For the Ninja Empire

A black ship slowly treaded towards the port of Port Dake early foggy morning. The heaving lines were thrown off and were tied to the pier before the brow was laid down. Ten Ninja soldiers marched on the foreign ship with spears in their hands and katanas on their hips. A man with a peg right leg, a hooked left hand and a left eyepatch came down from the bridge and approached them. "Welcome aboard me ship," he greeted them.

"Are you the captain?" asked the lead soldier.

"Aye," replied the man as he hobbled towards them.

"State your business," demanded the lead soldier.

"I'm here to drop off goods for the war and valuable cargo," replied the captain.

"Where's your men?" asked the lead soldier.

"Guarding the valuable cargo, let's say he's naive and foolish to come back to me waters. I would assume the emperor of this empire would love to have the head of the opposer." stated the captain. He watched as all ten suddenly tensed as they knew who he was talking about.

The lead soldier motioned six of his men to go below decks, they quivered before heading down below into the abyss of darkness. "I'll have my men check it, first before you file the claim, pirate," declared the lead soldier.

The captain smiled his scared lips and said, "Very well."

The six soldiers who went below decks slowly stride through the decks. The lower they went, the darker it became and an aura of someone watching them grew. They soon reached almost the bottom deck where they saw cages but no one was in them. Sounds of chains moving drew their focus to a darker abyss as they pointed their spears. "Who's there?" demanded one of them. However, there was no response as something attached to their feet and snatched them away.

The lead soldier was pacing above decks as he was waiting for the six to return. A thought came into his head and approached the captain who was enjoying his pipe. "You didn't happen to have Ninja soldiers land on your ship before you made port?" he asked.

"Aye, what of it?" puffed the captain.

"Did they see the Risen King?" questioned the lead soldier.

"Aye," replied the captain.

"Are they still on board?" asked the lead soldier.

"Aye," stated the captain before tapping his pipe.

"Where are they?" demanded the lead soldier.

"Look up," said the captain. The lead soldier and his three companions looked up to see four dead comrades hanging from a yardarm on the mast. "The last thing they saw was the Risen King."

"You're under arrest, pirate! I hereby claim your ship as a vessel for the Ninja Empire in which it would be used to destroy the enemy's forces." declared the lead soldier. He and his companions pointed their spears at the captain as he relighted his pipe.

"My friends, ye think you can claim this ship? This is a ship of legend, The Shadow," stated the captain. The four Ninja soldiers looked around and saw the cannons moving on their own and pointed towards them. "Harm me and you released The Shadow's Wrath. Or get on ye knees quickly with hands up and no weapons and you can be spared the fate the Risen King will give you." stated the captain. Before any of them could move, Zhōng swiped their heads cleaned off with the Ninja Swords. He looked at the captain and nodded before looking back at the fleet of pirate ships approaching the port.

"Lord Captain Edwards, ensure we get those spare cannons unloaded. I would like to march south to meet the Vikings and Spartans who are marching north. From there, we go northwest till we meet with the Indians and Medieval Empire's main force. Once we are all gathered, we'll march south to where Emperor Zhēngfú's main force is." said Zhōng after they took control of the port. It was easy to take as they walked through streets that were burnt and being rebuilt.

"Aye, aye, it shall be done," promised Lord Captain Edwards. He soon hobbled away to speak with some of his men.

Zhōng looked around the ruined city, he heard it was destroyed by his brother but never imagined it to become incinerated. He turned to look at Zhen as she was organizing her men similar to how he used to do it and at Jack and John as they organized his men for him. He felt the presence of two approaching behind him till they lined up on each side of him.

"Poseidon described to me what it looked like when this port was underattacked. I think I can hear the peoples' cries as they burned," stated Tony, he turned to see Zhōng slowly nodding as if he could hear them as well.

"Is this really my old home?" asked Alice on the other side of Zhōng.

