
Since Zheng Yang Taoist didn't know the whereabouts of the Heavenly Meteor Core, Fang Yuan had no intention of asking others for information. Since he lacked only one specific treasure, he was willing to expend his lifespan to calculate its location.

If Fang Yuan were to calculate three or four times, he might consider the consequences, but using it only once now, he naturally wouldn't hesitate. Controlling the Escaping Light, Fang Yuan casually descended onto a mountain peak and sat cross-legged.

"To calculate the whereabouts of the Heavenly Meteor Core, and one that I can obtain!"

With his thoughts turning, Fang Yuan consumed five years of lifespan and began his calculations.

"Not enough?"

Feeling the sensations in his body, Fang Yuan's gaze flashed. "Give me another ten years!"

With the expenditure of fifteen years of lifespan, Fang Yuan's body trembled. A strand of opportunity descended, instantly interpreted by the prepared Fang Yuan through divination.