
The alarm ringing sound louded in Richard Concerto's ears, getting him up from his sleep. He weakly reached for his phone on the phonestand and looked with one eye at the mobile screen.

" Oh, no! " Richard gasped as he saw the time. He was already late for his morning class.

Jumping out of bed, he hurriedly run into his bathroom, then he wash his face, then he were his school uniform, his mind racing with thoughts of the lecture he would receive from his stern professor. But as he wore his I.D and prepared to dash out the door, the entire apartment building shook violently, as if an earthquake was rip up through the apartment.

Confused and curious, Richard rushed to the window to see what was causing the shakings. What he saw was froze him in terror. Chaos had consumed the once-busy streets of Kamari City. People were jumping on one another, their teeth sinking into flesh with a very ugly and brutal way. It was like something out of a nightmare.

His heart pounding, Richard witnessed the unthinkable scene in front of him, people turning on their fellow humans, devouring them like ravenous animals. He saw blood-soaked streets, cars colliding in a cacophony of metal and glass, and nearby explosions sending shockwaves through the city.

Fear grasp him like tightly, and he almost fall backward, his mind struggling to comprehend the horror unfolding before his eyes. This couldn't be real, it must be some kind of sick prank or a movie set gone horribly wrong. But the screams and the madness outside were all too real.

Richard's trembling fingers clumsily with in his phone, desperately trying to establish a connection to the outside world. He opened his X ( Twitter ) and Facebook feeds, hoping for some rational explanation for this madness. But instead, his worst fears were confirmed, videos flooded his timeline showing the same horrifying scenes he had witnessed outside his window.

As Richard scrolled through the news articles and social media updates, he was horrified to learn that the zombie outbreak was not confined to Kamari City alone. Reports poured in from every major city in the Zamya – Rueza City, Pazaim City, Faguia City – all facing the same situation. The infection was spreading like wildfire, turning ordinary citizens into bloodthirsty monsters.

And also saw that videos that stray cat become massive, and attack near humans and killed them.

And pitcher plant become from bug eater to human eater, it's suck humans into his tube like bug, and devour entire human like nothing.

And this scenes repeat everywhere in Zamya. But the horror did not stop at the Zamya borders. International news outlets were also reporting the outbreak in major cities worldwide. Like Seoul, Tokyo, New York, Beijing, Berlin, Paris, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, New Delhi, Manila, Nicosia, Bangkok. No place seemed to be spared from the outbreak.

Fear and despair taking action to effect on Richard as he realized the magnitude of this catastrophe. This was not a localized incident or a passing nightmare, it was a global crisis. The world as he knew it was breaking apart before his eyes.

He then checked his messenger to see a flood of messages from his school group chat. The messages were anxiety and filled with panic, each reporting the same horrifying events unfolding in their respective locations. Friends and classmates were sending desperate pleas for help, urging each other to stay safe and avoid going outside.

" Guys, what the hell is happening? Are you seeing this? " Richard typed, his fingers trembling with every letter.

The responses came in swiftly from one of his classmates. A message read, " I can't believe what I'm seeing outside my window! " along with a photo of the school grounds in chaos.

" It's like a scene from a zombie movie! " another exclaimed.

" Shit. " Richard muttered under his breath. " There is a zombie apocalypse happening right now. "

( Beep...

After searching entire earth, the suitable host has been found.

The system is activating…

1%.. 5%.. 10%.. 25%.. 50%.. 75%.. 100%

Pioneer Military System has been activated. You can now view your status window whenever you wish. The first time, the window will open as a test. )

( User: Richard Concerto

Age: 20

Level: 1

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 1, Melee Proficiency Level 1, Driving Proficiency Level 1.

Health: 100 / Strength: 10 / Agility: 10 / Stamina: 10 /

Experience points: 0/500



Summoned Troops: 0/10

Wheel of Fortune:

Daily Rewards:

Fortnight Rewards:

Monthly Rewards:

Basic Survival Guide:

Zombie Encounters: Tactics and Strategies. )

( A/N: Fortnight means 14 days, here I take it as 15 days. )

" What is this? " He muttered to himself as he read the strange green message that had appeared on his retina.