"This is but a sample of what my brother has done to this empire," stated Zhōng. He fist clinched tightly from the destruction surrounding him.

"Zhōng!" called out Pablo, he came with them and was searching the area. His cries caught, Alice's, Tony's, Zhen's, Jack's, and John's attention as well. "You should see this," he stated.

Zhōng walked towards Pablo as he led them away. Tony, Alice, Zhen, Jack, and John followed them as they came around a broken building to see a wall of dead bodies. It was thirty feet high and stretched for three hundred feet. At the center was a throne made from some of the bodies and someone kneeling at it. Zhōng approached the man to see a spear pierced through him and a tag attached with a name.

"That's Klein," stated Tony as he recognized the body. They looked at the wall to see some of the bodies also had tags with names.

"They must have requested names for those who survived or if they knew those who died," theorized John.

"Tony, did he help you in any way to the uprising of the Old?" requested Zhōng, he turned to look at him to see his friend shaking his head.

"Why did they build this?" asked Jack as he studied closer at the wall.

"Fear, a warning, and a message to me," stated Zhōng. He studied the wall from beginning to end as he looked at the dried-up bodies. Some of them were eaten and others were slowly falling apart. He looked down and shook his fist feeling he had betrayed them. "Alice, take as many as you need to defend against a small militia. Ride south to the Viking and Spartan empires' armies and march northwest to Jigoku Canyon. Pablo, Tony, Jack, and John, ride west and inform the Indian and Medieval empires' armies the same location," he ordered.

"We'll get going right away," stated Jack as he, Pablo, Tony, and John left the wall to retrieve horses and supplies. Alice nodded and left shortly after them to gather men for her journey.

"Why Jigoku Canyon?" asked Zhen, she watched Zhōng study the wall again as if he was trying to recognize other people.

"Long ago, when our ancestors were fighting against the Indian Empire, the wielder of the Ninja Sword led an army to the canyon. He was also the one who let Daiichi City fall easily and wanted to take revenge. However, he wasn't a warrior nor a strategist, he led his men to their demise in that canyon. After the battle was over, the Indians smeared our ancestors' blood on its walls and placed the former wielder of the Ninja Sword on a stone throne. Since that day, the canyon has been named Jigoku Canyon as some can still hear the cries of their merciless deaths." explained Zhōng.

Zhen looked at the wall of bodies, she can now see the resemblance between it and Jigoku Canyon. "We should bury them," she suggested.

"We'll bury all except one," said Zhōng and he looked at Klein's dead body.

Months passed since the Risen King's campaign began, his armies invaded the Ninja Empire and advanced to Jigoku Canyon. At the southern mouth was a valley and a hill where Emperor Zhēngfú's armies and artillery stood facing the imposing invading force. Tension rosed between the two as their leaders rode forward to meet the opposing leader at the center of the field. Zhōng had with him; Pharoah Ichika, Queen Hannah, King James, Chief Pontiac, Chief Odin, General Alice, Pablo, Tony, and Zhen as they saw four horses approaching them. They noticed it was Emperor Zhēngfú, Hatshepsut, Lord Sensou, and Xiōngshǒu as they stopped in front of them.

"Well I see you understood my message, I was curious if you would come or simply laid waste throughout the empire that you love," sneered Emperor Zhēngfú.

"I and six others are sworn to fight with the strong to protect the weak, I will not put the people in danger that they can't defend," stated Zhōng.

"But I have no quarrel with any of them, I simply took lands that they couldn't protect." defended Emperor Zhēngfú.

"Invading my empire and threatening my predecessor to a vow he shouldn't have made is all I need to call for war," growled Chief Odin.

"Perhaps I was too kind, I should have killed him with my or with mercenary hands," stated Emperor Zhēngfú.

"Death is always been repaid with death. You killed our grand mentor along with the kings of the Spartan and Egyptian empires and former rulers of the Ninja Empire," accused Pablo.

