Chapter 12 Everything Is Ready, All We Need Is The East Wind!

Chapter 12 Everything Is Ready, All We Need Is The East Wind!

After the national anthem was released, Chen Yang was still not idle.

There is still one last step left before his plan.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed the number of Longguo Bank.

On the phone, as the king of Yanguo, he asked Longguo Bank to help open a government budget account.

Longguo Bank felt very absurd, but no matter how absurd it was, the other party was indeed the king of a country.

Even though there is only one person in this country.

In addition, Chen Yang also issued the relevant official seal and documents. In addition, Chen Yang was now popular all over the country. Longguo Bank did not want to cause trouble, so it quickly handled it for him.

After the opening is successful, the other party will send him all the relevant bank card information in the form of text messages.

He only needs to log in through his mobile phone or computer to operate.

Then, in the same way, he opened corresponding government budget accounts in Sakura Country, as well as in European and American countries.

After the government budget accounts of various countries were opened, Chen Yang opened the backend of Yanguo's official website and edited an announcement, "Yanguo sells the first tranche of national bonds, 50 billion RMB"

Yes, national debt!

Another form of crowdfunding.

Compared with giving away money, government bonds can repay the principal and also provide interest returns.

Although the gap in Yanguo's first phase of urban construction is about 20 billion, this is only the early stage of infrastructure construction.

After the construction of urban ground transportation is completed, houses must be built, and a second city and a third city must be built later...

There is money to spend everywhere, and 20 billion is not enough.

50 billion, I guess it won't last long.

But as long as the preliminary construction is completed and the first step is taken, the road ahead will be much easier.

After the article was edited, he was not in a hurry to publish it.

Instead, he turned on his phone and recorded a video again.

The video is very short, only ten seconds.

In the video, he only said one thing, that is, he will start a live broadcast at 8 a.m. Dragon Kingdom time tomorrow, and will announce several major events at that time.

After it was released, he recorded a video in English. He will start the live broadcast at 8 o'clock in the evening US time tomorrow.

Once these two videos were released, they instantly topped the trending searches in various countries.

"No, isn't your national anthem a big deal?"

"Is there any bigger action tomorrow?"

"What kind of big move is this? Don't hold it back!"

"I thought the national anthem was already a big move, but I didn't expect it was just a foreshadowing."

"It's over, I can't sleep at night!"

"The alarm is set, wait for the live broadcast tomorrow!"

Some entrepreneurs from various countries just smiled faintly when they watched Chen Yang's live broadcast warm-up.

Others may not be able to guess, but they can more or less guess what Chen Yang is going to say tomorrow.

As expected, he should be ready to make money.

From the beginning, they did not believe that Chen Yang really wanted to found a country.

Even if he announced the establishment of the Yan Kingdom, they would not believe it.

Buy an island and declare it to be a completely independent country?

What a bullshit.

In their view, the ultimate goal of Chen Yang's series of actions is to make money!

Judging from the results, he succeeded.

Now the whole world is paying attention and his popularity is phenomenal.

If you don't make money while your popularity is at its peak, why wait?

But this man is indeed a talent, look at his series of operations.

It is designing the national flag and national emblem, drafting the constitution, and composing the national anthem...

The key is that the quality of this national anthem is quite excellent.

From this point of view, this guy is indeed a talent.

An ordinary person wouldn't be able to do this.

After the video was released, Chen Yang kept reading the comments from netizens from all over the world.

Just as netizens thought, releasing the national anthem is paving the way for tomorrow's live broadcast.

Now it seems that this operation was very successful.

He can almost imagine how netizens around the world will react when they see the earth-shaking changes on the island during the live broadcast tomorrow.

By then, I'm afraid it's not just netizens who will be shocked.

Even politicians and capitalists from all over the world would find it incredible.

Chen Yang fell asleep, but netizens from all over the world were unable to fall asleep due to Chen Yang's advance notice video.

They were just too curious.

Even the national anthem of such high quality is just a preparation for the live broadcast tomorrow.

He will broadcast live tomorrow. What major event will he announce?

The island in the middle of the night was so pitch black that you couldn't even see anything.

The moon sets and the sun rises, a new day has arrived.

Chen Yang simply washed up and had breakfast, then Chen Yang sat quietly on the deck and waited.

The time soon came to ten o'clock in the morning. At this moment, it was eight o'clock in the morning in the Dragon Country time and eight o'clock in the evening in the United States time.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are currently squatting in front of their mobile phones, waiting for the upcoming live broadcast.

Finally, the time has come.

Chen Yang also started the live broadcast simultaneously.

The moment the live broadcast started, the number of people online in the two live broadcast rooms at home and abroad instantly exceeded 10 million!

Twenty million, thirty million...

In the end, the number of domestic online users exceeded 50 million, and the number of overseas online users exceeded 80 million!

DouYin Company.

The person in charge of the technical department looked at the data displayed in the background, his eyelids twitched, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, Chen Yang notified us in advance yesterday that they had activated a few more servers in advance.

Otherwise, this sudden influx of traffic would bring Douyin down in minutes.

"Big Brother is on air!"

"What do you want to inform me, boss?"

"I stayed up all night. Boss, please tell me quickly! I will go to bed after listening."

Netizens from all over the world urged frantically.

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "Today, I want to announce two things."