Chapter 29: I’m Late for the Party!





My phone was ringing non stop, and maybe after this I will change this ringtone, and put some soothing and calm music or something in it.

This ringtone was like doing something that irritates me a little bit and what was weird is it's just today that i feel irritated by this.

I took out my phone from my pants pocket and saw the caller id, it was Eddie's call, I picked up the call and then answered it.

"Hello!" I said as the other side of the phone did not call out first.

"Yo bastard! Where are you right now? You know it is time now, and I'm fucking tired of waiting for you. You ungrateful fucking bastard you should have been here even way… way before the meeting time, considering that I'm helping you getting a girl in this drinking party." Eddie shouted from his side and he wasn't done as he continued before even I could think about this.