"I assume my death will pay for all of them. However, I simply opened a way for someone powerful to succeed the throne for one," said Emperor Zhēngfú.

"Father wouldn't want this, no matter who was his heir, we should respect his wish," stated Pharaoh Ichika to Hatshepsut.

"Father is a liar, he betrayed his promise and had you bastards marry and take everything from me," snarled Hatshepsut.

"It was a promise he made to both of them, he told me himself when I lived there," declared Zhōng.

"It's funny and annoying that you take everything without even trying. You've gathered an army to fight for an empire that you didn't want at first. An empire that our father proclaimed you to be heir of, an empire that you swore to protect but failed. That sword you wield should have been mine like our historic lineage, the first son becomes emperor and wields the Ninja Sword." stated Emperor Zhēngfú.

"Fortunately, your luck has run out since I'm taking everything back. Starting with conquering this empire, I've made progress in overcoming obstacles including defeating our father and your allies. With a twentieth of my best ten thousand, I made sure he suffered the most in battle, he was the last one killed as we killed the others around him. During his last breath as his strength slowly was failing him, he crawled over to Former Empress Wēi's cold body. He stared into her pale eyes and reached for her hand and said something to her. I could probably guess it was a confession but I didn't ask since I plunged deep into his heart." he continued.

Zhōng turned to look at Zhen who was keeping her composer, however, her fist clinched tightly on her reigns. He then turned and approached closer to Emperor Zhēngfú. "If we followed our lineage where the first son is proclaimed to be the next emperor and wielder of the Ninja Sword, then you still won't get it. Before father declared me, there was one other emperor who chose his second son over his first," he growled. He then rode back to his army with his companions behind him. Emperor Zhēngfú returned to his as well and they all went back into their camps.

That night, at the camp in Jigoku Canyon, Zhōng, Zhen, Pablo, Lord Tyron, Lord Xīn, General Alice, General Cheirisophus, Lord Captain Edwards, Queen Kassandra, Pharaoh Ichika, Chief Odin, Chief Pontiac, King James, and the mentors of the Assassin Empire were going over the last details of the next day's battle. "The pirates will use their cannons to give artillery to the incoming enemy. We should use the Egyptian, and Indian empires and some of the Medieval Empire calvaries on the left flank. Based on what I noticed how Emperor Zhēngfú's warriors were lined up, he'll have his calvary to strike on our left flank. If we meet them with our own then we'll slow his charge against us. On our right flank, we'll have the Viking and Spartan empires' armies for a strong destructive wall. The Spartans' shields will defend while the Vikings' axes will cut them down. It will be a slow grind but crucial in the end." explained Zhōng, he pointed on a map of where each army would be.

"Then that'll leave my foot soldiers, the Assassin Empire's army, the former princess's army, and yours," accounted King James, he looked up to see Zhōng nodding. "Might I suggest we swap with the Spartans and Vikings? Emperor Zhēngfú could have his best at the center," he suggested.

"I know he will, Zhēngfú's Fist will be his lead main army. I want to wrap them in as they push us back towards the canyon. With luck, Emperor Zhēngfú would join them and be amongst them. When that happens, I can end this war once and for all. However, it won't be obvious, I spoke with Grand Mentor Kai about a decisive plan when the battle begins. With your and mine armies in the middle along with half of the Assassin Empire's armies, it'll be too perfect for the emperor to refuse." explained Zhōng, he braced his weight on the table as he analyzed the scheme he made.

General Cheirisophus grunted while looking at the plan, he was looking for any possible weaknesses or errors the Risen King's plan had. Seeing that he had one, he looked at Zhōng to see his eyes were warning him not to tell. "Everything must be going the way it's planned for this to work," he declared.

"Agree, we should get some sleep now," stated Lord Tyron.

"Lord Xīn, make sure the men are ready for what's to come," ordered Zhōng as he studied the map again.

