Chapter 13: New job and on a journey again

We boarded the carriage once we exited the forest after Taming magic training and headed for the town.

„Those River Sahuagins, or rather, their corpses were found in septics of the public toilets."

„In septics?!" We were equally surprised and disgusted.

„You might not know it, but Sahuagin's eggs are considered a kind of delicacy. It seems the people in Town hall secretly imported River Sahuagins from other territory's lake and had them live in a closed septic. However, the septics were connected to water treatment plants so they had it closed and barricaded. The Sahuagins however broke it and escaped. The people of town hall tried to have them secretly disposed of, which created the deficit as they tried to hide their expenses by cutting off money in other sectors."

„So the reason the saw mill didn't have a way to pay people…"

„They had the Treants cut down, yes," Kalvig nodded angrily.

„It was father who helped set up this city five hundred years ago with Marques Gasiffe, who later became a duke."

„So Grandfather has a lot of memories of this town and his friend…" Lena got a little angry too.

„Calm down, Lena. Your father is capturing the perpetrators as we speak," Laina said with a smile that hid her own anger.

Once we got to the town, we went to the inn and waited for Henry and the rest of the servants, so I and Blanche with Lena went to the adventurers guild with our proofs of subjugations of Giant Leafhoppers and Blanche went to hand off her herbs.

„Great work. I confirm your subjugation of six Leaf Hoppers. You get three hundred Alba as reward. Do you want to sell the materials?"

„Yes, please."

„Great. That will be another six hundred Alba to you, I will now add completed jobs to your records, please your cards."

We handed over our guild cards and watched as the receptionist placed them in a little box and once she did, she took the slip, placed it over the box and hit it with a stamp lightly. The box shone and the receptionist returned the cards to us.

When I turned over the card I could see the second entry of black circle. When touching the circle and sending a little magical power in it, the information from the slip showed itself on the card. This way you could confirm yourself that no falsehoods were added to your card. There was also a red circle that showed failed quests, but we had none of those.

Honestly, the guilds and their structure seems like it was thought up by a person from Earth. And according to Laina, the one who created the feature of guild cards was called Magimaster Shin, seems like a name from Earth all right. I guess I will have to ask the gods if I ever can…

„Sorry, but no party will agree to an escort mission on such short notice, even with higher pay."

„Just get me someone damnit!'' The man with face under hood hit the counter with all his strength. Given how chubby his hand was, his body must've been just as round.

„That voice… Mr. Vulture?" Lena suddenly said, sending me on high alert.

„Hah?!" the man turned to us. He was just as chubby as I thought he would be, „Lena Nomille… it's your fault, you bitch!" he broke into a run.

„If you never found those eggs I would never be in such deep shit!" as he yelled I stepped in.

„Get lost you shitty kid!"

As he approached me, dagger in hand, my breathing leveled, my eyes locked on him and my body moved as instantly as I used a Null magic spell to boost my physical abilities. My left hand hit the hand with a dagger away and my right fist drove into his chubby face. „Gah-ah!" he let out a pathetic yelp as I sent him flying. I shouldn't have used that magic…

„I guess you are from the town hall, the duke is looking into you. I guess we will have to present you to him."

„Shitty kid… Do you know who I am?!"

„Leonis Vulture, leader of human resources in this town. Charged with keeping and breeding illegally procured monsters without a tamer, obstructing business' and embezzlement, did I get something wrong?" Henry walked into the guild with an entourage of city guards.

„Gah! Duke Nomille…" the man spit out spitefully.

„Web shooter."

The Cocoon slime I had in my gauntlet shot out sticky silk and covered the chubby man, Leonis, as he was about to rise from the ground.

„You better not make it harder than it already is, Mr. Vulture. You might get even harsher punishment than you originally should," I gave him a wicked smile.


„In accordance with Royal law, I hereby sentence Leonis Vulture to twenty years of forced labor. Guards seize the man," Henry commanded his men, which with simple „Sir!" went to tie Leonis up.

„The hell is this thing?!"

„That silk is so sticky and durable… I can't cut it at all."

„This thing is downright scary you guys! If you are not careful, you will be stuck to it for the entire day!"

„Is that…"

„Yeah, Blade Tornado."

The familiar black haired elf girl came over to us, „Arito, I see you are doing great, catching criminals like that. But, I guess this is nothing compared to defeating Raigo the Yellow spear."


„This kid?"

The people around us started to get noisy and completely missed the guards getting on carriage with the prisoner.

„Sorry to have you do so much, Arito," Henry bowed slightly.

