before conquering other empires.] The system said.

Yun Yun: "..." his system gave him feelings, a different 

 type of feeling, a kind of immortality.

But the Fantasy Tales universe is very dangerous. Elf Warriors and Orcs are constantly at war. If the war hits their planet, it will be destroyed directly by him.

Anyway, you just need to know that before the plot of the Fantasy Tales Universe begins, the war between elves and orcs war almost destroyed the Milky Way. You need to understand what a nebula is, and then think about the scale of war in the Milky Way, also known as nebula-level war.

"Your Majesty, the prime minister, seven ministers, and four marshals would like to see you." At this time, the door of the Imperial Palace was pushed open, and the jade beauty maid walked in from the outside of the Imperial Palace, bowed slightly, and said.

"Take them to imperial study." Yun Yun looked at the jade beauty maid in front of him.

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" After hearing His Majesty's words, the jade beauty maid bowed and left the Imperial Palace.

He looked at the information age books and design drawings placed on the desk and pinched his eyebrows.

He originally thought that if he could unify the world, become an emperor for eternity, find a wife and have children, and manage the country, who would care about the history of having problems hundreds of years later? Who would have thought? He has just unified the world, and was sent to this Fantasy Tales universe?

The system also came today, telling him that his journey had just begun. Isn't this considered cheating?

He picked up the scientific books and design drawings on the table, walked out of the Imperial Palace, and headed to the Imperial Study Room.

The prime minister, seven ministers, and four marshals of the Supreme Mighty Empire were already waiting in the imperial study room.

"His Majesty." These ministers, who played a huge role in the entire country, all saluted when they saw His Majesty arriving, along with the soldiers kneeling and standing back up.

"You can now begin." He sat on the dragon chair and motioned for them to sit down and talk.

Old elders who are much older than themselves and open-minded ones cannot be left standing. They are the backbone of the entire civilization.

"Your Majesty, now that all powers have been destroyed, we are the only empire in the world. I sincerely ask Your Majesty to fill the three palaces and seven courtyards..." The old man who looked the oldest, with gray hair, a gutter nose, and eyes as sharp as an eagle, glanced at the minister's present and stood up and said.

"I second the proposal." The other civil and military officials stood up one after another. They had proposed it a long time ago, but His Majesty blocked them back by saying, "The great powers are not destroyed, why should I settle down?" Now that the great powers are gone, does that mean it's time for you to get a wife?

"We will discuss this matter later. Please take a look at this plan first." Yun Yun picked up the memorial on the desk and handed it to the jade beauty maid beside him.

The jade beauty maid quickly handed the memorial to the ministers.

"reinforcing the future?"

After seeing the rectification, everyone fell silent.

Since His Majesty has already thought of a reforming plan, no one can stop it. Want to use the old ancestral system to restrain the emperor? In front of this unprecedented and godlike emperor, the ancestral etiquette is nothing. What he said from his mouth is the decree.

"My dear friends, what do you think of my reform plan?"

Yun Yun asked.

"Your Majesty is holy." All ministers in court saluted by placing their hands on the chest