Autumnal winds and rains

After sitting on the wooden stake for over half an hour, Jin Feng had to accept reality.

He has traveled through time.

From the modernized 21st century to the backward feudal society.

"God, are you targeting me?"

Jin Feng looked up at the sky and sighed with a bitter smile.

In his past life, Jin Feng came from a poverty-stricken mountain village and worked hard. He was admitted to university and then worked hard to study, pursuing a bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree. After graduation, he became a senior worker... bah, a senior mechanical engineer with an annual salary of millions.

This experience can be said to be very inspiring, and Jin Feng himself believes that he is a winner in life.

But to my surprise, just a few days into work, I had an accident due to continuous overtime and lack of concentration. I proudly joined the army of travelers and came to this dynasty called Dakang, becoming attached to a small blacksmith.

"Does everyone named Jin Feng have such a difficult fate?"

Yes, the blacksmith he possessed, also known as Jin Feng, was even more miserable than him.

Just after being born, I followed my parents and fled to avoid war. Later, I finally managed to escape to this small mountain village called Xihewan. As soon as it stabilized, my mother died of illness.

The old blacksmith knew that only by studying could he find a way out. He tightened his belt and sent little Jin Feng to school to study. He hoped that one day he could get an official position and become famous.

Unfortunately, this Jin Feng is not suitable for studying. After studying hard for ten years, he couldn't even pass the exam as a scholar.

Last year, the old blacksmith died of illness, and his family was also eaten up by Jin Feng.

In the past half month, I have only eaten porridge once a day, feeling dizzy from hunger and hitting a pillar.

This collision brought Jin Feng from the 21st century to the Great Kang Dynasty

"Brother Jin, the county government's wedding procession is coming soon. The village chief asked you to go to the village entrance as soon as possible."

A 12-year-old boy shouted at the door, regardless of whether Jin Feng heard him or not, and then ran away with a jolt.

"The farewell team?"

Jin Feng's mind flashed with relevant information.

Years of war led to the decline of the male population in the Kang Dynasty. In order to stimulate population growth, the court stipulated that men who were over 18 years old and women who were 17 years old must marry, otherwise they would have to pay an additional 30% tax.

The male population is impoverished and lacks labor, coupled with various harsh taxes and bandit exploitation, many ordinary people can only eat once a day, and 99% cannot afford additional taxes.

Jin Feng's registered residence is a craftsman who does not need to perform military service. However, the tax is heavier than that of farmers and hunters, and he can't afford it naturally.

At the age of marriage, when the county government came to collect taxes at the beginning of the year, they could only report their marriage this year.

He has already gained a reputation for being idle in Xihewan. If he were to starve to death in the future, who would marry his daughter to him?

But it's okay, there aren't many other women in the Kang dynasty, it's just that there are many unmarried girls.

At the end of spring and autumn, the county government will organize two matchmaking teams to send unmarried eligible girls to various villages and towns for selection by the male partner.

Regardless of whether the man is lame or blind, as long as he is selected, he must marry and have children.

"Is this the legendary wife of the government? Perhaps it's because Secretary Dakang has also traveled, and the welfare is so good."

Just after passing through, Jin Feng let him get married before he had a bite to eat. Jin Feng was more or less uncomfortable and silently roast in his heart.

There is no expectation for the upcoming farewell team.

The ones who followed the wedding procession were all girls from various villages who couldn't get married. To put it bluntly, they were the ones left over by others, and the quality can be imagined.

But not picking is not enough.

The man has the right to choose, but there is no right not to choose.

That is to say, whether satisfied or not today, he must take a daughter-in-law back, otherwise it will be tax resistance and sent to the battlefield until his death.

Jin Feng could only endure his hunger and walked to the village entrance.

On the platform north of the road, there stood three young people, one hunchback and one limp. The remaining one, although with sound limbs, had a lewd and flowing face, and at first glance, was not a good person.

They are all like Jin Feng, belonging to the people in the village who would rather let their daughter participate in the selection process and try their luck than marry.

"Look, Jin Feng is here, and the four great kings have gathered together."

A child saw Jin Feng coming over and bounced around shouting.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The mother quickly covered the child's mouth.

The hunchback and cripple who cannot do heavy work, the mischievous who likes to tease big girls and daughter-in-law, coupled with the corrupt and incompetent Jin Feng, are known by the village children as the Four Great Kings.

Normally, Jin Feng detests this title deeply and gets angry every time he hears it. However, today he just smiled at his child and walked onto the stage.

"Brother Jin is here!"

Camel and cripple both greeted with a smile.

Punpi snorted disdainfully and tiptoed to look at the village path.

"Liu's brother, Zhang's brother!"

Jin Feng smiled and bowed back.

"Here we go!"

Punpi pointed at the village entrance and shouted loudly.

On the small road at the village entrance, a team holding a red sign slowly approached.

The team was led by five county government officials and a matchmaker dressed in an exaggerated red dress, followed by more than twenty girls carrying bags.

The village chief led people to welcome the yamen officials, while the matchmaker commanded the girls to stand opposite the four of Jin Feng.

Sending off relatives has been a tradition for many years, and girls are not shy, but curious to look around.

They carry a dowry on their backs, and if they are selected, they will leave it directly later.

The village in front of them may be their future home, and the people around them may be their future family

"If only there were another row of lights."

Jin Feng couldn't help but think of a well-known blind date program.

Just these guest sisters, as he expected, the quality is not very high.

Most of them are due to year-round work, with a face full of vegetable color and dark skin.

But a girl at the end of the team caught Jin Feng's eye.

Although the clothes worn by this girl were more worn-out than the other girls, her face was tender and fair, with extremely beautiful features. Her agile big eyes were watery, making people feel pity.

In the era of the internet, when you open your phone, you will see various internet celebrities and beauties. However, Jin Feng can guarantee that a plain blue clad girl's appearance will definitely surpass that of all kinds of carefully dressed internet celebrities.

"Such a top-notch product should be very popular, how could it fall into the farewell team?"

Jin Feng was puzzled.

The hunchback next to him noticed that Jin Feng had been staring at the girl in blue all along. He leaned over and whispered, "Brother Jin, why do you keep looking at Guan Xiaorou?"