Chapter 8 I’M Still Working, But My Country Has Already Been Founded.

Chapter 8 I'M Still Working, But My Country Has Already Been Founded.

As the only owner of the island, from the moment Chen Yang announced the establishment of a new country, the island became an independent country.

But, this alone is not enough.

Although no one can question the attributes of this small island, it cannot be regarded as a complete country.

A complete and normal country needs to be recognized by other countries.

Only when other countries recognize it can it be considered a real country with complete sovereignty!

If you want to be recognized by other countries, it is very simple, develop!

Let this country develop and advance towards civilization instead of this image of a deserted island.

Chen Yang said: "Next, I will lead everyone to explore this new country with me!"

He picked up a machete from his kayak, put on a pair of hiking boots, and headed toward the island in front of him.

As he walked, he introduced: "The specific location of this island is between Saipan and the waters off the Philippines, 500 nautical miles away from Saipan and 1,000 nautical miles away from the Philippines."

"This island has a subtropical maritime climate, with an average annual temperature of 28 degrees, abundant sunshine throughout the year, and four seasons like early summer. The temperature difference is very small, making it very livable."

Chen Yang soon walked into the woods on the island, and there were insects and birds singing everywhere.

He wandered around the island for more than half an hour before walking towards the shore.

Returning to the shore, Chen Yang said: "Today's live broadcast ends here. I have to go eat something first. Goodbye everyone."

After saying this, Chen Yang was off the air.

As soon as he went off the air, domestic marketing accounts began to publish news about his founding of the country.

#The 198th country in the world [Yanguo] was officially established#

"Is the country really established?"

"This blogger is really stupid. If he says we will build the country, he will build it!"

"What about those marketing accounts that said he ran away? Come out and take a few steps."

"This island is so big!"

"By the way, where does the signal come from on the island?"

"People buy satellite communication systems."

"I'm still confused about a job worth two to three thousand, while others have already founded the country."

The popularity of this matter only spread domestically at first.

But as time went by and netizens continued to repost it on the Internet, the popularity gradually began to spread around the world.

Overseas Douyin, YouTube, Twitter and other video websites or social media forums, the news of #yan国Establishment soon appeared.

In the news, Chen Yang's entire process from crowdfunding to purchase the island to announcing the founding of the country was described.

Even the official media of many countries are reporting on it.

After all, if we really talk about it, there is nothing wrong with Chen Yang's founding process.

In theory, Yanguo is a real country.

Under the propaganda of these official media, netizens from almost all countries in the world know that there is a young man in Longguo who bought an island with legal qualifications for nation-building and actually established a country.

"Oh my God, at first I thought this was just entertainment news, but it turned out to be true!"

"It's unbelievable that in this era, someone actually established a country!"

"I read the constitution he drafted, and I actually feel yearned for it!"

"I admire your Excellency's action!"

"How can I immigrate to Yan Country? I can't wait to become a part of this country!"

"Although it is just a desert island at the moment, with his power of action, I believe it will soon become a real country!"

"I saw in him the rebellious spirit of the young people of our generation!"

"Kneel down to the boss!"

The popularity of major overseas forums is soaring rapidly.

Moreover, many netizens opened separate posts to spontaneously and actively discuss how this city should be built.

There are even professionals who provide a lot of valuable advice.

For example, regarding urban construction, road transportation construction, and what methods should be used to earn the country's first pot of gold in the early stage.

More than 90% of people gave suggestions related to fishing.

Another 10% suggested that Chen Yang develop agriculture.

There are also some people who suggested that Chen Yang rent out the island...