„Oh, don't worry, it's nothing. If Lena hadn't noticed him, he might've slipped by us."

„You are awfully honest, you know that? Well, I don't think there is anyone who would willingly go against you and your monsters," Henry chuckled.

„Just as you said, good sir! Anyway, I must leave now, I have to report on my quest to the guildmaster. See you around Arito," Emilia waved to us as she left.

„It was nice meeting you, too."

With that we left the guild and returned to the inn.


The next morning we decided to take some solo missions. Or rather, Lena went alone and me together with Blanche went for our own job. The quest we chose this time was with a butcher shop where adventurers usually sold their game. Apparently, there was a big rush just this morning and they needed urgent help.

„Excuse me! We came from the Adventurers guild!"

„Oh, welcome. My name is Reiva and I'm grandson of the owner," a young dark elf boy, looking to be around fifteen or so, sitting at the counter jumped down and went to greet us. He had slightly darker skin than me, yellow eyes and similarly golden hairs. „Elf and Ancient, what a rare combination for an adventurer party. Well, seeing Ancients nowadays is a rarity on its own."

His cheeky grin made me remember my own childhood and my time with grandfather in the boonies, so I just smiled softly.

„So, what kind of job have you prepared for us?" Blanche asked.

„Both of us have Butchering skills, so please don't hold back," I added.

„Then, I will have the young man help with dissecting the bodies and you young lady on blood draining," an elderly man with a cane came out of the back of the shop, covered in blood.

„Nice to meet you, I'm Arito Aruze, an adventurer that accepted your quest. This is my partner, Blanche,"

„Nice to meet you."

„Nice to meet you both, I'm Reiji, the shop owner."

„Mr. Reiji, could I call my tamed monsters to help us? I believe it would be faster for draining blood at the very least."

„Oh? What kind of monster?"

„They are called Bloody slimes, they evolved from regular slimes after drinking too much blood. They now feed on it."

„You don't say… quite interesting fellows. But, how do they do that?"

„They enter the body through a cut or wound and drink it right from the inside. So far, every beast on which they preyed turned out to have the highest quality meat too."

„Well, let's test that out, shall we?'' The owner, leaning on his walking stick, took us to the inner room where the bodies of various beasts hung down, blood dripping from them and flowing through a groove into barrels at the end of the room. The floor was heightened compared to the rest of the shop for this reason too.

I walked up to one of the carcasses the furthest in the room, which was the coldest and according to my Appraisal spell was of the lowest quality. I took my slime and had it enter the body and drink it up. About a half minute later the slime exited the body and I had Reiji use his appraisal on it.

„M-marvelous! This is the butchering revolution! With such a slime you can always have highest grade meat no matter how terrible the hunters are!" Reiji was so ecstatic that his walking stick fell to the ground and his grandson quickly picked it up for him.

„I'm glad you like it. I currently have sixty four Bloody slimes, should we use all of them?"

„Hahah! This is great! Yes! Let's use them all!"

„On that note, do you have any rotten or unusable meat? I have slimes that could work on that too."

„Really?! That's great, 'cause we had some imbecile hunters bring in Fortress tiger with poison in its veins. We could not even use its fur for anything," Reiva folded his hands behind his head.

„We could definitely deal with that. Grime, Acid, Collagen, Corpse, Cleaning and Regular slimes, get out! Grime slimes go to the pipes. Cleaning slimes follow them and rinse everything they miss. Corpse slimes get to eating that rotten meat. Collagen and Acid slimes eat all the bones. Regular slimes, you look for anything you fancy and show it to me. If you do not find anything like that, return to the Dimension home. Now we can get back to the job."

„Th-that's some absurd amount of slimes…"

„I'm there with you grandpa…"

„And that's not even all of them… Hey Arito, that slime is trying to get into that barrel."

„Mr. Reiji what is inside it?"

„That would be Ink Sacs of Octolocks. The Ink guild used the outbreak that's occuring twice a year in swamp on the other side of the river to hunt for their Ink sacks sadly, once the outbreak ends, the prices plummet greatly so if adventurer gets some, they usually ends up here cause, if they can't sell the sacs for profit, they will sell them for meat which is much more profitable to them."

„Octolocks are really delicious. They are so good that some even try to raise them, but the smell of raw ink they spit out when they feel threatened is next level so no one really does that," Reiva smiled sadly.

„I understand. Will you sell the sacs then?"