Amidst the chaos, Richard heard a sounds and cries coming from outside, made his body instinctively move to the window to see what was happening again.

People were running everywhere, screaming and begging for help as they tried with all their might to get away from other people. However, the scariest thing was that there were many people eating other people as if they were beasts.

" Help! "

A girl was running for her life as she looked behind her, getting as far away from one of those strange people as possible. In an oversight, she tripped against a stone and fell to the ground.

" Watch out " Richard unconsciously shouted.

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

One of those strange people, with it's bloody mouth, caught the girl who had fallen and fiercely bit one of the girl's arms, making her cry out in pain.

" Save me! " The girl screamed painfully as she tried to free himself. Her expression was truly pitiful, unfortunately for her, none of the people running could be bothered with her as they were too preoccupied trying to save their own lives. Soon, her body stopped moving.

However, a few moments later, the girl stood up and began to stagger slowly as she chased after the noise.

Seeing this, Richard's complexion turned pale as he suddenly realized that these strange creatures were practically identical to the zombies from the World War Z movie.

" Ah! What's that!? " Richard was shocked when he saw a bee the size of a human fist suddenly buzzing toward a zombie.

The zombie didn't even react to the attack when the bee's huge stinger pierced its head, directly crushing its brain and killing it on the spot.

The bee opened the zombie's head and began to eat something. After a few moments, its body seemed to grow a few more inches before it stopped.

As if sensing something, the bee left the zombie's corpse and shot straight towards the apartment.

Richard's face changed when he saw that strange bee charging towards him. The bee's speed was really fast and in just a few blinks it had crossed the broken window, aiming its sharp blood-stained stinger at his face.

Richard reacted on instinct. His right hand reached out and grabbed a wooden chair next to him. Without even taking a second to think, he struck forward with all his strength.

The wooden chair impacted hard against the bee, sending it flying against the adjoining wall.

Seeing that the bee had fallen to the ground but was still moving, Richard raised the chair above his head and struck the bee's body fiercely three times before the creature stopped moving.


The door of his room received a resounding bang from the outside and Richard was forced to prepare himself for the worst.

The banging continued uninterrupted and the grunts coming from the other side of the door made it obvious that at least one zombie was trying to break through and, seeing how hard the door was being hit and how the hinges seemed about to give way at any moment, he knew he didn't have too much time to stand around without doing anything.

His brain worked quickly and without hesitation he rushed to the TV, ripping off the wire forcefully. He then tied one end of the long black wire to the bed and the other end to one of the desk legs.

After that, he walked over to the bee and started poking at something.


The door finally could not withstand the constant assault and burst open with a small explosion. Immediately after the door was kicked down, two persons looks like students because of their uniform, who had turned into zombies staggered in.

Their blood-stained faces looked distorted. Richard could even see several bite marks where the flesh had horribly removed.

The two zombies advanced rather slowly in Richard's direction. Although the creature's eyes were completely white as if they were blind, they seemed to be able to smell life emanating from his body since their movements had a fairly clear direction.

Just as they advanced, the two mindless zombies suddenly tripped over the wire that Richard planted a few centimeters above the ground. The bed creaked and moved slightly due to the strong pull, but it was enough for the two zombies to fall flat on their faces.

Richard's eyes flashed as he shot forward at full speed unwilling to pass up the opportunity. Reaching in front of the first zombie, he mercilessly stabbed the head of the now helpless creature with the sting of the bee he had killed not long ago.

The mutated bee's stinger had a length of two human fingers and a width of at least three fingers, so it easily pierced the zombie's head, crushing the brain and killing the creature.

Before the second zombie could react, Richard quickly stabbed its head ruthlessly, killing it in a second as well.


Zamya is not a country name, it's not on earth like my second novel, it's my own created country, and city names. And I take the famous countries, and their capital names on earth.

Like my second zombie apocalypse themed novel, but I take only military system. And I combined both my two zombie novels, and zombies names are same from my second novel.

I hope you like it. And also if you like read my other novels also. And add them to your library.

Thank you, Happy reading. Take care of yourself, also your loved ones.