Taiyin Glassy Moonlight Body

Azure Dragon Society.

The external fighting had long ceased. With Fang Yuan's arrival, all the experts from the Power Gang and Human Gang had been killed by him. The attacks by the two major gangs against the Azure Dragon Society this evening had also failed. Fang Yuan instructed everyone to clean up the aftermath. After sending people to occupy various locations of the Power Gang and Human Gang, he came to a room alone with Xu Hai.

In the room, there was a faint aroma of incense, which had a calming effect on the mind. Fang Yuan recounted the past events with Xu Hai, and when he heard about Xu Hai's toil over the years, he couldn't help but nod slightly.

"These years, you've worked hard," Fang Yuan said.

Xu Hai felt ashamed. "If it weren't for you, adoptive father, Azure Dragon Society would probably..."

Fang Yuan interrupted, "Now that you have become a Grandmaster, there aren't many people in the world who can match you. I'm reassured to leave Azure Dragon Society to you."