First intimate encounter

After half a morning, the memories finally fused, and Jin Feng gained a further understanding of the host and the world.

The host has heard of the Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Taihang Mountains in their memory.

The differences in writing, culture, place names, and past life are not significant, but due to some unknown reasons, history is completely different.

For example, the current Dakang Dynasty did not exist in the history of previous lives, but it has been passed down in this world for more than 300 years.

The host grew up in Xihewan from a young age, and most of their understanding of the world comes from the narratives of Mr. Xuetang, that's all.

I have to go to the town to buy grain. It's more than 20 miles back and forth, and the mountain road is difficult. It's already half an afternoon when Jin Feng comes back. The diligent Guan Xiaorou has already cleaned the house, washed the bedding, and hung it in the yard.

Seeing Jin Feng return, he ran up and took the bag from his shoulder.

In fact, there was nothing in the bag, only less than ten pounds of wheat - the money given to him by Guan Xiaorou could only buy so much.

"Why is it so light?"

Guan Xiaorou was stunned for a moment, opened the bag, and found that it was wheat inside. Her heart couldn't help but sink.

He thought Jin Feng would buy cheap millet or sorghum, but who knew he had bought wheat.

This little wheat, even if we only eat one meal a day, is only enough for two people to eat for a few days. What will we do in the future?

Although there was some resentment in his heart, he dared not question Jin Feng and stuffily sent the bag into the kitchen.

When he came out, he didn't forget to bring a bowl of water and held it in front of Jin Feng with both hands.

After walking for a while, Jin Feng was indeed very thirsty and took the water and poured it into his stomach with a thud.

Guan Xiaorou took the empty bowl and handed it over with a towel in her other hand.

"Xiaorou, you don't need to do this."

Such attentive care makes Jin Feng a bit uncomfortable.

"Before coming, my mother told me many times that if anyone wants me, I need to work hard and quickly."

Guan Xiaorou lowered her head and said, "The leader's willingness to take me is a blessing that Xiaorou has cultivated in her previous life. This is what Xiaorou should do."

Jin Feng knew that these concepts had already been deeply ingrained in Guan Xiaorou's heart, and it would be difficult to change them for a while, so he no longer reluctantly turned around and entered the blacksmith shop on the west side of the yard.

Saying it's a shop, it's actually a small workshop of less than thirty square meters.

Jin Feng opened a wooden box and took out a fist sized piece of scrap iron, carefully flipping through it.

In the host's memory, after the old blacksmith died, he had to make a living and had to strike iron several times, but all of them ended in failure.

Whether it's a kitchen knife, a firewood knife, or a sickle, they always crack.

The smelting technology of Dakang is in a very primitive state, and the method used by the vast majority of blacksmiths to make ironware is also primitive, which is to burn the purchased pig iron blocks on the stove and then repeatedly beat them into shape.

With such a simple process, the host grew up in a blacksmith's shop and drew gourds and ladles. At most, the things they produced were not as exquisite and beautiful as others, and generally did not have any quality problems. However, the host's several attempts at crafting ended in failure. Jin Feng speculates that it is likely that the last batch of pig iron purchased by the old blacksmith had problems.

Upon returning for inspection, it was indeed the case.

There are too many impurities in the pig iron in the box, it's just that after simple forging, the firewood knife made won't break.

To use this batch of pig iron to create usable objects, it is necessary to improve the furnace and blower, so as to barely reach enough temperature and melt away impurities.

Guan Xiaorou sent the bowl into the kitchen and followed Jin Feng to the shop. After standing silently for a while, she gathered her courage and said, "Master, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's up?" Jin Feng looked up and asked.

"I want to go back to my mother's house tomorrow and borrow a weaving machine from my sister-in-law..."

"Borrowing a loom?" Upon hearing this, Jin Feng roughly guessed Guan Xiaorou's concerns.

Throwing the iron block back into the box: "There's no reason to go back to your mother's house to borrow something on the second day of getting married? Don't worry, I'm sure you won't go hungry."

"Master, I didn't mean that... Don't be angry..."

Guan Xiaorou was like a startled deer, trying to explain.

"I'm not angry."

Jin Feng patted her shoulder and confidently said, "Believe me, life will get better and better."

In later generations, patting the shoulder was a very simple consolation, but in Guan Xiaorou's mind, it was an extremely intimate gesture, so shy that she dared not look up at Jin Feng.

Being overwhelmed by shyness, Guan Xiaorou's anxiety dissipated a lot. She lowered her head and asked, "Do you have any plans for becoming the head of the family in the future?"

"I'm going hunting on the mountain."


Guan Xiaorou was taken aback.

Jin Feng replied that she was not surprised by reading or working iron, but Jin Feng said she wanted to go hunting?

"There is a problem with this batch of iron blocks at home, and the furnace needs to be renovated to melt impurities."

Jin Feng pointed to the stove and said, "It will take several days to renovate the stove. I need to go to the mountain to catch a few rabbits and sell them, and exchange more food."

Guan Xiaorou looked at Jin Feng's small figure and expressed deep doubt about his words, but she dared not refute them, just lowered her head and remained silent.

Hunting is not an excuse for Jin Feng to comfort Guan Xiaorou, but a plan he came up with on his way back from selling grain.

Xihewan is located in northern Sichuan, only over a hundred miles away from the famous Jianmen Pass. Surrounded by continuous mountains and abundant prey, it is not difficult to shoot a few rabbits with a bow and crossbow.

Just hold on for a while, and when he improves the stove and blower, making money won't be simple?

However, Jin Feng didn't explain so much and pushed Guan Xiaorou to the door:

"You don't know how to put the things here, I'll just tidy them up. You can go get busy with something else."


Guan Xiao nodded obediently and went to tidy up the clutter in the yard with concern.

Jin Feng began to manufacture bows and crossbows.

When I was a graduate student in my past life, my mentor was a crossbow enthusiast. After several years of graduate studies, Jin Feng accompanied his mentor to practice at the shooting range, and his archery skills were very good. He was also very familiar with the structures of various crossbows and bed crossbows.

But when he started, Jin Feng realized that the difficulty was much greater than he had expected.

The tools of the blacksmith's shop in Taiyuan have begun, and even if one chooses to make the simplest structure of a bow and crossbow, it takes a busy afternoon to preliminarily grind the bow body.

In the evening, Jin Feng had his first meal in the world, which was also his wedding banquet.

There are no complicated etiquette, no family and friends to congratulate, only him and Guan Xiaorou.

The food is also very simple, even rudimentary.

A small bowl of wheat porridge and a plate of vegetables with only coarse salt added.

That's all.

The wheat porridge is not delicious, and the layer of bran on the outside is a bit prickly, which makes Jin Feng a bit uncomfortable.

But Guan Xiaorou across from her ate extremely sweet.

She usually eats wild vegetables and bran at home, and occasionally eats millet, which is already considered a delicacy. For her, porridge is almost a luxury item.

Since becoming a loser, she has never eaten it again.

So every bite should be held in your mouth for a long time, trying to feel the sweetness of the wheat.

After finishing a bowl, Guan Xiaorou put down the dishes.

The bowl wall was scraped clean with chopsticks, not to mention the grains of wheat, not even a drop of soup was left.