„Nope, no use in that now. The Ink guild not only wants the ink, but it's glans too. They apparently use them in the refinement process somehow, but I don't really care about that as I can sell the same glans for three times the charge without the sac for food. Thanks to that, the sacs stay here unused, you are free to dispose of it, if you want."

„Thank you," I bowed to Reiji and opened the barrel. A smell of rotten fish waffled out, so I just dropped the slime that wanted to go in the black liquid and closed the lid again. I then used the Deodorize skill of the Cleaning slimes to make the air cleaner again.

And so, we started the work. We opened the monsters, skinned them and gave the unusable organs to grime slimes.

„Hahah… the work is almost done and it's not even midday… What a day to witness… Those slimes of yours are amazing, Arito. You really are tamer like no other…" the old man smiled in his chair as I continued my work alongside Blanche and Reiva.

„Mr. Reiji, you are praising me too much. I just got lucky most of the time. The Bloody slimes are a great example of that. If I did not feed them blood when I first started hunting, I doubt they would ever evolve. Same goes for Grime, Cleaning and Collagen slimes… Mr. Reiji?'' As I was not interrupted I continued blabbing about slimes, but Mr. Reiji's silence was suspicious. I turned around, while calling him out. He was sitting in his chair, with a smile on his face, eyes closed and head hung down. „Mr… Reiji?"

„G-grandpa?" Reiva walked up to him, Blanche wanted to go too, but I stopped her. She turned to me with surprise, but I just shook my head. There was nothing we could do now. Mr. Reiji died right behind us.



Three days after that, the funeral was scheduled. Reiva's father, Reiji's son, who returned day later from his mission with adventurers guild tried to hold his family together as much as he could, but he himself was on the verge of breakdown. Today was also the day we were scheduled to leave the city with the ducal family, but I wanted to stop by the cemetery before we did.

I walked up to the grave which was still covered in flowers and black sticks (a custom of Dark elves) and put my hands together for a prayer.

„Are you… Arito?" a voice called up to me from behind.

„You are Mr. Reiji's son, right?"

„Yes. My name is Reiji too… I feel bad for having my son witness that, but what happened, happened… I just…"

„It's okay to let your emotions out, Mr. Reiji. I'm sure he would not want you to drown in them."

„Yeah… you're right…" his eyes watered and he started sobbing loudly. It took a good ten minutes until he calmed down, which I spent by silently standing next to him. I was never good with this kind of thing. I could never find the right words and just ended up silently watching from the sidelines. I was called coldhearted so many times because of it too…

„I'm sorry about having you see that. It was unbecoming…"

„You've lost your father, it is understandable… Can I ask you what your plan is going forward?"

„I'm quitting adventuring and I will take over the job. I know my abilities as a Butcher are not as great as fathers, but I will make sure to get better as I do it."

„I'm sure you will be a great butcher. Will you take this from me?" I gave him a small wooden bottle with a slime inside.

„A bottle of blood? No, is this a monster?"

„Yes, it's a monster called Bloody slime. I canceled the contract with this one today, so you are free to tame it. I heard from your son that you aspired to be tamer when you were younger. This slime was highly praised by your father too, so please accept it."

Sniff… Okay… I will… I will make sure to keep it safe and use it responsibly!'' He held up the bottle to his forehead to hide his tears. Seeing my cue, I said my goodbyes and left the place. I used Teleport until I got to the inn, where I boarded a carriage and started the ride with the ducal family. Um… what's happening?

Our seating arrangements were different today. I was sitting between Laina and Henretta with Blanche, Lena, Henry and Raven on the other side.

„Are you feeling okay? That must've been hard…" Laina caressed my hair as she pulled me in a hug.

„Does it still hurt?" Henretta held my hand.

„Umm… I'm fine… really… I told you before…"

We had a similar conversation when we got home that day, even with a similar scene playing out.

Though, I tried to tough it out similarly to young Reiji by accepting jobs with the adventurer guild and my rank jumped to G because of that. I also captured a colony of Octolocks and used them to feed the slime that liked the ink. Surprisingly, he really did evolve into Ink slime.

Ink slime

Advanced species of Slime monster. It can create ink in its body and shoot it out. The ink is highly resilient to water and hard to get rid off. In diameter, this slime is 20 centimeters. Ink creation 5, Ink shot 4, Physical attack nullification 3, Absorb 3, Dissolve 3, Split 3

As it turns out, the Ink slime might have a lot of uses, but for now, I let it stay in my dimension home. That being said, I still could not shake off Laina and Henretta…

„Mother, if you fondle Arito so much, he might have trouble breathing," Lena shot us a disapproving look.

