In the New Beginning (3)

The younger one being Alyssa Von Ares whom opposite her sister behaved like a true vixen granted she had a sinful figure capable of invoking the extinguished flames of everyman's heart.

Sitting across me was the only male child of their family Lenz Von Ares who opposite to his sister he inherited the features of this father having a muscular frame,sharp eyebrows,tall and handsome features eclipsing mine....well not that it bothers me.And near him sat the Master of the house Zathanar Von Ares who had the airs befitting of a Duke.

"Good day brother"said Ashley to me with a slight smile which I responded with a nod.

"Good day brother"said Aylssa mimicking her sister while seizing my left hand in to hers evoking a frown from me but upon trying to speak I felt a stifling pressure being applied on me causing me to almost choke in anger.

'So they want to play it like this eh...' i though directing a cold gaze towards Lenz who despite feeling my stare chose to ignore me.

"Your Grace it's being 14 years and according to the laws of the Empire,any citizen at this age can choose to enroll in the military.....and I've decided to participate" i said looking at the expressionless Zathanar.

The table became quiet with a stifling pressure being felt by everyone but I choose to ignore it continuing with my statement "so in 2 days time,I will be leaving for the capital."

"Must you go,last time i checked,you have everything you need here in the Ares Dukedom,I think it is a bad idea being interested in the military considering you i don't think the trip is necessary" said Lenz noticing his fathers silence followed by Alyssa whom upon hearing my decision held my hands tighter making me uncomfortable.

"Exactly as Lenz said,Lexus I think it's not suitable for you and I think by this age you should start getting prepared for marriage other than thinking about unreachable goals"said Lady Anna supporting her son.

After her speech,they room ones again descended in silence with me still looking at Zathanar thoroughly ignoring her words.

"You can go....but your name will be wiped out of the family registry and you will be forever banished from the Ares Dukedom"said Zathanar with a frown and faint displeasure visible on his visage.

'Great'i thought while still having an indifferent expression further irritating Lenz who was sending me an intense glare.

"Thank you Your Grace"I said having a slight smile to Zathanar expressing my gratitude further bringing an awkward silence in the room....well not that I mind,the faster i'm out of here the faster I'll be able to implement my plans freely.

After breakfast,I excused myself from their presence with the intentions preparing for my journey but alas I got stopped by Lady Anna

"Today is your sister's birthday and we plan to celebrate by evening prepare to welcome the guests"she said in an irrefutable tone giving me no chance to refuse.

"Understood You Grace,if there is nothing else then I shall take my leave"i said swiftly leaving the room in a haste lest she comes up with other ideas.

Walking in the corridor,i encountered the maid who woke me up standing near the garden.Pausing,I approached her aiming to strike a conversation.

"Verona, I'll be on my way to the  imperial capital by tomorrow so I came to say my goodbyes"I said with a slight smile.

"Young Master Lexus it saddens me of your departure but sigh~ like they say all good things must come to an end,I wish you a safe and successful journey"she responded giving me a meaningful gaze to wish I quickly understood thus bidding her goodbye.

'I really need to start the preparations'i thought without a change in expression swiftly making my way into my room but upon entering,I say Alya sitting on my bed having a sad smile.

"How may I be of help Lady Alya"I said ignoring her visible sadness.

"Sigh~ can't I visit my junior brother anymore"she said quickly changing her expression to a displeased one knowing her attempt to guilt trip me was useless.

Standing up,she quickly closed the distance between us while placing throwing her self on me for a hug while placing her chin near my shoulder.

Frowning,i attempted to pull her away only to discover her grasp on me was very tight thus making me helpless again her after all I can't just forcefully push her can i.We stayed like that for some time I felt my chest becoming wet while faint sobs echoed from her.

"Henghe"she called in a muffled voice but I gave no response further making her tears spill.

"Lexus,why do you want to leave us,why do you want to leave me,tell me what i did wrong and I'll change,was it because i kept bothering you....if its it then i promise i won't disturb you every time but please don't go....sob sob sob Don't leave me"

I felt a tug in my heart making me almost waver in my decision till I felt a searing pain course through my very soul snapping me to rationality.

With a slight chuckle,I softly pulled her from me which she didn't resist, holding her chin,I looked at her in the eyes filled with sadness,grief and hope...hehe a pity nothing can change my mind now.

"My decision is set and even though saddening you can't change it,even your father can't...well that is  except he imprisons me here forever which is useless because he would be going against the law of the Empire and while there will be no repercussions in peaceful times,a war is ongoing and the Empire would punish even a Duke severely for his crime of breaking the law during war extinguish the hope you have in thinking I can stay."