When I wake up at dawn, I lay in bed for longer than I usually would. Was last night only a mere nightmare? It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that a shifter actually broke into my home, told me I was destined to be his mate and demanded I come with him. In my eighteen years, it is the craziest thing to ever happen to me, even though I am a witch.
When the light begins to stream through my window, I know I need to get up. Shane, by running around as a big wolf, has made it so the townspeople will be banging on my door soon if I don't deliver their healing salves.
Yawning, I dress quickly, wearing my favorite green dress, and tie my blue apron. I braid my hair and clean my teeth. After a quick breakfast of porridge, I gather my supplies for the day and check off my list of orders. I keep making mistakes with the potions I am handing out, which I do not usually do.
My mind is a mess. I feel so unleveled and unbalanced. I can’t get my mind off what happened last night. To me, the most scary part of the whole situation is my reaction to Shane. It isn’t even his looks, which did affect me, but the connection I felt for him was so strong that I almost did what he asked. I almost went with him.
But that would be plain old stupid. I can’t throw my whole life away for some shifter who claims to be my mate. All I know is that my attraction and connection to Shane is dangerous. I will not go with him anywhere, that much I’m sure of.
Finally, I stock the cart I use when I have a ton of product to deliver and go into town. It’s a nice cool day, and I breathe in the fresh air, which helps clear my head. My first stop is the bakery. The baker needs my special burn ointment because nothing else works for him. As I give him the green tube, I wonder if he would still use it if he knew it only worked so well because I made it with magic.
After I deliver many healing potions, I push my heavy cart to the blacksmith, who has a recurring issue with his left eye. Sometimes, it’s so bad he sees black. Then, I go to the dusty bar. The barman has an earache, so I brewed a potion for him. He always offers me a bowl of beef stew. Usually, I don’t stay, but for some reason, I am starving today.
I’ve finished my daily deliveries, but I still need to replenish my supplies in the woods. It is now late afternoon, and I shovel the stew quickly into my mouth. After my encounter with Shane, I don’t want to be in the woods at night.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” the barman says as he takes my empty bowl away.
“Yes?” I raise a brow at him.
“A traveler is passing through town and needs to restock his supplies. I told him that you usually come here around this time. I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” he tells me with a friendly smile and leaves me with a tap of his knuckle on the bar.
Crap. That is highly inconvenient. I wait for around 10 minutes, swinging my legs impatiently on my bar stool.
“Hello, Morgan.”
Oh, no. I know that voice. I turn around to find Shane looking handsome in a traveler's cloak. At least his distracting torso is covered this time. I can actually think because I am not staring at his abs.
“Shane, I’m sorry, I can’t help you. I’m busy,” I tell him flatly. I leave the bar and push my cart.
Of course, he follows me.
“Morgan, would you ignore someone who is in need of one of your useful potions?” Shane asks in a mock offended tone.
I glare at him for saying the word ‘potions’ in public. I never call them that out loud in case one of my fellow villagers hears and thinks I use witchcraft. Shane grabs the cart from me and pushes it. I want to protest, but it is heavy with product, so I let him take over.
One of my frequent customers, Ms. Rebecca, comes up to us and smiles at the two of us.
“Ah! I’m so happy our traveler found you, Ms. Morgan. He needs your service,” she tells me. A couple of other people stop and stare at us. “Maybe you could stay for a bit longer and get to know Ms. Morgan,” she adds, looking at Shane.
She always tries to set me up with someone because I am of childbearing age.
“Oh, I intend to get to know Ms. Morgan,” Shane cockily says, his tone suggestive.
I glare at him again, wishing I had mastered the invisibility spell. Or a spell to knock him in the head without lifting a finger.
Everyone is staring at me, and I feel like I am being put on the spot. I am the town's only herbalist, so I can’t ask anyone else to do it.
“Follow me, Shane,” I tell him through clenched teeth.
We drop my cart off outside my cottage and collect my wooden basket.
“What supplies do you need to restock?” I ask him grudgingly.
