Chapter 43 : Spotting Her


"Are you going home for the holiday this time?" Chris asked curiously from beside me as we prepared to watch a game in the living room of my apartment.

I should have planned something for the break, but due to everything happening lately, I wasn't in the mood for anything. I had a lot to work on with filming and editing anyway, so I decided to stay within campus and focus on that instead.

It had been seven days since the karaoke bar—seven days since Lily had allowed herself a moment of vulnerability and surrendered to me. If I tried really hard, I could still feel the aftertaste of her kiss lingering in my mouth, intoxicating and addicting.

But then, she vanished again, leaving me with nothing but the memories of her.

I glanced at Chris while he scrolled through the channels on my TV. "I guess I'm just not in the holiday spirit this year, so I'll stay here."

"Is it because of Lily?" he prodded gently, his brows furrowing slightly. "Or your dad?"