„Arito, the Blue moon will happen in a few days, are you prepared for that?" Blanche asked me, trying to change the subject.

„Yeah. I made new holders for the slimes."

„Wouldn't keeping them in the Dimension home be safer?" Laina asked me.

„It certainly would, but I want to collect the liquid the slimes shot out for experiments."

„Oh? What kind of experiments?"

„Mostly what I can do with the liquid. For example liquid made by the Cocoon slimes turn viscous and water repelling. It's great for rain gear such as coats and parasols."

Not to speak of the Pebblings that the Stone slimes make which can be used for potions…

„Oh my, that certainly is intriguing."

„Indeed, if it repels water instead of absorbing it, it would sell like crazy."

„You think so?"

„Indeed. Merchants would most definitely want it to cover their wagons and adventurers would love it on long travels or in places where you can get easily dirty, like swamps and such."

„I was interested in selling some of my slime produced items as a form of a safety net."

„Safety… net?" Henry and Laina did not understand the term. Lena was signalizing me to explain it with her hands as she could not. Guess reincarnation doesn't have the best ways to spread knowledge.

„By that I mean… making enough money in case I hurt myself and could not continue adventuring."

„Ah, that's what you meant. I never heard of the "Safety net" phrase before, but it seems fitting. I can hook you up with a merchant if you want. His main shop is in the town we are heading to. Just prepare what you want to sell and we can have him appraise it."

„Okay, thanks!" I smiled at Henry and started thinking.

I have nearly 100 Cocoon slimes. One of them can produce about five square meters worth of waterproof fabric during a single Blue moon… I need to think of a way to produce rubber outside of cocoon slimes too…

My next item would be Resin slime tableware. Plates, spoons, cups… I can make most of it with high heat resistance and if I add some Steel threads of Cocoon slimes, it can become even harder.

I could also sell medicines made by the Medicine slimes, they eat the same food as Poison slimes, so it's easy to multiply them. I recently found out they can make sleep drugs and cause nausea with their new poisons too.

Selling ink from the Ink slime, cleaning clothes with Cleaning slimes… or even work as a healer with my and the Healing slimes' magic is a possibility too... Oh! I could sell alcohol made by the Fermenting slimes! Bottles would be dealt with by the Resin slimes and I could use them for lids too. I guess I could make them screw-shaped if I layered them with Cocoon slime silk. Ah! I could even buy out the empty bottles, easing up the production!

„Have you thought of something good?" Henry asked me with a serious look.

„Yes. Do you mind listening to my rumble for a little while?"

„Hit us up," Laina said without waiting a second so I told them my plan using the fermenting slimes for alcohol production.

„…also, I could make gift bottles for those who wish to give the alcohol away as a gift in special bottles. I could also make them a custom order."

„Oh my… I did not think you would think of it this much. But that is one solid business plan."

„The thing is… is there any tax on alcohol?"

„Tax for selling alcohol does exist, but it's not that high, only eight thousand Alba per month. And you can usually buy a bottle of wine for around eight to twelve hundred Alba. Liquor is usually more pricey, around fifteen to twenty hundred Alba, but I could see you selling the liquor you previously gave us for up to twenty five hundred Alba."

In other words, I can make my tax quickly by selling between six to ten bottles of one liter each.

„…Though, there are a lot of dwarves in the city we are heading to, so you might make it in an hour," Henry laughed softly.

„That bottle return price is interesting too. Who would've thought of that? You can have people make some pocket change while making them happy with drinks, making big profits all the same."

All of them seemed over the moon for the idea, so I only smiled and laughed softly.

That evening I experimented with the Fermenting and Resin slimes and made several bottles and drinks. I decided to go with a small canteen shaped bottle for Liquors, This bottle could hold about 250 milliliters. Next would be a Beer bottle shaped with a half liter volume. And the last type of bottle would be Wine bottle shaped either of one or two liters volume. In the end I ended up with four kinds of bottles, however that would not mean that I would only use them for four types of drinks. I can only make Liquors right now, so I can sell them up to the one liter bottle variety. If I manage to get my hands on grapes— that is, Rappo, in this world —I should be able to get my hands on some high quality wine. Though, I would be most happy if I got my hands on some hops, malt and grains. If I did, I would be able to make beer. Beer! How much I miss one cold beer with rich foam… the foam is most important, obviously. Those who can't appreciate foam on tapped beer are in my eyes no better than drunkard monkeys. The foam makes the taste last longer, after all.

