Defeated in One Strike

"This is..."

Seeing the extensive color changes in the area, Xu Zhan froze, evidently not expecting Fang Yuan's ability to affect such a wide range.

"Take this strike, and I'll spare your life," Fang Yuan said coldly, his eyes devoid of any emotion.

"One strike? Are you joking?!" Xu Zhan laughed in fury. "Who do you think you are? Do you know who you're talking to? Today, I'll show you the power of my Perfect Breed Mythical Beast!"

Fang Yuan remained indifferent to Xu Zhan's words. With a thought, he fully activated the Sky-Blue Realm. Although the Sky-Blue Realm he used through the Sky-Blue Willow had a smaller range, its power was comparable to when the Sky-Blue Willow activated it itself.

With Fang Yuan's thought, countless willow branches suddenly sprouted from every non-living surface within a hundred meters of him.

The branches intertwined, waving and whistling, and like a tidal wave, they engulfed Xu Zhan and his two Mythical Beasts entirely.