After leaving the office room DAE-KIM walks at corridor and think about today incident " *SIGH* today is really tough but thank to the WILLAM MOTHER (MARIA D. RODHAM) i made it, but it is not to the time think about past, now it is time to think about the present for that i need to start from her" and stop at front the of library and started talking to himself " i do not want die miserably again, so for better life i have to gather this world information for that this is a best place for now " and enters the library.
DAE-KIM again goes to the library. seeing him a maid *whisper* to a other maid " hey do you see it young master is again going to the library today ". the other maid reply "yes young master going to the library non-stop from a week, maybe the rumor about young master is trying to change after the fight between him and baron fin twin sons is true". the maid reply "yes you are right, their is a another rumor about him that he is trying to get revenge on baron fin son it might be also true" and the both maid continues to whisper.
DAE-KIM hear the maids whisper and started to talk himself "what kind of wired rumor is spreading around about me, but it is also true that i am trying to change, but what kind of revenge are they talking about. Anyway but i am going to library today is for a different reason".
"After coming here (library) everyday for a week i found out many exciting things about this 'NEW WORLD'. But what impression me more about this NEW WORLD is a 'MAGICAL WORLD' ".
" This 'NEW WORLD' is filled with magic, different creatures and place. to put it simple it's like a fantasy novel or this what this book say " and see the book in his hand *PLANET MERLIN* (the name of book in his hand)". then DAE-KIM started read the book in his hand.
"according to this book the people lives in this planet call it as 'MERLIN' and the one who name this planet is one of the ancestors of 'JAZZ KINGDOM' KING 'MERLIN JAZY', also this 'JAZY KINGDOM' very big in and powerful kingdom in the past but now it became small but still it is one of the powerful kingdom in this world. This book also say that in this world there are mainly three continents and in this three continents are dominated by different creatures".
"first coming to this list is 'ROCK CONTINENT' as his name says this continent is full of rock, deserts and dry land, out of all the continent this continent is the most dangerous one, because this continent is dominated by the 'DEMONS' and this continent is also called as 'DEMONS DOMAIN'".
"second in this list is 'SNOW CONTINENT' this continent is cover by snow and iceberg, and this continent is dominated by different types of creatures. but among them the most dangerous ones are 'ORC' and 'ELF'. This continent is also called as 'ICE HELL'".
"And the last one in this list is 'ISACK CONTINENT' out of all the continent this were the 'human' exist and this continent is dominated by by four powerful empires they are 'RON EMPIRE', 'KAUL EMPIRE', 'HOLY EMPIRE' and 'JAZY KINGDOM'".
"At present the most powerful kingdom among this four kingdoms the most powerful one is 'RON EMPIRE', 'RON EMPIRE' have deep history of thousand years and maintaining it position as 'ISACK CONTINENT' strongest country for hundreds of years. and the 'WILLAM FATHER JOSH D. RODHAM' also one of the count in the 'RON EMPIRE' and the WILLAM FATHER JOSH D. RODHAM, is also landlord of the biggest commercial city of 'RON EMPIRE' 'MERACH' city. Also known as backbone of 'RON EMPIRE' royal treasury"