
Lvl 1: Little Men in Great City (1)

[Jun's POV]

At last... we reached the Harbor. Dan and I double-checked our belongings and waited for the passengers to get down from the train. A while later, our train car is clear and we moved out.

We were scoping our surroundings when we realized that it is pretty hot here, even though it's still 10am. Nevertheless, we started onward towards the lobby when a bus slowed down and pulled over to the side. The bus driver called for us.

"Hey, guys! Hop in if you wanna get to the lobby. You can just relax in the ride, y'know."

"Thanks, Driver! We're coming." Dan chimed. We sprinted a bit and boarded in. The bus is packed with passengers from our Skyslither as well as from other Slithers too. The others tried to make room but it ended in vain. The bus driver offered some space near him and we stood. Dan and I thanked him.

"Guys, if you don't mind, can I ask some questions?" The driver initiated a conversation.

"No. We don't mind. Go ahead." I replied.

"Where do you guys come from?"

"We're from Shinjukawa."

"That white valley? No wonder you guys are so pale!" The driver was smiling with a nostalgic look on his face.

"Have you been there?" Dan asked.

"Been there? Hahaha! Best honeymoon spot in the whole world, I tell you. I took my wife there five times in a row and it just kept getting better and better. The scenery, the people, the food- it's just paradise there!"

"Glad to hear that, Mister-" Dan tries to fish for the name.


"Right, Mr. Russo. Glad to hear that. I bet you're visiting soon again. " I said, smiling back.

"Darn right, you are. A friendly advice. Since the Harbor is in the place where the sun hits the hardest, buy some sunscreen. Last time I met some of my friends who visited here back there, they were tanned to the point where I couldn't recognise them at first. It took them months to get their color back. My friends made it into a gag and laughed for hours. Haa... good times, good times..."

We laughed with Mr. Russo until our sides hurt. At this time, we reached the station lobby. "Okay, we're here! Check your belongings before getting down, people!" he instructed.

"Then... guys!"

"It's Jun and Dan." Dan introduced belatedly.

"Okay. Dan, Jun, a request, if you may. Inside the lobby, go to the booth where they issue guides for Clover Harbor. Very tourist friendly. It will turn you into natives sooner than later, guaranteed."

"Thanks for the tip, Mr. Russo. Have a great day!" we waved goodbye with amity.

"Right back at ya!" Mr. Russo bellowed joyfully. And off he went to carry another batch of passengers.

"Man, Mr. Russo is pretty chill! I hope we could meet again." Dan already started to miss the man. It's just easy for him to make friends and keep in touch.

"You're right. But first, we got to freshen up. I'm so beat."

"Man, why do you have to say that? Now, I'm feeling it. Let's get to the restroom, stat!"

We sprinted into the lobby and met with a bustling crowd, filled with commuters, emigrants and tourists. Most of them look at the schedule board, waiting for their transport. We caught some vacant seats to rest and dropped our luggages beside our feet. I let Dan to freshen up first and stayed to take care of our luggages. Two minutes later, Dan came back with a bright face and he stayed, while I went to wash my face.

"Dan, you check about today's train for Momoboshi, while I get the guide."

"Sure! Go ahead."

I went further and and searched for the booth. Then, a voice called me.

"Excuse me, white hair! Yeah, you! Come here."

I turned back and saw a man beckoning me from a snack bar. I walked towards him. "Is there a problem? Why did you call me?" I asked

"Oh, no, no! It's nothing. I just want to give you something. Here, take it."

It is the tour guide for Clover Harbor. The snack seller then explained. "My friend is working with the Tourist Support booth. He gives me a batch from time to time to save some trouble and time. So, here you go."

"How much is it?"

"It's free, my pal! We don't wanna burden visitors and tourists with finance yet. You better get a Player account as soon as possible."

"Why so?" Then, he started to explain. I felt more intrigued the more he gave.

Clover Harbor, along with some more countries, is implemented with an economy system called Wildborn Crypto System. WCS, for short. It allows Players to exchange in-game currency for real money. Foreign exchange is also possible through the game. So far, the normal transactions are going smoothly and they are developing more powerful security. After all, you're dealing with actual money. The starting benefits are great and it doesn't just end there.

"Now, I understand." I detached my totem from my temple and attached it to the port that is installed in the inner leaflet of the back cover and initiated the download. Meanwhile, I took a little bundle of money and gave it to the snack seller. Six seconds later, the download is over. I took my Totem and stuck it on my temple. I then gave the book, along with a little bundle of money. "Split this with your friend and if there is more, keep the change. Thank you for the info."

Seeing the bundle made his eyes twinkle with delight. He grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously, "Thanks a lot, pal! I'll split it with my friend when he comes back. Say, what's your name?"

"It's Takeshi. Takeshi Junkitsu."

"Okay, Takeshi. I'll remember it, pal!"

We exchanged smiles and bid each other goodbye when my temple is vibrating. My Totem is receiving a call from Dan. Quickly, I traced with my finger from the temple to the back of my ear and tapped. The call connected.

