Reformation Plan

The departments of the Supreme Mighty Empire were all busy. The people of the empire were still excited. Their country had finally become the overlord of the planet and no longer had to worry about war, survivability, and food.

Many people whose country was destroyed secretly planned how to rise again and overthrow the rule of the Supreme Mighty Empire. But upon facing the huge military strength of the Supreme Mighty Empire, they felt desperate and unorganized

Until a week later- The Greatest Court Meeting in History.

"Your Majesty, I propose that it is time to reduce military power. Military power consumes too much of the empire's resources. With the current expenditure on military power, it is easy to collapse the empire's finances." one of the governors stood up from the queue and spoke his mind.

"Humph, the empire has just unified the world, and you are clamoring to reduce the empire's military strength. What is your motive? Could it be that Minister Yuan is the remnant of those countries?" Immediately, a general who was from the great war and part of the military attaché series stood up and glared.

"I agree with Minister Yuan's proposal. There are nearly Seven million troops in Ancient Lands, and there are one million troops each in the other two big continents. Such a military force can only be used to put fear in our people and frighten the empire's financial expenditure. ."

"Our empire's revenue last year was only 4.5 billion, and the military accounted for almost half of it. Education, medical, and other institutions have to be taken away from the budget to pay for it. So how much money do we have to develop various construction facilities in the empire?" An official also stood up and agreed with the previous official's proposal. The expenditure and consumption of the military is too great.

"Your Majesty, I object. The empire has just unified the world and is in a hurry to disarm. How can we suppress the remnants of the empires? Once the army is dismantled, the remnants of the empire will inevitably become monsters, raid us, take our females, and enslave our people!" A Grand General standing in the front row of the generals stood up and said.

"Disarming? That's not possible. The army is always the most effective in protecting the people and an important military force in guarding the empire. This general does not recommend disarmament." Another military general said, "Moreover, disarmament will cause many soldiers who are accustomed to military life to live among the people. Once they break the law, it will inevitably have a bad impact on the security of the empire." Listening to the words of the ministers, Yun Yun sat on the dragon chair and tapped the armrests of the dragon chair with his fingers like the ones in china dramas.

"King of the West has something to say?"

"Your Majesty, I do not agree with Mr. Yuan's disarmament proposal. Even if we want to disarm, we have to do it slowly and cut off a large number of troops at once. How can we ensure the soldiers' livelihood? It will have a huge effect on the Supreme Mighty Empire." 

Sheng Chen, the king of the West, was also a military general and the marshal who commanded the millions of troops in Western Lands.

"Your Majesty, I feel that the current system is no longer suitable for the current development of the empire, and I propose reform..." At this moment, the Prime Minister stood up and stated all the plans to change the structure of the empire. This talk lasts half an hour.

All the civil and military officials were silent when they heard the Prime Minister's reforms. Since the Prime Minister dared to talk about reforms at the great meeting.

That must have been agreed upon by the emperor, or even proposed by the emperor.

The prime minister just said it on behalf of the emperor.

"I think the Prime Minister's reforms are very good. My dear ministers, what do you think of the Prime Minister's proposals?" Yun Yun had no expression on his face, looking at the civil and military ministers below him.

"I agree with the Prime Minister's plan." In this regard, no generals from the military raised any objections.

As military generals, they only have the right for them to follow the emperor even in death.

Only the civil servants looked at each other with their secrets. This plan proposed by the prime minister had completely harmed all interests but they had no choice but to bite their lips and second the proposal. This is the plan proposed by the emperor.

There is almost no opposition from the military commanders, so it can be said that there is something secretive. Moreover, the emperor has delegated all control except the army. That means that they have many things that they dare not use, but they can use them to their full potential in this plan to change the empire.

"For the time being, we will use the Imperial Capital as a test point to see how the reinforcing plan goes, and then we will use the Royal Imperial Capital as the center to spread to the entire Ancient Lands. Finally, when the test results are satisfactory, the plan can be spread throughout the territory." Yun Yun pondered for a while and said, you can't eat hot noodles in a hurry, it needs to cool down just as changing the empire structure needs to be done step by step. If this reformation plan is spread throughout the empire at once, it will inevitably lead to a backlash.

"Your Majesty is wise!" All civil and military officials said one after another. "When something is going on, we will press forward with His Majesty's might, and when nothing is going on, we will retreat."

When the maid next to her saw this, she immediately took a step forward, and her clear voice resounded throughout the Mighty Imperial Palace.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report."

At this time, Mr. Yuan, who had previously proposed disarmament, stood up under the eyes of his colleagues.

"What's the matter with you, my dear?" Yun Yun was curious and allowed him to speak.

"Your Majesty, the empire is now free from worries. I sincerely request your Majesty to establish a queen."

Lord Yuan said. He is a public speaker, this is his job.

"We'll discuss it later, if anything I can always have marry a maid." Yun Yun stood up from his seat and left the meeting. He loves this beautiful empire. But, he didn't want to get married. This place is small, He can be immortal and live forever, so why marry someone who can't stay with you for a long time?

Offspring?-No need. Go and look at the princes who were tortured to death and schemed with each other in royal history.

"Dismiss from the court." The maid saw this and said immediately.

All the civil and military officials looked at each other in confusion. Your Majesty, how can you go back on your word? In our family, we still have daughters and granddaughters who have not been married. We are all waiting to become relatives of the emperor.

"This Yuan..." Back in the imperial study, Yun Yun shook his head helplessly, can't help being a human being when looking back. He has been thinking about being part of his family, a father-in-law to him all day long.

Extremely scheming bastard.

"How was the investigation?" Yun Yun looked at the maid that came to his study.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Yuan's family has thousands of acres of fertile land and gold and silver property. According to the Royal Guard's investigation, the statistics can reach 32 million, and the error will not exceed one million." The maid said respectfully.

"How much is Mr. Yuan's monthly salary?"

"His monthly salary is two thousand gold taels."

"two thousand gold taels? How many years will he have to work to get more than 30 million gold taels?"

You have to know that the Supreme Mighty Empire is currently in the first revolution of the industrial era, and all kinds of daily necessities are being made very cheap. Even if the prices soar during the war, they will not exceed the original market price.

Therefore, he was very curious, how did Minister Yuan's family get more than 30 million gold taels when he only started to industrialized his empire?

"Then take advantage of this change to destroy all the parasites attached to the empire." Yun Yun said coldly.

"Your Majesty, wouldn't this be too...?" The maid hesitated to speak, confiscating the family goods and exterminating their clan. This word has not appeared in our empire for many years.

That is to say, he has only used this method once when he ascended the throne.

"There is no innocent person. Their families have enjoyed illegal gains, and they have to pay a corresponding price." Yun Yun said expressionlessly.

The empire needs to develop, so it is necessary to eradicate all those who block the development of the empire. To harm the interests of the empire is to harm his interests and the interests of the people of the empire.

"I shall carry out your will, your majesty!" The maid retreated to alert the royal army