Into the Thick of it

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"Anyways, what were we talking about?" Daphne asked, still in bed with Thane, after they had cleaned themselves and changed out the sheets. 

"You were making fun of me for asking about how to bond with Luna and Rose," Thane replied dryly, making Daphne smirk, "Ah, that's right. Are you ready to hear the secret technique?" 

Daphne turned to face Thane, who nodded earnestly, "Just keep spending time with them, dummy. Life-long relationships aren't formed overnight or, in our case, some ancient dragon soul bond. Luckily, the girls already idolize you, and your souls are quite literally made for each other." 

"That's it," Thane mumbled, questioning Daphne's advice, "I just...keep spending time with them. I don't need to make some equivalent of 'girls' night?" 

"No," Daphne emplored with a light laugh, "And just because it has a name doesn't mean 'girls night' is anything special. We just get together and talk." 

Thane fell silent, his face contemplative and deep in thought. Daphne sighed before leaning over and planting a comforting kiss on his cheek, "While it's cute you care, no one likes a worry wort. Also, you'll get frown lines if you make that face too often. While I married you for more than your looks...they are a nice bonus." 

Thane snorted, but Daphne's joke did its job, "Alright, I'll stop worrying about it." 

"Good, now spoon me!' Daphne demanded as she turned around and pushed herself back into Thane, who promptly wrapped his arms around her, "Your wish is my command." 


For about two weeks, Thane's life entered a lull. The monotonous schedule of classes that failed to challenge or stimulate his mind was a form of torture. 

Fortunately, Thane spent every moment out of class with at least one of his girlfriends. Their presence alone was enough comfort for Thane to feel more than content with the state of his life. 

A state of peace and tranquility that shattered when a familiar ghostly visage suddenly floated up from the floor, "FINALLY, I FOUND YOU!" 

Rose yelped, jumping a good foot off the ground in surprise, making Thane and the ghost laugh at her expense. 

"Shut up the both of you!" Rose snapped, her cheeks burning as she glared at Thane before whirling on the ghostly girl, "I don't even know who the hell you are!" 

"I'm Moaning Myrtle," The spirit replied, still giggling, "What's your name?" 

"None of your damn business!" Rose snarled back, her hands twitching as if gripping imaginary daggers. 

Stepping between them, Thane held out a hand to calm Rose's temper. "Easy now; there's no need for hostility. I asked Myrtle to notify me if anyone crossed into her hunting grounds." 

The bespeckled specter nodded enthusiastically, "He did, he did. That's why I'm here. They're in there right now!" 

"They?" Thane asked. 

"Two boys and a girl snuck in with a cauldron and some ingredients. I couldn't make out much, but they're talking about some chamber and an hier," Myrtle explained informatively, making Thane frown. 

Rose glanced at Thane, "What the hell is going on?" 

"I don't know, but let's find out, shall we." 


"How long does this stuff need to sit?" 

"At least a month, all the ingredients need to brew before we add in hair." 

"You mean we have to let this sit out for a month? It's going to smell even worse then!" 

"Never mind that we still need to get some of the ingredients from snape's supply. And we need to come up with a plan if we get caught-" 

"You all would be in a lot of trouble," Thane finished as he entered the second-floor bathroom, discovering Hermione, Ron, and Harry sat around a boiling caldron that smelled quite foul. 

Every member of the trio jumped, leaping to their feet and almost spilling their brewing concoction. 

"T-Thane, what are you doing here?!" Hermione questioned her face a mixture of confusion and frustration at being discovered. 

Instead of responding, Thane glanced back over his shoulder, "You can come in, Rose; it's only your brother and his friends." 

A second later, Rose stormed into the bathroom with a frown, "What's the point of training me if you're just going to make me stay back when there's danger?" 

"Until you have an actual spell blade and decent equipment always," Thane responded curtly but with a caring smile that made Rose fluster, a reaction that didn't go unnoticed by their audience. 

"What do you mean by training?" Harry asked, looking to Thane and then Rose, "Why is he with you?" 

"You don't get to ask questions about my life anymore," Rose replied defiantly, crossing her arms and glaring at Harry, "You lost that right the moment you left me with those monsters!" 

"I didn't have a choice," Harry implored, "It was safer to leave you with them, and I tried to explain what happened over the summer, but you wouldn't talk to me!" 

Rose opened her mouth to reply with a scathing retort, but the fight suddenly seemed to leave her, "It was too little, too late. No matter what you say, no matter what excuses you have, Harry, I'll never forgive you." 

Silence dominated the room after Rose's proclamation, allowing tension to brew.

But Thane had come looking for answers, and answers he would have. 

"Why were you all talking about the chamber of secrets and the heir? Do you know who it is?" Thane asked, stepping forward and resuming the conversation. 

"Were you listening to our conversation?!" Hermione asked in disbelief. 

"Not directly," Thane replied with a straight face, "Though I'm glad I did. I don't know why the three of you are getting yourselves involved, but listen to me clearly. This is not something the three of you are equipped to handle." 

"Oh, and you are?" Ron asked, practically spitting at Thane, "You think just because you opened a little shop, you're better than the rest of us! We can handle Malfoy just fine!" 

Thane blinked, stunned momentarily, while Harry and Hermione glared at Ron, who remained oblivious, "Malfoy? Is that who you think is the heir?" 

"Duh," Ron boasted, puffing up his chest, "Isn't it obvious? He's a blood supremacist, and all of his family members for the past hundred years have been placed in Slytherin! Who else could it be?" 

"Oh, I don't know the ten plus other concurrent heirs of dark noble houses," Thane answered dryly, already tired of dealing with the Weasley, "Please tell me you have more evidence than that." 

Judging from the glances the trio exchanged between themselves, Thane concluded they did not, and he let out a deep sigh, "Is that the only reason why you're so invested in this?" 

"W-well, that and Harry started hearing voices in the walls." Ron stammered, only to receive a set of even harsh glares from his friends, "RON!" 

"What do you mean voices?" Thane asked before falling silent as he tried to piece together the puzzle laid out before him, "Actually, first, let me ask, do you know what precisely the chamber of secrets holds." 

"No, of course, we don't," Hermione shot back, crossing her arms, "The myth only says Salazar hid a giant monster within." 

"My god," Thane groaned, "Come on, Hermione, what monster capable of petrification would the evil wizard famous for being able to talk to snakes hide away?" 

Hermione opened her mouth, most likely to yell at Thane, before she paused as realization dawned across her face, which quickly went pale, "T-that can't be the case." 

"What is it, Hermione?" Thane asked, turning to his friend, who was now sweating. 

"A basilisk," Hermione practically whispered, "The King of Serpents capable of killing someone with a mere gaze." 

Thane nodded, "But Mrs. Noris looked at its reflection when this bathroom flooded which is why she was only petrified. I believe the monster is moving through the pipes of the school. Which is why you might be hearing voices, Harry." 

"That's a load of rubbish," Ron replied with a dismissive wave, "Last I checked, no magical beast is capable of talking!" 

Harry reluctantly nodded along, "Y-yea, the voice I heard was speaking English." 

"Well then there's a simple enough test to find out or not," Thane replied as his eyes gained verticle pupils, "Sss'ithhh nathssskarr ss'ssilthh, Harrrr'ithh?"