He is a flirt





Written by Authoress Dee 🦋

Chapter thirteen



A light beam immediately blinded me, awaking an awfully sharp pain on the right side of my brain.

Why is my pillow this hard? I raised my head and the first thing I saw was Jarden's sleeping face.

Oh my God, he hand was holding on to my waist tightly, slightly surprised I quickly pushed him then straightened up in the bed and i immediately felt nauseous

" Aaaaaaaaargh" I screamed out loud in a heavily lidded eyes.

Jarden groans out loud then sat in the bed, he wasn't wearing any shirt.he was shirtless, I couldn't even take time to admire his tattoos.buhhhh WTF....

" Can you like shut the f*ck up?" He asked frustratingly.

I ignored him instead looked at the clothes that I was wearing, this was definitely not my clothes, were are my clothes and why the hell was I on Jarden's clothes.

I looked at Jarden as I tried to remember what happened yesterday buh the only thing I remembered was when I was dancing with Lucas and thennnnn nothing else.

" Wait... Did we... Like.... You know?" I asked trying to demonstrate with my hands.

" You mean have s*x?" He asked not even bothered at all.

" Yh yh that" I quickly said scratching my head in frustration.

Jarden smirked then touched his lips.

" You kinda kissed me" he said. My eyes widen as he spoke.

" Then begged me to f*ck you" oh nooooo

" Although you got naked"

" And you begged me to hold you"

The single thought of us having a*x made me sick again instantly. How could I let myself go like that. Why did I even drink, I will never drink again.

" Buh I rejected you because you aren't my type" he finally said and I breath out in relieve.

At least we didn't do anything stupid. Wait did he just say he rejected me.

" Who would want to fuck you? A virgin?" He said sarcastically then stood up exiting his room. I rolled my eyes, I scoffed before standing up from his bed. Oh f*ck me, I can't even remember my first kiss.

I looked around his room, it was big and very beautiful the last time I was here I did not really check it out.

This guy has a thing for grey and black, almost everything in his room was on that colour.

I quietly tiptoed to my room before anyone would notice I slept in Jarden's room. Like who the hell sleep's in their stepbrothers room? Me!!!!

Mom said that we were going to shop for wedding gown today and it was almost time for that. Mom is going to kill meeee

I ran into the bathroom stripping off Jarden's clothes. God it's smells like Jarden. I brush my teeth before taking a quick bath.

I rub my lotions then took out the clothes that i was going to wear.

I put on a diesel skinny jeans that I bought a few days ago that made my ass extra juicy, and a white cropped top with my white and beiges wedges. I brush my curly hair before putting it in a high ponytail.

I heard a knock on my door.

" Are you ready?" Mom asked.

" Almost" I quickly took my lip gloss applying it on my lips.

Wait a sec.....

" Where is my phone?" I tried to recall were I kept my phone buh I couldn't remember.

After minutes of searching for my phone. Still did not find it I gave up. I pray I didn't lose my phone because I had a lot of things in it.

" Kiara" mom called again and I quickly grabbed my purse before walking out.


" I am so excited" mom squealed out like an high school girl whose crush just told her hi. I smiled as we came out from the house.

" It's gonna be just the two of us like old times" mom said as she took the car keys from the driver.

" How was last night" mom asked by the time we were already in the car. I put on my seat belt.

" Oh.....that... It was really nice" I said, she nodded then started driving.

" I saw Jarden bring you home yesterday, he must really be a nice big brother" I rolled my eyes at the word " big brother" someone who wasn't to get into my pants. The guy is so unpredictable.

There was a long silence... Before I decided to break the boring moment.

" So... You really want to get married to him huh?" I asked. Mom looked at me.

" yh, I love him a lot hon" she smiled.

" Oh you do" I said in sarcasm.

Mom sigh then removed one of her hands from the steering wheels before holding my hands that was on my laps.

" I love him does not mean I didn't love your dad more"

" Buh Kiara he is gone, I can't keep on holding on to him, I need a man in my life and you need a father figure in yours" ....

" I am 18 mom, I don't really need a father figure right now, you're enough for me I never once told you I needed a man other than my dad"

Mom looked at me in disbelief before sighing.

" I did not want to say this but Kiara, you are being selfish" seriously why am I being the one to be blamed here. It's not my fault I don't want anyone in my mom's life other than my father. She stopped the car at the other side of the road.

" I am not happy at all, ever since your dad died it has just been both of us, don't I miss him? Don't I miss his touches? "

"I loved your dad more that anything in this world before you came to this world, he has been part of my life since I was just a child, he was my best friend, my partner, the love of my Life" she said almost in tears.

I hate when my mom cry's, it makes me want to cry too, I was really being selfish. My mom and dad literally grew up together they were neighbours so they became best friend then lover's. The story about our family was really good until my dad had cancer and died. It was really a hard time for us. My dad was my best friend, I would literally do anything for my dad buh I don't know why he had to die. I was always thinking about the pain I felt about losing my dad, I didn't really think about my mom's own.

My mom has been strong from the moment my dad died, she tried not a cry in front of me buh most times in the night I would hear her cry. She tries to act as if everything is okay buh deep down she was broken. She just lost her husband, her best friend, her lover and her soul mate.

Maybe it's time I move on from the picture of my dad and mom together forever.

I looked at mom who was crying and I unbuckled my seatbelt before hugging her.

" You know I don't like when you cry mom" I said almost in the brim of tears.

" Sorry baby" she said.

" I am sorry for being selfish mom" I murmured enough for her to hear. she sniffed.

" Always remember that I love you and your father no matter what" she said and I nodded.

" I love you too".

After the little drama between I and mom, we finally got to the shopping mall.

" So they is a question I have been wanting to ask you for a while now" mom said .

" O....Kay"

" Soo.... Would you love to be my maid of honor" she asked with so much joy in her eyes. I didn't expect mom to ask me like I thought she was going to ask one of her friends.

" Seriously? Me?" I asked smiling.

" Yh"

" Yh?" I asked again.

" Yes baby, now let's go shop for wedding gowns and stop asking me questions" she chuckled.