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Thane raised his hand into the air and Professor Flitwick spun around to face Thane, "Simply marvelous tell me son what is your name?" 

"Thane Carter Sir," Thane replied as he lowered his wand and the feather floated back down to rest on the table in front of him. Flitwick opened his mouth to respond when his eyes locked onto the spellblade in Thane's hand, "Y-young man what is that in your hand there?" 

"My magical focus Professor, I understand if you're concerned but I've already talked with Professor McGonagall and confirmed that I am allowed to carry it on school grounds." Thane replied as Flitwick stepped down from his stack of books and walked over to stand in front Thane.

"May I?" Flitwick asked as he held out his hand. 

Wordlessly Thane offered the professor his spellblade who practically gasped as the metal came to rest in his palm, "In all my days I never would have hoped to lay eyes much less hold a functional spellblade." 

"You know what a spellblade is, Professor?" Thane asked. 

Flitwick nodded enthusiastically, "Not to toot my own horn but I was once duelist of some renown, as such I have studied almost every form of battle magic to have existed on this earth. But by far spellblades were the most interesting subject I came across even with how little is known about them. The method used to make them has been lost to time and most remnants are nothing but rusted pieces of metal. Up until now my research only turned up one spellblade still functional in the modern age, the Sword of Gryffindor that is rumored to be somewhere in these very walls." 

The professor then promptly returned Thane's blade, "Ten points to Slytherin for Thane correctly casting the assigned charm. Now everyone back to work, Thane if you wish you can leave class early." 

"Thank you professor," Rising from his seat Thane promptly left the classroom receiving envious looks until the very last second as he walked out the door. 


With a generous amount of time on his hands Thane had an almost burning desire to bury himself in the library underneath a mountain of books. Instead Thane returned to his dormitory to feed Ingrid who had stayed behind detesting the idea of sitting in a class before changing his robes for a shirt and shorts. After finding his way out of the castle and onto the surrounding grounds Thane chose a random direction and broke out into a light jog.

'Just because you can throw around spells doesn't mean you can neglect your body. The Mind Body and Spirit are all connected. Every day you will follow the regiment I create, fail to do so and I will ensure that it will be the last time you make such a mistake.'

With Elara's threat echoing in the back of his head Thane had all the motivation he could ever need as he pumped his arms and tried to ignore his heart pounding in protest. 

Though Thane didn't particularly enjoy running he eventually settled into a rhythm as his breathing and stride almost became autonomous. To distract himself Thane kept his eyes on the constantly changing scenery. Situated in the middle of a valley Hogwarts was surrounded by vibrant greenery, with great plains of grass and tree covered mountains. There was enough variety that Thane never felt as if he was seeing the same sight twice, he even went for a lap around the Black Lake only to see a large shadow just underneath the surface near the shallows. As if sensing Thane's gaze a lone red tentacle popped out of the water and waved at him. Chuckling at the sight Thane waved back and the tentacle vanished back under the waves. 


Walking back to the common room Thane felt as if his entire body had turned to jelly. It turned out that running had been the easiest part of Elara's regiment, the subsequent pushups, situps, and calisthenics had made Thane question if the winter queen enjoyed torturing children within an inch of their lives. 

Thane was so exhausted that he didn't even notice all the stares he drew with his disheveled appearance as he walked through the common room to get to his dorm. And when the cold jet of water from the shower splashed across his searing skin Thane nearly shed tears of joy. 

By the time Thane was back in his robes for dinner with Ingrid reclaiming her favorite spot hidden in his sleeves he was already dreading having to repeat the same routine tomorrow. 

Walking out of his dorm room Thane couldn't help but yawn and rub his eyes only to freeze when he felt five distinct auras move across the room in a straight line towards him. Opening his eyes Thane blinked as he found a wall of his fellow first year Slytherins blocking his way forward.

"You don't belong here." 

The one in the very middle of the wall spat at Thane with a visible look of disgust. The boy was about the same height as Thane, with sharp angular features almost to the point of being off putting and slicked back platinum blonde hair. 

Not expecting to be so confronted so directly Thane was slow to respond which the other four seemed to take great pleasure in, "What's wrong Mudblood, you wouldn't shut your trap in class. Why so quiet now?" 

Thane glanced at the only girl in the group, who was rather short with chin length black hair, dark eyes like specks of coal and a pointy upturned nose. 

Even after having a slur hurled at him Thane remained silent debating if he should ignore the group in front of him, retreat back into his dorm, or send them all flying with magic. 

Before he could decide a course of action the boy with slicked back hair spoke up again, "Ugh, come on let's go. I can't be near it for much longer. My father says you can't get Mudblood stench out of Acromantula Silk." 

With a flourish of his robes the boy spun around and walked away with his group at his heels. Watching them go Thane felt his heart hammer as his hand balled into a fist.