The Medieval Empire - Part 1

Zhōng, Pablo, Huo, Xing, and Hannah finally arrived at the Medieval Empire. After a long journey of travelling in canoes for three to four weeks with current, they were amazed to see a civilization. After Pablo suggested they should wear better clothing then what they brought or wore, they went to a tailor shop to try new clothes. Xing when finished twirled in her new dress, it was long and puffy compared to the dresses she used to wear in the Ninja Empire. It tightly wrapped around her torso, revealing her elegant frame. She had a small cape around her shoulders and her hair was braided behind her head. She looked like a princess once again as she excitedly dance down the streets.

"How are you walking so fast?" asked Hannah, she wore something similar but she wasn't used to high heels. She struggle to keep up with her sister's pace.

"Balance and training, I can't remember the times I trained myself to be useful to Zhōng." giggled Xing.

"You're struggling too, aren't you?" guessed Zhōng. Xing smirked and went to help her sister to walk. Zhōng turned to look at his friend, Pablo, he was wearing a clean pair of his Assassin altair. "Weren't you the one that suggested we should wear clothes found in this empire?" he asked.

"I believe I said you all should wear clothes found in this empire, I didn't include me. Besides, aren't you scare you stand out more?" said Pablo.

Zhōng and looked down at his clothing, he was wearing leather boots that went up to his knees. His pants and coat were black with gold decaling stretching over. Under his jacket, he wore a white with orange trim undershirt to match with his short cape covering his right arm. The Ninja Sword was still on his left side with his knife and his Valtryek was carried on his back, but his throwing knives were move inside his coat. He was not found with his look as he sighed and said, "I'm uncomfortable but life in the shadows isn't a place I should prowl frequently when I become emperor."

"No, but you should have a trusted friend to do so for you." said Huo. Zhōng grinned, he had someone in mind to monitor what he won't be able to see. "Now, let's get to the palace if we are done shopping and exploring. I'm sure King James has heard rumors of Ninjas and Assassin roaming his streets." he declared. His children nodded and they headed towards the castle.

The doors swung open as the group entered the throne room, on the other side sat King James with the Medieval Sword in between his legs and gripped in his right hand. They bowed when they were closed enough and the harold spoke. "You are in the presence of King James, son of King William, father of Prince Henry, wielder of the Medieval Sword, ruler of the Medieval Empire." he decreed.

"Your majesty," began Zhōng, taking another bow. "I am Zhōng, the Risen King, son of Emperor Huo, wielder of the Ninja Swords, known in the past as the Fallen Prince and the Dual Bladed Ninja, and the rightful ruler of the Ninja Empire. I've come to hear your reply to my call I have activated."

"I'm shocked, brother," stated a voice. They turned and saw Emperor Zhēngfú entering the throne room. "The last time I saw you or heard about you, you were going to have Former Princess Zhen be the ruler." he continued.

"Brother," murmured Hannah as she watched Emperor Zhēngfú approached them.

"I see you picked up an new ally, is that Assassin your old friend?" questioned Emperor Zhēngfú as he looked at Pablo.

"I'm surprised you recognized me, I'll let you know that we had eyes on you before you became emperor." stated Pablo, his eyes shined out of his hood warning Emperor Zhēngfú that was close enough.

Emperor Zhēngfú snickered and looked at the young Assassin. "I'll put your mind at ease to let you know that the last of your kind is dead in my capital. Did you know many of them?" he antagonized.

Pablo's fist quenched but that was all he showed as his emotions. Zhōng put his hand on his friend's shoulders, he can see his restraint but also the anger. "I see that you haven't change much, brother, you still want to gloat your victories." he said and his dark blue eyes glowed like diamonds and pierced as sharply too. "Thank you for staying till we at least catch up, but we'll be going first." he thanked. He bowed one more time at King James before leading his group back towards the doors they entered. However, before they could past, the guards blocked their way.

"I understand you are in a hurry, Risen King, but I have yet to decide and you both are now trapped here until I do." declared King James. Zhōng turned around and stared at the king, he was frustrated that he was now trap.

A Viking ship soon made port at the capital of the Medieval Empire just two weeks later. The people at the harbor were surprised to see the vessel moaring up at their pier with no intentions for a raid. The men on board also carried goods to trade as Tony helped them by taking a heavy barrel. "Is that all you can carried?" challenged Alice as she carried a barrel on each shoulder.