"Yes, your majesty," replied Xīn and he and Lord Tyron left.

"I'm going to make sure the cannons are set up," stated Lord Captain Edwards, with a pent-leg, he wobbled out of the tent.

"Pablo, let's ensure our surprise is prepared," suggested Mentor Kai.

"Yes, grand mentor," agreed Pablo and the seven Assassins left. The rest soon followed out of the tent, however, Zhōng and Zhen stayed behind.

Zhen turned to look at Zhōng as he was still looking at the map. With the quiet tension increasing, she asked, "Do you think there were spies listening to our plans?"

"Tony, Jack and John are patrolling the tent even as we speak," stated Zhōng.

"Do you think we'll win it tomorrow for good?" asked Zhen.

Zhōng looked up to see the former princess slowly rounding the heading towards him. She was bothered by something besides the outcome and who is listening to them. "You have concerns about my plan?" he asked.

"The pirates are using their cannons to thin the incoming assault, the Egyptian and Indian empires make the left flank, the Spartan and Viking empires make right flank, and the Medieval and Assassin empires along with yours make the middle." recapped Zhen. Zhōng nodded and returned to the map. "So where will my army be placed?" asked Zhen, noticing he mention nothing about her army's involvement.

"They'll stay here," began Zhōng, he looked up to see Zhen glaring at him for more information. With a sigh, he continued, "They'll be used for your escape from this battle."

"What?" questioned Zhen, hoping that she misheard Zhōng.

"In case if I fall, you'll be my heir. I don't want your life to end with mine tomorrow if that comes to be," stated Zhōng, affirming his previous statement while slowly approaching her.

"I won't fall tomorrow, Emperor Zhēngfú's best men are no match for me or you. We can beat them, with my army…" began Zhen.

"With your army under your command will make this outcome predictable for my brother." interrupted Zhōng. "Everything he has done is a trap. Tomorrow, he'll use his cavalry to swipe through our middle force, blocking us from retreating into the canyon. He knows I won't hide behind armies but join them at the front and will attack me when the time's right. If you're there, he's hoping you'll go on the offensive drawing you away from my reach but not my sight and order his men to kill you painfully. You won't be able to beat them since there won't be any surprises if you join me."

"Then let me promise men to you, I will not attack or do anything without your command. You know I'm capable and the best behind you, I can stand my ground with you. I promise, I won't…" began Zhen. She suddenly stopped as Zhōng grabbed her arms and kissed her lips. Her face turned red and jerked from the surprise move before melting into the kiss.

When Zhōng pulled away, he saw the former princess gasping for air as her red eyes sparkled at him. "It's not that I don't trust your skills, I just can't convince myself. Trust me when I tell you that Tony, Jack, and John begged hard for me to allow them. I was going allow Tony anyway since Pablo and Alice are fighting and I knew he'll want Jack and John with him. But you saw my true self and person that seems so long ago, a memory that feels like a dream. You are the last one alive or remembers how I used to be. While I'll mourn and cry if they die, I'll lose myself if you do. It's an sacrifice I'm not willing to take." he said, his body was trembling before letting go and looking down at the map.

Zhen could see his body shake in fear, it was perhaps the first time she saw him afraid. She could see he was torn for allowing his friends to join him in battle and knew his words were true. Slowly she approached his back and hugged him from behind, humming a lullaby he sang to her when they were slaves. "Promise me when this is over, you will say just my name," she requested, laying her head on his back to hear his breathing.

Zhōng looked over his shoulder to see the former princess worry about his life. It wasn't the first time she cared for him but unlike the last few times, there was something else that mixed with her worries. "I promise," he whispered before looking back at the map.

The next day, before the sun rose into the skies, soldiers prepared themselves for battle. Some hugged their loved ones who came with them while others wrote to theirs for perhaps the final time. They soon marched out of camp and out of the canyon to stand in the valley once again. They stared forward where they could make out the enemy's armies as their size and reputation made some unease.

