Chapter 30 : Hungry


"What do you want to do?" Adrian asked as soon as we stepped into the coolness of his apartment.

"I don't know. Maybe we could watch a movie?" I suggested while he locked the door, and a nervous flutter tickled my chest. The idea seemed innocent enough, but I knew better than that.

"Sounds good to me," Adrian replied nonchalantly, heading towards his bedroom.

I followed him, getting rid of my heels on the way. Adrian opened the door to his bedroom–a place I was starting to be too familiarized with. Adrian headed to his wardrobe and fumbled through it, grabbing an oversized t-shirt and handing it to me. "Since you didn't bring any change of clothes, I thought you'd want to put on something more comfortable than that...dress," he explained, his stare taking in my body from head to toe. "Which by the way, was a fucking good choice."

I chuckled and took the shirt from his hand. "You should thank Rachel for that."