"I'm a simple, cleaver merchant, not a strong, violent warrior." grunted Tony as he set down his barrel.

"Who are you calling violent?" growled Alice as she dropped her barrels by Tony's. They thudded on the wooden dock as she stood back up. Even though she was as tall as Tony, it felt to Tony that she was larger.

"We can have a rematch if you want, I won't mind now that we are on land." whimpered Tony.

"Perhaps, but you'll have a better advantage." stated Alice. Tony nodded and stretched a little since he was cramped from the journey to the capital of the Medieval Empire.

"Are you sure he's here?" asked King Alexios to Grand Mentor Altaïr who joined them when they stopped at the Assassin Empire.

"I haven't heard anything about him leaving this empire, besides I wonder what those two flags mean." said Mentor Altaïr.

King Alexios looked up at the castle along with Chief Odin, Lord Tyron, Wēi and Zhen. They saw two different flags flying on different sides of the castle. "Do you know what those mean?" asked King Alexios to Wēi and Lord Tyron.

"Well the black and red one I recognized to be sigil for the Old Ninja Empire. The other one that is white and orange I could guess to be Zhōng's." said Lord Tyron.

"Then why is King James flying both then?" asked Wēi.

"I think we'll get that answer soon," said Lord Tyron as he noticed knights marching towards them.

"Which Ninja emperor do you support?" demanded one of the knights.

"The one that wields the Ninja Swords," replied King Alexios.

"Follow us then," ordered the knight. He took lead along with two other knights as King Alexios, Chief Odin, Grand Mentor Altaïr, Lord Zào, Lord Tyron, General Alice, Wēi, Zhen, Tony, Jack, John, Cortana, Kotori, Silica, and Pina followed behind with three more knights taking the rear.

Xing was in the garden studying the flowers growing there. She gently was brushing and cradling a flower in her hand as she looked over it. "They're beautiful," she said when she looked at the prince of the Medieval Empire.

"Are they sick in any way? Around this time of year, all of them are full bloom and not half." said Prince Henry as he took the flower in Xing's hand.

"No, they appeared to be healthy, I might suggest rotating where you grow each kind of flowers." said Xing as she watched the prince work on the flower she just held.

"Would that work?" asked Prince Henry.

"My uncle had a flower bed outside of his shop. My brother and I took care of it when we lived with him. According to my brother, our mother used to grow flowers all the time." said Xing.

"When did your mother died?" asked Prince Henry.

Xing lowered her head and looked away from the prince. Her hands rested on her dress with one over the other. It was a topic that was sensitive to her since she had no memory of her mother. "Just a month or two after I was born, my brother never talks about her other then she was kind. I heard she was beautiful and lovely too, she was known as the desert empress. Sometimes my brother said I looked exactly like her but I'm sure I can't be as beaut-" said Xing. She stopped when Prince Henry put the flower she once held in her hair by her ear.

"You're right, they are beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful of them all." praised Prince Henry. Xing blushed from the prince's words before looking up at the balcony where Zhōng, Huo, Pablo, and Hannah could see the gardens.

"They're perfect for each other," exclaimed Hannah as they watched Prince Henry and Xing.

"Hannah, we've been over this, there's complications that are impossible to get pass." groaned Zhōng as he turned away from the balcony.

"Nothing is impossible, you're living proof," said Pablo as he joined his friend at a table inside.

"I relied on the skills you taught me," stated Zhōng as Hannah and Huo joined them. He pulled out a saxe knife and twirled it on the table.

"But I only taught you a portion, you figure out the rest on your own," said Pablo.

"If it weren't for those skills, you would have been dead a long time ago. I have to admit that those skills is what help you till this point." said Huo.

"History will tell the tales of the Dual Bladed Ninja, Fallen Prince and Risen King. From the first public appearance, to the Black Market Games, to the battle against the Black Assassins, to the fall of the Ninja Black Market, to the rise of the Old Ninja Empire, and finally to the birth of the Risen King. My skills have serve their purpose till now, unfortunately. There's no reason for me to prowl in the shadows since I'll be a beacon of light." said Zhōng.

"Agree, however, the council of mentors know a way to blend in. I can teach you if you like." offered Pablo.

"I'll be under your instruction then." accepted Zhōng.

Huo looked up at the clock and groaned as he rose from his chair. "It seems it's getting that time, I'll go get Xing." he stated.