As the nervousness continued to increase throughout the armies, Zhōng rode to the center and the front ranks. He got off Yáo and wished his horse a perhaps farewell before it galloped away. "I see you're wearing harder armor," stated Tony as he approached the Risen King. Zhōng's armor was thicker but heavier than what normally wore, his katanas were crossed behind his back along with his knives. Around his belt, he carried shurikens and throwing knives for range attacks.

"I won't hide amongst anyone this time, besides there are no buildings for me to disappear into," stated Zhōng, he then turned his focus on the enemy's front lines as they waited for sunrise.

"I assume the former princess didn't like her orders," guessed Tony, seeing his friend's face stern but bothered by something.

"She'll do what she's told even if she hates it," stated Zhōng. Soon, Pablo and Alice joined the two men.

"Chief Odin has allowed me to help you here, he knows you'll need all the strength to hold off the incoming force," stated Alice when Zhōng and Tony noticed them.

"Good, what about the preparations?" asked Zhōng.

"They're all complete, the grand mentor ensure of it," replied Pablo.

"Very well, the pieces are in their final place," began Zhōng. Suddenly a streak of light shined from the east and the horns of the enemy blared before they charged. "And now the final game has begun," he said as he pulled up a face mask and pulled a hood over.

The Ninja Empire's army began their charge at the invaders. As they ran towards them, their cannons fired, hitting anyone close in range. Sometimes they were able to strike deep into the invader's ranks while other times they weren't close. After a few rounds were fired, a couple of the cannons exploded for an unknown reason. The Ninja Empire's main force didn't care as they charged at the Risen King's main force. However, disguised Assassins pounced on the unaware force and slayed them. 

When the surprise attack happened, Zhōng looked back and nodded at Lord Captain Edwards who was with his men manning their cannons. "FIRE!!!" screamed the captain and the cannons brought from his ships thundered again in the Ninja Empire. Their volleys erupted the grounds preventing the deeper ranks from helping their comrades falling to the Assassins.

"FOR THE NINJA EMPIRE!!!" screamed Zhōng, he drew his swords and pointed the Ninja Sword forward. His armies followed him and they charged at the surprised enemy.

Zhen and the other members of the Sinister Seven watched from the canyon as the battle played out. She saw confusion among the Ninja Empire's aft forces as they hastily tried to repair the sabotaged cannons. Where the two armies clashed, she saw the Ninja Empire's forces overwhelmed by the ambush and charging forces. Everything looked to be as Zhōng predicted last night which made her frown for the upcoming events. Soon a general approached her and her friends and bowed at her. "Your forces are ready for battle, your majesty," he reported. "What are the Risen King's orders for us?"

Zhen bit her lip as she noticed her friends curious about Zhōng's plans. "Remained ready, till I'm given the message, we'll stay here," she ordered. The general frowned at the command but nodded and bowed in acceptance before turning away.

"What were my brother's instructions when you received the message?" asked Princess Xing. She looked at Zhen who returned her focus on the battle.

"You'll know in time," stated Zhen as a tear secretly leaked from her eyes.

Tony fired behind a massive boulder made from the cannons assault on the ground. His revolving crossbow fired at the enemy force with deadly speed and if they missed, the darts would spatter and released a poisonous gas. He quickly reloaded when he ran out and pointed at the incoming force before feeling a presence. Turning quickly, he pointed at the intruder to see it was Pablo. "I see you're retreating back to your old ways," teased Pablo.

"This battle is about endurance, most of the enemy have activated their mech forms. Given time and they'll deactivate and be exhausted since they aren't used to this. I'm simply waiting till the time is right," stated Tony, he then returned his attention to the enemy force.

Pablo felt a hostile force behind him and revealed the Assassin Hidden Blades, they protruded their targets quickly as they fell from one swipe. "Any idea where Zhōng could be?" he asked when seeing a squad approaching them.