After my inner runt about the amazingness of beer, I started experimenting with bottle shapes and ended up with a bottle looking like an angel. I mean, when I filled it with the Liquor it even got quite a shine to it. I'm definitely keeping this bottle for some kind of gift…

It would take us three days until we would reach the town we were heading to, but the night before our arrival was the blue moon. My Blue Moon Viper was hissing happily and I was setting up my barrels for capturing liquid of the slimes. This blue moon I would be holding in the Fermenting slimes, Ink slime, Dark slime, and the Cocoon slimes for a grand total of 104 slimes.

„Arito, what about adding some Golden slime? We are running out of liquid from it."

„Really? I didn't even notice. Thank you Blanche," I smiled at her and took out one more Barrel, this one however looked golden at the bottom.

I spread out the slimes into their barrels and closed the lids. Next I took out bottles I labeled before and prepared them by the barrels.

„And now we wait. I'm looking forward to the Dark slime's liquid."

„Yeah, me too. Maybe it will be like the Healing Slime's liquid."

„That knockoff potion, eh? Well, if that would be the case, then we better be ready for one hell of a poison."

„Right? The dark magic it uses can steal life force, after all," Blanche smiled next to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

„So… how are you feeling?"

She too, huh?

„Honestly, I'm sad, but it is what it is. Everyone will die one day, I'm no exception, no one is. So I want to live my life as best as I can, so that when it will be my time to go, I will be smiling like he was."

„Right. Let's smile together as long as we can," Blanche smiled next to me. Young lady, that was a proposal, if I ever heard one and I'm not strong enough to say no to that.

„Yeah. We will smile together for a long, long time," I smiled too and rested my head on hers, our hands locked together.

„Excuse me, dinner's ready!" Lena came to fetch us from our private tent which was right next to the Duke's family's tent. We were surrounded by tents of the soldiers and their field kitchen was little away. That was where the soldiers were eating, we would be eating the same food, but to not let the soldiers get too nervous, we were eating with the duke's family in their tent. The entire camp was getting ready for the night of the Blue moon, so the Earth mages were surrounding our camp with Earth walls.

„Are you ready for the blue moon?" Laina asked me.

„Yes. Everyone is ready, even this little guy," I patted the viper sitting on my head

„Shouldn't you name him too?"

„I think I should," I took the Blue Moon viper from my head and held it in front of my face, „Hmm… What about… Cie?"

As I said that, the snake wriggled in my hand happily.

„Isn't that a little basic?" Lena asked me.

„Well, she likes it, so it's fine."

„Okay, you two. Let's get to eating. The night will be long and we will have to defend against rampaging monsters sooner or later."

„Right!" We nodded and started eating.

Soon after we finished, the night started to fall. The west was covered in red, the east in purple. I was in our tent and I watched as the energy of the blue moon started to take over. First thing first, my markings turned from white to light blue. I was quite used to this by now, however. The Blue moon is an effect that heightens magical powers. In other words, I have right now my magical power strengthened tenfold. According to Kalvig, only pureblooded Ancients are capable of drawing the power of the Blue moon completely. Lena, who is only a quarter-Ancient, is apparently only capable of strengthening threefold, while Laina can strengthen sixfold.

The slimes started to vibrate in their barrels. Not even a minute after that, liquids started pouring from the slimes. The Golden Slime's liquid was dripping the smallest amount as usual. So far I only feed it some specks of gold ore we got in our mine and broken jewelry, minus the gems. I had about five kilograms of various jewels and gems right now. There were even some diamonds, but as it turned out, I could make them if I really put my mind to it. I don't even know how many diamonds I made to kill time… I guess I could sell those too, but it would be suspicious if I whipped up some diamonds so easily… urgh, what a pain…


Liquid segregated by Golden slime during the Blue moon. When mixed with gold ore, it expands its volume exponentially. It can be used for gilding and luring light sensitive monsters.

Blue Liquor

Liquor made during the Blue moon by the Fermenting slimes. Approximately 33% alcohol.

„So the Fermenting slimes make Blue Liquor, eh? Wonder how it tastes… Wow that's good!"

The taste was spreading through my body like the first sunlight of a new day. I felt as if a flowerfield came to full bloom. The actual taste was a perfect balance between bitterness and sweetness while slightly hiding the amount of alcohol. You could really get drunk after drinking too much of this.

„Really?! Wait! Your eyes are glowing!" Blanche seemed as if she wanted a sip too, but my eyes apparently stopped her.

I took out a piece of polished copper I used instead of a mirror.