"I can get her, father," said Hannah as she stood up from her seat.

"No, not today," objected Huo as he opened the door. On the other side Huo saw was Former Empress Wēi. She was shock to see him but recover as her red eyes glared violently at him. "Your majesty," he greeted, he then nodded at Lord Tyron before slipping past the party on the other side.

"King Alexios, Former Empress Wēi, my lords and friends, it's good to see you again. I apologize for my sudden departure from the Viking Empire." greeted Zhōng, he quickly stood up as the party entered the room.

"What's he doing here?" demanded Wēi, she did not like seeing Huo once again.

"My father is only here to help me strategize against my brother. I don't plan for him to advise me when I'm emperor," explained Zhōng.

"When you're emperor?" questioned Lord Zào in disbelief.

"I thought Grand Mentor Altaïr told you when you arrived at the Assassin Empire," assumed Zhōng, he was puzzled by the lord's outburst.

"I did inform them," said Mentor Altaïr appearing out of no where in the room. "Apprentice, care to explain why you haven't made contact except once while staying here?" he asked Pablo.

"Forgive me, mentor, King James has put careful watch on our movements. It's barely possible for any information to leak through." replied Pablo as he bowed at his mentor.

"I won't accept this, and neither will Former Princess Zhen," declared Lord Zào. He turned to look at Zhen and was surprise to see guilt on her face.

"I assume you would want me on your court along with my mother." guessed Zhen.

"Your mother, you and my uncle are the first I have for my court, princess." answered Zhōng.

Zhen turned to look at Lord Zào, she can see he objected to Zhōng being the new ruler instead of her. "Your armies are pledge to me, I'll pledge to any force that is better then Emperor Zhēngfú's." she said to him.

"Very well, your majesty," accepted Lord Zào with defeat and disgust.

"Now that's out of the way, Zhōng, may I introduce you Chief Odin of the Viking Empire," introduce Alice as she and Chief Odin appoarched Zhōng.

"The honor is mine, I'm glad you came to see me. I would have come back to your empire if time allowed me." said Zhōng as he bowed at Chief Odin.

Chief Odin was surprised by how much respect Zhōng gave him. He heard about Zhōng from stories Alice, Tony, and Zhen told on their way to the Medieval Empire but was surprised by how much wisdom he carried behind the warrior's eyes. "I know the odds are better if we're fighting together, you're going to need every soldier possible to beat your brother. But I want all my lands back when this is over." he said.

Zhōng chuckled and reached out his hand to the chief, he saw Chief Odin hesitant before accepting the shake. "I apologize for embarassing your people and I will repay it." he promised.

"Now that we've straighten out on who will sit on the throne and introductions, Lord Zhōng, where are the negotiations at with King James?" asked King Alexios.

"I'm sure you noticed that there's two sigils besides the Medieval Empire's sigil hanging from these walls. My brother is here as well but King James is refusing for either of us to leave till one passes his trial." explained Zhōng.

"Which is what?" asked Mentor Altaïr.

"My challenge for the trial is honor while my brother is loyalty. Everyday we both have a chance to speak with King James except for two days of the week. Those two days we get to speak to him as well as members of his court as we attend his ball." replied Zhōng.

"So you've been stuck here for a month twiddling your fingures for most of that time while the rest of it was partying and convincing King James." summarized Wēi, she has begin to think that there's more Zhōng wasn't telling about his new relationship with his father.

"To back Lord Zhōng's claim, I've heard King James is very strict. He, like I'm sure the other empires have, heard the stories of the Dual Bladed Ninja, the Fallen Prince, and now the Risen King. He most likely wants Zhōng to explain why he did things that aren't so honorable in the light." defended King Alexios.

"That's exactly the reason why I'm still stuck here. Looking back, I did what I needed to do to survive but it meant crossing lines that the light will frowned against." said Zhōng. He turned to look at the window, it was facing south and he could see over the short wall trees and small mountains. Beyond them was the western coast of the Ninja Empire as the thought of it made a tear leak out of his blue eyes.

"Perhaps, nephew, first-hand witnesses can help you convince King James to join you and let you go." suggested Lord Tyron.

"I won't be so sure, but I am running short on ideas and tonight will be perfect." said Zhōng, he wiped his tears away and turned back to look at them.

"Is there a reason why it'll be perfect?" asked Tony.