Before the squad could attack, two battle axes spun in circles chopping them like twigs. Standing above their remains was Alice who killed more who desperately attacked her. "Why are you two boys hiding while an innocent girl is fighting?" she mocked.

"Innocent is a stretch," muttered Tony, he then felt Alice glare. Before she could respond, a volley of cannon fire made her flee behind the boulder with the boys. "That's why knowledgeable men are behind strong boulders while a naive woman is slashing anyone who comes at her." teased Tony as they placed their backs behind the boulder.

"Shut up," growled Alice as another round of cannons attacked the boulder.

"Where's Zhōng? We're pinned if we stay here," stated Pablo. Suddenly the repaired cannons exploded again as a black Valtryek mech flew passed them with a Fafnir and Spriggan behind.

The pilot of the black mech deactivated and drew his second sword as he fell from the air. When he landed, he engaged in battle, striking his foes easily. His hood came off revealing his dark blonde hair as he finished his challengers. "There's your answer," said Tony and the three of them stepped away from the boulder when there were no more threats.

Zhōng approached them shortly after Jack and John landed. "Our left flank is falling apart meanwhile our right is starting to as well," he stated when they were close.

"It might be a good idea to fall back to the canyon, their cannons can't reach that far and the Assassins made sure to sabotage all the transporting gear," advised Pablo.

"But I don't think the emperor will come out to play if we fall back out of his cannons' range," stated Tony. 

"Zhōng, Former Princess Zhen's army is ready if you think this is the time to push," reported Jack.

Zhōng shook his head as he pulled his mask down. "You all are right, however, we need to keep fighting longer. Pablo, Alice, Tony, head to our right flank and prevent any more damage. Jack, John, reorganized the left flank even if it means to pull them back. We'll use whatever we have left for one more push." he ordered.

"You realized you're leaving yourself exposed and alone," stated John.

"Which is why you guys must hurry and restore our lines," replied Zhōng. His five friends nodded and quickly went to their direct location. He turned around as he saw the second wave of Ninja soldiers charging towards him. Pulling up his mask and adjusting his grip, his dark blue eyes flared at the imposing force.

The battle raged till evening soon came as at the Risen King's camp wounded bodies that could escape returned to be operated on. Zhen and her friends watched as another body went into the medical tent across from hers. The general from earlier entered the tent obscuring the view. "Your majesty, the Risen King's left flank is destroyed and the right flank is slowly crumbling. If we don't do anything, his armies will be destroyed. We must attack and help our allies and brothers now," he stated.

"I will not do anything until I receive word from Zhōng," refused Zhen.

"And what happens if the messenger is dead before he could make it over here?" challenged the general.

Zhen suddenly stood up and glared at her general, her eyes dancing like Zhōng's as they replaced the vulnerable eyes she once had. "You will do nothing but wait as instructed, general," she growled. The general trembled out and she sat down with a sigh.

"What are my brother's orders to you?" pressed Princess Xing.

"Stay here and wait for his message," replied Zhen, she turned her head away from Princess Xing.

"His true orders," demanded Princess Xing.

Zhen sighed and looked at her friend, the girl she met long ago when she was three evolved into a strong, bold princess. No longer hiding behind her brother's shadow as she created her own legacy. Knowing they never kept secrets from each other, she sighed again and said, "My army is for my retreat from battle. In case Zhōng falls, I'm his heir and therefore must stay alive."

"Did he sink into depression again?" groaned Pina.

"This is too important of a battle to lose," stated Silica.

"Logically, it makes sense, if Zhōng can't beat Emperor Zhēngfú today, then there's hope to beat him tomorrow or in the future." analyzed Cortana.

"Agree, but Emperor Zhēngfú would be vulnerable today. If we flee and attack later, he could lick his wounds damaged by Zhōng," argued Kotori.

"He's just doing it because he loves Zhen," stated Queen Hannah, the others were about to argue however they didn't see any fault in the guess.