„Oh wow, you're right… that's weird… It's most likely due to the liquor… or maybe a combination of liquor and the blue moon? I don't know… I need to look into this later… Maybe I could talk Romi into joining me too. Anyway, let's check on the Dark slime and then go scout for the monsters."


And I will look into any downsides of this liquor while I'm at it.


Liquid produced by Dark slime during the Blue moon. It can cause things to decompose. It's also an alchemical component.

Wait… it's called Nigredo… Wasn't that a part of alchemy on Earth? It had something to do with the Philosopher's Stone, if I remember correctly…

Feeling weirdly disgusted and excited by my newest find, I decided to go out and hunt the monsters that I felt getting closer with my detection magic.

„It's a Frog fiend!"

„Overeater over here!"

„We have some Flameskulls over here!"

„Remember your emergency drills soldiers! This is nothing compared to Skull bears you've fought before!"

The soldiers started calling over each other and the dark elf captain barked out her orders.

„Let's help them out, Blanche."


We took out our bows and started shooting. Overeater, a giant frog-like humanoid was slowly walking towards us. His tough hide made swords unusable so he was surrounded by spear wielding soldiers with mages behind them. I tug in one of my arrows and let it loose. I hit it directly in its eye, which surprised it so much that it screamed out, but I used that to drive another arrow into its mouth, killing it in the process.

" I used magic under my feet to raise myself and Blanche above the heads of soldiers to give us a clean path for shooting our arrows.

„The frog fiends are no challenge…"

„Right? They fall so easily it's quite scary."

„The Flameskulls are worse though…"

„They burn the arrows before they can hit them, if we don't cover them in energy or magic."

„Those two are amazing…"

„They are so small, yet they have no problems with the monsters…"

„Lord Arito! Lady Blanche! Could I ask you to take care of the frog fiends? We will take care of the Flameskulls for you!"

„Okay! Thank you captain!" I gave the dark elf captain a solid nod and started delivering my arrows to the frog fiends' heads.

„Oh wow…"

„We don't even need to do anything…"

„Uuuu… I wanted to get a go with the Overeater…"

„Sister, blades do not work on those. Be glad sir Arito saved you before you could get seriously wounded."

The Ducal family was chatting below us, but I let them be and continued my onslaught.

„Arito, I'm low on arrows."

„Right. Here, two full quivers."

„Thank— you!" Blanche said with dramatic pause as she hit another frog fiend squarely in its head.

„Hey! When you get tired, just say so, okay?" Kalvig called out to us.

„We will, thank you!"

Truth be said, with my Sleep deprivation resistance, I could go for fifty hours without sleep no problem, but I guess that would worry them, so I better take a break after eight hours or so.


„There's no end to them!"

„If these monsters are working together, then there must be a leader of some sorts!"

Those soldiers are right, this number is crazy. In those four hours I got at least a thousand Frog fiends… aaaand that was my fiftieth Overeater.

„Arito, how many arrows do we have left?"

„Not much, about two thousand."

„This is bad, even the Duke's family had to start fighting too. What do you think of the possible boss?"

„It's a highly intelligent monster, most likely an adapted one… though there is a possibility that it's a powerful Magic born monster that surpassed the effect of the Blue moon."

„That would be bad, right?"

„More like the worst."

If the monsters are swarming us to this extent, we might not be able to hold on… I can't call on my slimes, Ogres or Romi's vampire servants… That's it!

…aaah, found it. I located the boss in the forest! Kuro! Nana! Shikuro! Kurde! Karan!"

„Woof!" The five wolves jumped out of the Dimension home and I promptly closed it.

„Time to hunt!" I took out my daggers and jumped over the earth wall, crushing a frog fiends head under me as I landed. „ !"

As I stomped the ground, I caused it to turn into swampy mud and as the monsters before me lost footing and sunk in, I used Pavement to harden it into a single solid piece of rock. Some Frog fiends were stuck with both legs and hands, some with only their legs and I saw one that fell to the mud head first and now was choking. Poor guy, but I have no other choice.

I continued mowing down any and all monsters that got in my way. Overeater tried to jump on me, but with its legs stuck in the ground it only fell down with a thud sound. „" I used magic through my dagger which I stabbed into its eye, killing it instantly.

„Aaaaaaa–wooooooooooooooooooooo!" the wolves followed me and were biting any and all monsters that made the mistake of trying to get close to me over their fallen comrades.

„Thanks for the help!" I smiled at my wolves and took on my black hood and a facemask I used while hunting Bandits. Time to finish up the perpetrators.