Xing entered the room, she bowed her head quietly but they all noticed her dress was from the Medieval Empire. Zhōng looked at Tony who was hypnotized by her dress, he smirked before looking at the girls behind Zhen as Xing joined them. "Tonight according to King James, not only will his court be here, but also lord, ladies, and barrons for tonight's ball." explained Zhōng.

The girls realized what it could mean, though they never been to a ball, they heard stories about them. "I guess we came just in time," stated Zhen as she was feeling excited too.

"I'll request tailors to come to your rooms straight away, King James made it clear to us that we must look like our best." said Zhōng.

"Then we'll see you there then," declared King Alexios. He, Chief Odin, Grand Mentor Altaïr, and Wēi bowed their heads at Zhōng before leading the others out of the room.

"Lord Zhōng, and his sister, Miss Xing!" announced the harold later that night as Zhōng and Xing entered the room. Zhōng was dress with noble clothes from the Ninja Empire, it was black with an orange and white trim as the Ninja Sword hang from his waist. His hair was comb back revealing his tattoo as it showed who he was. Xing, however, wore a Medieval white with light green trim dress. Her hair was braided and she wore jade earings on her ears.

"You have so many eyes on you," teased Xing as they walked through.

"All the ladies are looking at you, I believe they see you as a rival for the prince." joked Zhōng.

"Now you're sounding like Hannah," giggled Xing.

"Sadly we're related," snickered Zhōng. They turned around to see Hannah and Huo entering. Once they meet them, Huo nodded and left them just as Lord Zào and Zhen entered.

"Former Empress Wēi and Lord Tyron! Chief Odin and General Alice! Grand Mentor Altaïr and his apprentice, Pablo! The Spartan King, King Alexios! Mr. Tony and Miss Silica! Mr. Jack and Miss Kotori and Miss Pina! Mr. John and Miss Cortana!" announced the harold as each entered the ball. They soon joined Zhōng as he waited for them and bowed with respect.

"Excuse me, miss," stated a voice behind Xing. When she turned around, she saw Prince Henry was addressing her. He was wearing the same color pallet as Xing's dress as his blue eyes dazzled at Xing. "Would you care for a dance?" he asked reaching his hand out.

"How could I say no to you, your majesty," said Xing, she smiled and took his hand as he lead them to the space to dance.

"They're so perfect," said Hannah as the rest watched them go.

"You know, Hannah, you're absolutely right," agreed Cortana.

"They're head over heels for each other," sighed Pina as they watched them begin to dance.

"Indeed," muttered Tony as he watched Xing twirled with the prince. He felt an hand on his shoulder and turned to see Zhōng looking at him with a worried look in his eyes. "I'm going to try some food," he said as he grinned at his friend before leaving.

Zhōng watched his friend leave with shutters, he looked at Alice and Pablo who understood telepathically and followed Tony away. "Now shall we go see King James since we're all here?" he suggested.

"I'll perhaps would like to dance a few songs. Your majesty, shall we show them how to do it?" said Lord Zào.

Zhen was surprised the lord asked her to dance with him, she hesitated because she was with Zhōng the most. However, her mother nodded to her it was okay when she looked at her. "Very well, but I'm sure the prince has taught Miss Xing some moves that could match us." she accepted and they went to dance as well. The girls and the boys followed after them and tried to dance the style the Medieval Empire dances to.

Zhōng led the rest to King James who was talking to some of the lords from far away fiefdoms in his empire. He quickly excuse them when he saw them appoarched. "Your majesty, may I introduce to you, King James, wielder of the Spartan Sword and ruler of the Spartan Empire," began Zhōng.

"King James, it's an honor to meet such a wise king," greeted King Alexios.

"Likewise, King Alexios, it's an honor to meet a wise warrior," acknowledged King James.

"Chief Odin, wielder of the Viking Axe and chief of the Viking Empire," continued Zhōng.

"I thought Chief Stoick was chief of the Vikings?" questioned King James.

"My predessor broke all three vows sworn to keep when wielding the Viking Axe, the Vow Keeper I'm told executed him and I took his place." explained Chief Odin, he bowed his head at King James.

"You're definetely a very humble chief, I don't know much of your people but I can see you'll be a strong and wise ruler." said King James, he returned a bowed to Chief Odin.

"Grand Mentor Altaïr, primary wielder of the Assassin Hidden Blades and one of seven mentors of the Assassin Empire," said Zhōng.