Zhen turned and looked away from her friends, talking about Zhōng was making her worried and nervous. "If you truly love my brother, you'll know what you should do," declared Princess Xing as she watched Zhen ponder before looking back at them.

Zhōng breathed violently as he handled anyone who challenged him. His hood was gone but his mask stayed on as his strength was running out his worn, stiff body. Suddenly, three black mechs landed and surrounded him. They looked fresh as they surrounded him, their prey.

"Well, well, getting tired of fighting, brother," jeered Emperor Zhēngfú.

"Don't call me that after what you did," snarled Zhōng, he activated his Ninja Valtryek Mech and faced the emperor, Lord Sensou, and Xiōngshǒu. Their Samurai Mechs were powerful and fresh as Zhōng tried to handle them one at a time. Their movements and switches were fluent and elusive. He soon felt a punch in his stomach before a roundhouse kick slammed him into the ground. He struggled to lift himself in mech form as he coughed.

"Is this all you have for me? Your armies are crumpling to my forces like paper, did you honestly think you were going to win? You should have gone somewhere dark that you can hide and never come back. You're weak and pathetic to even think you can rule," mocked Emperor Zhēngfú. While speaking he and his companions circle Zhōng waiting to strike for any sudden movements.

Zhōng looked down at the ground, the world began to disappear into a soundless black void. He saw someone slowly approaching with black as he held both Ninja Swords in his hands. "He's right, you can't beat him alone. Let me free again and I'll kill him and his friends mercilessly," stated the Shadow King.

"I won't," refused Zhōng, he saw his evil self sneer in response.

"Which one of us kept us alive when we fled at the end of the war? Which one of us pushed us to survive after she saved us? I've been with you since the beginning of our fall, all we are fear and vengeance. The belief you have in peace and joy is a dream like everything else. You want to bring peace, then do what must be done," stated the Shadow King, he held out the Ninja Sword as if he wanted to swap consciences.

Zhōng considered taking it but a light caught his eyes and he turned to look. Walking towards him was the Ninja Mech, when it deactivated, he saw a man approaching him. "You're more than just fear, you provide hope not just to our people," began the Lone Bandit.

"But to the other six empires," finished the Empress of the New who joined the man.

"You're more than a killer," stated a soldier as he joined the two.

"You are the guardian that protects the empire," added three boys, appearing to the group.

"Emperors focus on protecting our lands from others, but you focus on protecting our people," declared the First Wielder of the Ninja Sword, coming through the group.

"Divided you're weak, but united with friends who carved you as much as you carved them, you'll rise stronger than ever," proclaimed the Ninja Mech as it appeared again behind the group.

Zhōng turned to look at the Shadow King, he closed his eyes letting a tear go before opening them again as they glowed like diamonds and blazed like fire. He looked up to see the emperor still waiting for him to make a move. "You're wrong, everything you said is wrong. I am strong and brave, especially when surrounded by friends," he said to the emperor. He deactivated his mech and stabbed his sword into the ground.

Emperor Zhēngfú, Lord Sensou, and Xiōngshǒu looked at each other confused before sensing an immediate threat from above. When they looked up, a blanket of rockets fell from the skies and crashed on top of them. When the hail storm was over, Zhōng looked up to see a red with yellow trim mech offering a hand for him to stand. He met the pilot's red eyes before activating the Ninja Mech to stand almost at equal heights. "I know you're disappointed that I've come to help you instead of waiting," began the pilot.

"I'm actually disappointed that it took you this long to come," teased Zhōng. He watched Zhen's eyes widen in shock before nodding her head ready for battle. They turn and focus on the three Samurai Mechs that recover from her ultimate move. 

"Would you care for a dance?" requested Zhen, seeing Zhōng preparing his weapons.