"Bro, hello?"

"Yeah, what's it?"

"I checked the schedule and it turns out the train to Momoboshi is available on Friday."

"At what time?"


"That's three days from today! What do we do now?"

"I asked a bunch of people and they told me to book a room at the station lodge. Now, I'm outside waiting for a taxi. You come fast."

"Alright! I'm getting there now. Get ahold of a taxi, meanwhile."

"Sure. Bro, did you get the guide?"

"Yeah, along with some complimentary snack bundle."

"Really? What did you do?"

"I'll tell you the rest when I get there. I'll hang up."



[Dan's POV]

After Jun hung up, I continued searching for a taxi, but no luck so far. Tiredness washed over me and escaped as a big yawn from my mouth. I then heard a voice calling out to me.

"Hey! Over here!" I turned to see the source of the voice, finding out to be a biker woman. She has a bold voice with a subtle flirtatious undertone. Curious, I went to her.

"I see you have some bags on you, but nowhere to go. I guess you want to go to the lodge, yeah?"

"Yeah. I'm trying to get a taxi for that." I told her.

"Hmmm... it's rush hour buddy. You don't have a line of luck anytime soon and so, your best bet is me."

"I can see that, but could you wait for some time? My brother's not here yet."

"Of course! I'll be your company if you don't mind."

"Not at all, Miss--"

"Call me Tam-Tam. What's yours?"


"I'll call you Danny then." I could feel her smile within her helmet.

"How much is the fare?" I asked.

"Just 250 bucks."

"I see... 250? That's daylight robbery! Even the taxi fare doesn't cost much." That number shocked me a bit but when it comes to prices, I have the upper hand. Years of shopping helped me become a master of bargaining. It is a piece of cake or so I thought.

"Man, I guarantee I can get you to places in no time. Besides, the cab drivers here are pretty rude. Probably because of their jealousy over my service, hehe." She boasted with a haughty shrug, but in a good way.

"No, no, this doesn't look good. I'll suggest a better idea. How about lowering the price to 150? Sounds good?" Then she gave me a sideeye. I fear it could bore through me.

"Hey, it's not a lot. I take 350+ bucks on average daily. I'm doing this because you're an adorable hamster!"

While I like the flattery, it's not helping her in the slightest. I'm unfazed.

"I'm sorry, but the cost is too much. I'll find someone else."

"Wait, wait! How about 220?"

I continued to reduce her but she's not having it. In the end, the haggling comes to a stalemate. Although the shame is creeping upon my feet, backing down now will give her room and she would gain the upper hand. Then, I heard the voice of my savior.

"Hey, bro, is this the one?" Brother Jun is finally here. Now I could breathe peacefully. Tam-Tam on the other hand, switched her sight on him.

"So you're the brother, huh? Well, give your bags and hop on. The roads will get busier in this time of the day."

"No! We're not done yet!" I reminded.

"See, Danny... 180. That's it. Finito. Final. I'm going no lower than that."

"Is there a problem? I can help if it's possible." Jun stretched out his metaphorical helping hand. Both of us explained our sides briefly and he understood the gist of it.

"I'm sure we'll get there faster but the cost is a bit too much..." He mumbled, pondering for the solution. Suddenly, he grinned. I swear, that expression never gets old and I grinned back. Jun turned towards to Tam-Tam and talked to her.

"Tam-Tam, is it? I have an idea. Let's have a bet."

Now, Tam-Tam is intrigued. "I'm listening."

"I checked the route from the map. It takes roughly half-an-hour to get there by car, right?"

"Correct, but I can get you there within 10 minutes."

"Alright... we reach there on or before 10 minutes, I'll pay the original fare. Otherwise, you get the discounted one at the end of the trip. Sounds cool?" He rested his case.

Tam-Tam could not believe her ears. This bet could either bruise or stoke her ego. I hope it's the latter. Jun's bet is met with giggles and purple-eyed gaze from Tam-Tam's visor.

"It's a bet. Bags, please."

We gave our bags to her and she compressed them with her Porter Glove. In her hand, our bags appeared like seeds. Tiny. She then kept the bags into her pocket and started the bike. "The time starts when you say ready, okay? Jun, you sit it in front of me."


I sat behind Tam-Tam and put on the mask helmet she gave us. She gestured me to hold her close for my safety. I felt a bit hesitant but she assured me that it's fine.

"Ready when you are!" Tam-Tam is revving her bike, waiting for her signal. Jun and I gave thumbs-up. "Oh, yeah..."

The bike started moving and is gaining speed by the second. Before I realized, we're already at top speed. Tam-Tam's skills are second to none, in terms of biking and this trip is the testimony. She overtook multiple cars in a row, drifted at tight turns, skipped over speed bumps and did not slow down one bit. She zoomed through the streets easily and safely. The thrill was racing my heart and I enjoyed it, so much that I forgot the bet in the first place. It's as if we are flying in the air once again.

Before I came to my senses, we reached the lodge. Jun and I are already off the bike. But along with the senses came--
