The next morning, I wake up later than I’ve ever had. From the way the sun is slanting through the window, I would guess it’s early afternoon. The past few days run through my mind, and my head aches with the fact that I’ve lost the only home I’d ever known.
For a while, I lay in the comfortable bed contemplating what I should do. My room is located on the second floor of Shane’s pack house, and I couldn’t jump safely to escape. I don’t trust my abilities to magic my way out of here. That was besides the point. Even if I could escape, where would I go?
I have nothing except for my family’s book of brews.
Then, someone knocks softly on my bedroom door. I’m going to scream if it’s Shane.
“Come in,” I call.
Thankfully, it’s just Tanya. My maid or guard, or whatever she is to me. Honestly, I just need a friend right now. Her warm smile automatically relaxes me, and I’m slightly embarrassed for being in bed at such a late hour.
“Good morning, Ms. Morgan. How did you sleep?” Tanya asks me. She has a basket of clothes that she sets on the floor. I sit up in bed, leaning over to study the garments she’s brought in.
“I slept very well, thank you,” I answer honestly. I’m not sure if it was because I was exhausted, but I slept through the night, something I haven’t done in years. Maybe I should have been more on guard sleeping in a house with strangers, but I was too tired to consider that.
“I’ve collected some clothes for you to wear for now before we go on a trip to town to purchase a new wardrobe for you. The washroom across the hall is stocked with soap and cloths. They are all slightly used, but I assure you they were laundered. I’ll let you get dressed, then we can get you some food, and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the pack.”
“Um, sounds good,” I respond, unsure what else to say.
Tanya leaves my room to give me privacy. I look through the basket of clothes, and most of them seem like they will fit me. I pick out a green top with flowers on it and a long white skirt. My cheeks heat when I find a pair of matching white undergarments. I walk to the bathroom and take my time getting ready. I wash my hair, body, and face. I clean my teeth and get dressed. Afterwards, I french braid my long hair and give myself a pep talk in the mirror.
I can do this. I can make nice with the shifter pack and find a way out of here. I can start over in a new village where no one knows I’m a witch. I just have to get through this. I will avoid Shane and create an escape plan.
Feeling a little better, I exit the bathroom and go down the stairs into the kitchen. There I find Tanya, who is stirring a pot of something I can’t see, but it smells heavenly. The redheaded shifter, Cain, who I was introduced to last night, is eating from a bowl at a wooden table.
“Good morning,” Cain says, and waves his spoon in greeting. I smile shyly at him.
“Take a seat, Ms. Morgan. I’ll fix you a bowl,” Tanya tells me.
Usually, I’d argue that someone was taking care of me, but I feel awkward with Cain in the room. So, I sit down next to Shane’s friend. Then, Tanya sets down a bowl of soup with a buttered roll and a big glass of water.
“Potato corn chowder,” she notes, presenting her dish proudly.
“Thank you, Tanya. This smells delicious.”
Cain and I eat in silence as Tanya washes the dishes. When I have a mouth full of chowder, an elegant middle-aged woman walks into the room. She has sharp cheekbones and blonde hair that is on the verge of turning gray. When I look into her eyes, I immediately know this is Shane’s mother. They have exactly the same teal-colored eyes.
“Ah! There you are. It’s so nice to finally meet you, dear,” she says in a friendly tone. “My name is Catherine. I’m Shane’s mother.”
In my haste to greet her, I choke on a bite of soup like a fool. Cain has to thump my back. Everyone stares at me embarrassingly as I clear my throat.
“Sorry, uh, I’m Morgan,” I introduce myself as Shane’s mom takes a seat.
“Oh, I know who you are, sweetheart. The whole pack has been waiting for you to arrive. I’m so happy my son has found his destined mate. Who would have thought? A shifter and a witch!” Catherine pats my hand good-naturedly.
What? Does Shane make it a point to tell everyone my secret? I take a deep breath to calm myself, pushing down all my anger. I will save that for Shane.
“Um, yes. Who would have thought?” I answer with a forced smile.
Catherine sighs and stands once again. “I wish I could chat, darling, but I’m running late for a pack meeting. I’ll talk to you later. I want to hear all about you.”
With that, Shane’s mom leaves the room after squeezing my hand. I wonder where Shane learned his bad manners from because his mother is a lovely woman.
After I’m finished with my meal, I try to wash my dishes, but Tanya takes over. I cross my arms and lean against the counter, feeling uncomfortable.
