Supreme Internal Observation

The bead, the size of a fist, shone brightly in the candlelight. Looking at this extraordinary bead in his hand, Fang Yuan thought to himself, "Could this be the thing that caused Fang Tianzong to betray the clan?"

This bead was truly extraordinary. Not to mention the inscriptions it contained, just its material alone was exceptional. Under his blade, even refined steel would be cut into pieces by the endless blade aura, but this bead remained completely unscathed. Its ability to withstand his blade aura proved its remarkable quality.

After playing with the bead for a moment, Fang Yuan stopped thinking about it. After all, Fang Tianzong was already dead, and whether this bead was the reason for his betrayal was no longer important.

Fang Yuan's gaze shifted, focusing on the words inside the bead. The tiny inscriptions inside were like fine lines, but with Fang Yuan's current status as a Martial Grandmaster, his sharp eyesight allowed him to clearly see the inscriptions.