"Your security is impressive, the fact not even a whisper from my apprentice can be heard," said Mentor Altaïr.

"I know your kind likes to hide in the shadows mostly, I also know they're everywhere. I'm very sure if I raise my hand on you, twenty will pounce on me," stated King James.

"For someone as powerful as me, I'll let you know there's at least fifty in this room if anything should happened to me," chuckled Mentor Altaïr. He turned to look at Zhōng curious if he was looking.

"I think I've counted fifty three so far," said Zhōng, knowing what the mentor was going to asked. "And finally, Former Empress Wēi, empress of the Ninja Empire. And my uncle, Lord Tyron of the Ninja Empire." he finished introducing.

"King James, I was hoping to meet you for negotiations of peace talks between our two empires," stated Empress Wēi.

"I'll tell you I was considering in accepting your request, I'm sorry that you lost the empire." said King James, he reached and kissed Wēi's hand as a greeting. "Now, Lord Zhōng, I would like to talk to them without you being around if that's alright with you," he requested.

"Of course, your majesty," accepted Zhōng and left them alone.

Zhōng walked around the outskirts of the ball, he watched his sisters dance and Zhen as she sparkled in his eyes. Her turquios and blonde stripe hair twirled as she dance to the music, he can tell she was leading. He looked ahead and saw Alice leaning on rail watching the ball and joined her. "How is he?" he asked her.

"He'll be alright, torn but fine, Pablo and him are sharing stories about you," said Alice.

"Oh? What kind of stories?" asked Zhōng.

"Oh the time you apparently fell through a market stand or the time you almost burned a building down while trying to make potions or the time you fell through a roof as girls were bathing." listed Alice, she turned her head and looked at Zhōng for the last part.

"So going over my mistakes, lessons learned and Tony wasn't there for the last one," said Zhōng, he can feel Alice's glared down his neck as he looked out to watched the ball.

"They also told great tales about you, as a prince, as a criminal, as a... friend. I can see how close they were to you." said Alice.

"Alice, I've failed you, I know, but give me chance. I want you to..." began Zhōng, he turned to look at Alice. Before he could finished, Alice but her hand on his lips. He could see her ermald dress was simple but showed her curves as her green eyes showed vulnerbility.

"There's something I need to tell you too, Zhōng," began Alice. As the party continued, she talked to Zhōng telling him everything he needs to know. She then left him by himself as she went to find Chief Odin.

Zhōng rubbed his eyes as he took in the information told to him. He then felt a pressense behind him and noticed a guard standing behind him. "How long were you there for?" he questioned.

"Just after she left, your majesty," said the guard.

Zhōng reconginzed the voice and turned around to see a guard in his late thirties and carrying a spear and a Ninja-type Spriggan class sword. "Howin?" he asked in disbelief.

"It is, Risen King, it's great to see you and alive." greeted Captain Howin.

Zhōng pounced and hugged him relieved he was okay. "I didn't hear what happened to you, I'm glad you're alive too." he cried.

"I apologize I couldn't join you sooner, the safest way for me was to go to the Medieval Empire. My mother was a citizen so I can cross easily, I had to serve some time as a guard before continuing. But now you're here and I heard you are trying to become king now." said Captain Howin.

"Well, it's a long story," sniffled Zhōng as he broke away from the hug.

"Well then tell me, unless you're waiting your turn to dance," teased Captain Howin. Zhōng smirked and begin telling the tale after he fled from the Ninja Empire.

Huo was drinking some wine while watching his daughters dance elegantly. He turned his head to see women snickering and hiding the mouths behind fans while looking at him. "Don't you think you already have enough children?" stated Lord Tyron, stepping infront of Huo's vision.

"Did it look like I was going to make a move?" asked Huo as he shifted his focus back to his daughters.

"Well, tell me how it started with Hannah's mother," pressed Lord Tyron.

Huo sighed before taking another sip of his wine. "Zhōng did say you were mad at me," he said.

"I'm kinda still am, I know how loyal you were to Yah, I know how much sadness it cost you when they couldn't cure her." said Lord Tyron.

"Believe me, it still does," said Huo. He focused on Xing as she danced and shined with prince while being happier then ever. "You raised them better then I could ever have, thank you," he thanked.

"I've tried my best, Xing was at least cooperative, Zhōng was more difficult as time grew." stated Lord Tyron.