“So, um, where’s Shane?” I ask Cain.
“He’s in the pack meeting,” Cain replies like it’s obvious. “As our pack's future Alpha, he kinda has to attend.”
What. The. Hell?
Not only am I set to be mated to a shifter I barely know, but he’s the damn Alpha of the pack?
Over the course of the next couple of days, I got into an uneasy routine. Tanya introduced me to the rest of the pack. I learned that Shane’s father, who is the current Alpha, is sick. My heart went out to Shane – even though I still hated him – and his mother, who has treated me with nothing but kindness.
I mostly spent time in my room or being Tanya’s shadow as she completed her daily chores and tasks. One time, while I was eating supper in the kitchen alone, Serena, who I learned is sort of like Shane’s second in command, walked into the room.
“Hello, Morgan,” she greeted me politely. I nodded.
If I’m being honest, Serena scared the crap out of me. Her eyes always have an intense look to them and I can’t get past it.
Serena took an apple off the counter.
“So, how’s it going?” Serena asked me, probably trying to fill the awkward silence.
Even though she was being nice, I felt shy under her gaze.
“Um, good, thanks,” I said quickly.
Then, I escaped the room.
I’m feeling more lost than I’ve ever felt in my life. I don’t want to try and adjust to pack life because I didn’t choose to be here. I’m sitting in my room on the rocking chair, staring gloomily out the window. I feel like everyone in the pack knows everything about me, even things I don’t want them to know. I feel raw and exposed, like an open wound. It feels like I’m a prisoner in this house. Like I have no free will. I didn’t choose this new life for myself. It was thrust upon me.
Suddenly, it feels like I can’t breathe, like I’m suffocating. I need to get out of this house. Now. I grab a wooden basket I find in the closet and my book of brews. I race down the stairs, ignoring a question someone asks me. When I make it outside, I can finally breathe again. I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this before.
There’s a forest near the pack house, and I head there swiftly. The sun is setting, making it the perfect time to collect herbs. With a new spring in my step, I began to harvest the first herbs I find, which are mint, rosemary, and basil. If nothing else, I can help spice up the cooking.
All too soon, I hear someone’s footsteps approaching. It bothers me to realize I can already recognize the sound of Shane’s feet.
“Hello, Morgan,” he says.
I haven’t seen him for the past couple of days, which is fine with me. When I bump into him in the common living spaces, I simply run the other way.
“Shane,” I answer curtly.
I study him as he sits on the ground beside me. He looks even better than what I remember. Damn it, why do I have to find him so attractive? He’s wearing a plain white shirt, and I can see the outline of his hard body through it. I force myself to stop ogling his figure and look into his beautiful eyes.
“How are you?” he asks.
His question makes my blood boil. I drop the sage I’ve been studying.
“How am I? Oh, let’s see. I’ve lost the only home I’d ever known. I’m in a new place where I don’t know anyone. I’m in an arranged marriage with a pack’s future Alpha! How could you not tell me you’re the future Alpha of this pack?!” I blow up on him.
“Why would that make a difference?” he questions. I groan in frustration.
“Of course, it makes a difference, Shane. How could it not?”
We glare at each other. Even though I’m pissed at him, my heart begins to speed up in excitement. This is the problem with Shane. He annoys me to no end, but there is definitely something between us that I can’t name.
“You know what? I really don't feel like arguing with you today. So, I’m going to bid you goodnight,” he says and storms away.
I watch him go with my jaw clenched. That man is so maddening! Soon after he leaves, Tanya comes out to the woods to check on me. Her expression is concerned, and I wonder if she heard Shane and me fighting.
For a while, she just assists me in gathering herbs. My heart is no longer in the task. When it’s too dark out to see, I stand up and brush my shirt off.
“How are you enjoying pack life?” Tanya asks me quietly.
Before I can give her a generic answer, I stop myself. I can tell her the truth, right? Alone in the forest with no one else to hear me, I can tell someone exactly how I’m feeling.
“To be honest, I’m not. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re great and everything, but…” I trail off, unsure of how much to confide her with.
“I understand. It can be a big change. But the pack is happy you’re here, I promise. Especially Shane. I can tell.” Tanya gives me a knowing smile. “I’ve known him most of my life, and I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you.”
With that, she nods and walks towards the house. Shane looks at me a certain way? In what way is that? And more importantly, why do I care?
I stare after her for a moment before grabbing my basket, and more confused than ever, I follow after her.