The faster I get this done, the quicker he can be on his way. Then, I won’t have to stare into his beautiful teal eyes. They are the exact color of the creek in springtime.
“Oh, you know… a little of this, a little of that,” Shane answers, grinning at me. I roll my eyes.
We walk to the woods, and the only sound we can hear for a while is our footsteps. His are surprisingly soft and light despite his huge frame. I bend down to collect more aloe plants.
“You know, I was thinking it was a mistake to break into your house like that,” he finally admits.
“You think?” I narrow my eyes at him.
“Uh, yeah. That wasn’t my best decision. I apologize if I scared you.” I can tell by the way he words this that he probably doesn’t have to say he’s sorry a lot.
“You did, but I accept your apology.” I give him a tentative smile. Shane grins at me.
Oh, wow. His teeth are very white, and his smile is beautiful. I tell myself to focus on the task at hand. I collect the rest of the herbs I’m running low on. The sun is setting as we head back to my cottage.
We enter, and I begin a fire and offer him a cup of tea.
“Yes, please, I would love one,” Shane answers while removing his cloak. He has on a see-through white shirt. It would be better for my conversation skills if I couldn’t see the muscles in his stomach.
I prepare two cups of tea. I have to admit it is nice to have someone for company. I could never risk having anyone in my home because I was afraid of them seeing anything related to witchcraft. Shane and I drink and chat about the weather and his travels. I can’t help but notice that his answers are very evasive.
Then, I gather potions for him to take on his travels. Shane tells me he needs mostly healing tonics. I pack them up in a bag for him, and he gives me gold coins as payment. Everything is going well until he brings back the whole mate thing.
“Listen, Morgan. I am sorry for scaring you last night. But what I said is still true. We are mates.”
Crap, what do I even say to that? Shane takes my hand, and it irritates me to realize his touch is comforting.
“We could be happy, Morgan. I could offer you so much more in this life than being a village herbalist,” Shane says in a soothing voice. I pull my hand away from his.
“I’m happy here, Shane. This is my home. This is where I belong,” I argue. He changes direction.
“I would be such a good mate, sweetheart.” Shane’s voice is downright seductive, almost hypnotic. “I could give you so much. All you have to do is come with me.”
I almost agree. Shane’s voice is like a spell being cast on me, and his handsome face confuses my senses, making me want to agree to anything he asks of me. I shake my head, telling myself to get it together.
“No, Shane,” I say firmly. “You’re a stranger. I will not leave my home and business for someone I don’t even know.” I take the bag of supplies I packed for him and stand up. I lead him outside and cross my arms. “You need to leave.”
Shane’s hands begin to shake again, and he tries to hide it by clenching his fists.
“Come on, Morgan, I tried to be nice. But you have to come with me! It’s not a question or request. It’s a demand.” Shane’s becoming increasingly mad. And so am I.
“What the hell?! So, I have no choice in the matter? I just have to do as you say?! That’s pretty controlling, Shane, and I don’t think I want that quality in a mate,” I tell him, malice seeping into my words.
“Why do you have to be so difficult?" he murmurs, and I can tell he's frustrated. "I thought this would be so much easier.”
He said the same thing last night.
“Well, I’m sorry that I’m an actual person with ideas and opinions. God, you’re such a controlling hothead!” I scream, pointing a finger at him.
“Don’t call me a hothead,” Shane warns me, his whole body shaking. I should probably allow him to calm down, but my temper makes me blow up even more.
“You’re just a pushy dog!” I yell.
When his eyes narrow and his teeth pull back in a growl, I know I made a mistake. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the woods.
“Morgan, you’re coming with me. No more arguing. This is happening.” Shane continues to drag me. “I tried to be nice and act like you had a choice, but that’s over.”
Even though I am trying to fight him off and plant my feet on the ground, he easily pulls me along.
“Shane, let go of me!”
He ignores me.
Ugh! He is just proving my point. He’s acting like all the names I called him.
“Unhand Ms. Morgan, traveler!” the barman yells from across the dirt road.
I turn to the side to see where his voice is coming from, and I see the man running toward us.
Perfect. This situation is about to get a lot worse.