"No, you were the best, Zhōng told me how you took them in and cared for them. He said since losing the empire, your shop was what became his new home. And yes while you were mad at me, you took Hannah in too. I can't thank you enough, brother." argued Huo.

"It's what family is for, we must look out for each other. Even if one makes such terrible mistakes." said Lord Tyron. Huo chuckled and smiled, it surprised his brother since it's been almost decades since he saw a smile like that.

"Does that mean you keep secrets too?" asked Wēi as she joined the gentlemen.

"Your majesty, you told me to leave my son behind. I did what was requested but he accidently found me in the mountains. It was also I who took care of him while you were terrified to go up there." stated Huo.

"Let me see it," demanded Wēi, raising her hand up to recieve something.

Huo looked at his brother confused as to what she wanted to see. "King Alexios told Zhen and Emperor Zhēngfú about you and said you had the diary I sent to you." explained Lord Tyron.

"I told him to tell them I was alive and beware of me, he didn't have to say I was keeping a secret." sighed Huo.

"The diary, now," demanded Wēi, growing impatient.

"Your majesty, I'm warning you, you don't want to see it." warned Huo.

"Besides, your majesty, you think my brother will have it on him?" questioned Lord Tyron. He turned to look at Huo and saw guilt on his face. "You have it on you?" he asked in disbelief.

"You said take it to my grave," said Huo. He reached into his coat and pulled out an old diary. It was the same one Lord Tyron recieve from Lord Zhe years ago. Before Wēi could take it, Huo's grip tightened and she look into his eyes. "This must never be seen or hear by Zhōng and you won't do anything different after reading this," he warned.

Wēi nodded that she understands and Huo let go so she can look through it. Near the back was a marked page, when she read it, she was shock by what was written.

"Your stories about him are impressive, but it doesn't convince me to join him." stated King James after he heard the trials the grand mentor, the chief, and the Spartan King each gave to Zhōng.

"King James, we must stand united, surely you can see the possible threat Emperor Zhēngfú's forces could march at." pointed out Chief Odin.

"Indeed, but for hundreds of years, the Medieval Empire was able to defend our lands. With the help of the Indian Empire, we can be as strong as the Ninja Empire's forces. With all due respect, Chief Odin, I can protect my lands unlike you." said King James.

"Chief Odin maybe new and young, but he has support from his generals and they are fighting back against the Ninja Empire. I agree with Chief Odin, we can either be picked apart or stand together." argued King Alexios.

"Indeed but you saw first hand how dirty Zhōng was willing to get his hands. Though he doesn't hide it, can you prove he did it for the interest of his empire?" questioned King James.

"If you going to look at his deeds, then the shadows is where we could see them. I let my pupil fight him to show him the new path to the light. While we could never see or find Zhōng, the stories and tales are all true and I believe it is for the empire he loves." stated Mentor Altaïr.

"You are a wise and powerful man, Grand Mentor Altaïr. What you can see as a clean person, I see as a filthy animal who only knows violence. The stories of him as a prince are considered impossible to be true as his last decade he's been violent and terrifiying." said King James.

"But can you see it now?" asked King Alexios, they turned to see Zhōng was talking to a lord and lady as a guard introduce them. "While his prince years are a twinkle in the past, cover by the masks he wore, his compassion and care is still with him."

King James smirked then said, "To be honorable is to be honest, while his deeds could be consider honorable, I want him to prove something that he's been honorable up to now."

Wēi handed the journal back, she was shocked from what she read. She looked up at her daughter as the song finished and they stopped dancing. She looked lovely in the red dress and white trim. Her back was exposed as it was fashion in the Medieval Empire but it didn't bother her. Feeling her mother's stare, Zhen looked over at her and smile. "She's got to know," stated Wēi. Before she could leave, Huo grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"She's too close to Zhōng, it'll be better if she doesn't know too." stated Huo. Wēi turned to look at Lord Tyron who simply shrugged his shoulders as he agreed with his brother.

"But this could now help him," argued Wēi.

"At the cost of losing your honor? We may most likely never see eye to eye, but this is something we must agree on." stated Huo, keeping his grip firm on Wēi's arm.

Wēi sighed and nodded her head, Huo soon let go as the two rulers of the Ninja Empire looked at each other. "I'll accept you as a court member if you promise me you'll tell him when he becomes emperor." she said.

"Any sooner and I'll let you know." promised Huo.