"Shall we do it like in the alleys long ago?" suggested Zhōng. He watched the former princess nod and they stood back to back. When three powerful imposing mechs charged at them, they fended and rotated among the three. Their movements were similar to their past teamwork battles as each knew what the other wanted to do. 

Zhōng soon rolled over Zhen and focused his attacks on Xiōngshǒu. Seeing the emperor's strongest guard struggling to keep up he pushed his assault. His movements were like phantoms in the guard's eyes as he began to struggle to block them. Raising his hands to protect his head, inspecting him to strike him next, Zhōng fired a beam that sent the guard falling backwards and out of battle. "Zhōng!" cried Zhen and when he turned, he saw her struggling against the other two remaining Samurai Mechs.

"Zhen!" called Zhōng, when she turned to see him, he activated his Valtryek sword and merged it with the Ninja Sword. "DUCK!!!" he cried as he threw a shuriken. It soon split into thousands of pieces as they locked into Emperor Zhēngfú. Seeing it coming, the emperor blocked only to see the rockets colliding very close. When they all exploded, Zhōng pounced from the smoke and drove the emperor away from her.

Lord Sensou was shocked by the surprise, however, the wrath of his cousin snapped his focus to her. With the emperor distracted with Zhōng, Zhen went on the offensive before the remaining Sinister Seven members joined them. Pina and Silica slivered from behind the lord's torso, slicing from underneath his arms. Cortana and Kotori with brute strength clashed down on his thighs as they slit deeply through. Struggling to move his painful and heavy body, he couldn't evade the serpents' tongues of Princess Xing and Queen Hannah as they poked and switched out. "Mercy," he cried, falling to his knees and bowing at Zhen. "Mercy, please spare my life, your majesty."

"I'm not the person you ask forgiveness but I'm still the person that should execute you for betraying my mother, betraying me, and betraying the true emperor," stated Zhen. Lord Sensou looked up to try to beg harder, however, she cut his head off cleanly and his Samurai Mech was defeated. Once her cousin was dealt with, she turned to see Zhōng and the emperor still fighting against each other.

The traits from his Valtryek mech made Zhōng fast and elusive. His attacks had extra power as he charged to close the distance then followed through before charging again. Emperor Zhēngfú started to see a pattern in the Risen King's offense. When Zhōng came around again, the emperor hammered a blow to stop and flatten him. However, something stopped the emperor's attack and he noticed a Spriggan mech.

"Don't think you can fight just Zhōng," stated John as he braced the Samurai mech's arm. Jack in his Fafnir mech slither from behind John past Emperor Zhēngfú and away as John lept back. The emperor noticed bombs attached to him which came from Jack as they exploded.

Emperor Zhēngfú stumbled before a black mech faced him. It wasn't the Ninja Mech but was quick and as powerful as the pilot struck him with short hidden blades. "This is for all my kind suffered," declared Pablo, he punched the emperor causing him to face his next opponent who was in a Viking Spriggan mech.

"This is for the people who bought me that fell in love with," declared Alice as she uppercut the emperor causing him to fly back.

When Emperor Zhēngfú landed, he tried to get back up before powerful shots were fired pinning him down. "And this is for taking plans made for the Risen King for yourself," declared Tony as he continued to fire at him.

Annoyed by their intrusion, Emperor Zhēngfú fired at all of them and they scattered. However, a wave of forces charged at the emperor. He stood up and prepared to take them as they charged. He took out a few before realizing the real threat was close. He searched through the charging ranks as he feared the imminent threat lurking among them. Suddenly, popping of the force, the emperor saw the Risen King leaping above, his hands were on his swords before twirling and activating for the final dual.

The events became a blur and when Zhēngfú was finally able to think and notice, he saw his forces running away from the foreign force. When he looked up, he saw Zhōng pointing the Ninja Sword at him, his body tired and worn as his eyes flared with adrenaline. The battle was over. The thoughts the Risen King battle which crept beneath his skin and the fears that rattled who he was within were finally silent.