0004 - When You're so Trash, Even Your Own Clan Doesn't Recognize You.

"Please…" She quickly prepared some kind of fried rice, a big bowl of it. Along with, another big bowl of egg soup and a plate of stir-fried vegetables. The aroma wafted through the air, making Lu Sheng's stomach growl involuntarily. The table was set in no time, and Yu Yunxia gestured for Lu Sheng to take a seat.

"Enjoy your meal. It's not much, but I hope you like it," she said with a neutral tone.

Lu Sheng sat down and took a large spoonful bite of the fried rice. His eyes widened in surprise as a hot burst of flavor hit his taste buds. The rice was perfectly fried giving it a light crunch, mixed with a variety of diced vegetables and meat mixed in. Each grain was coated in a light, savory sauce that enhanced the ingredients.

"This is really good!" he exclaimed before he could stop himself.

Yu Yunxia glanced over with a hint of curiosity flashed in her good eye. "I'm pleased you find it satisfactory, Young Master. Please let me know if you need anything else."

Lu Sheng didn't even hear her words as he ate bite after bite, enjoying every morsel. Even the simple egg soup was light and brothy, with soft-boiled eggs and green garnish. The stir-fried vegetables retained a nice crisp texture.

As he finished the last spoonful, he patted his belly and sighed in satisfaction. "That was the best meal I've had in a long time. You are awesome, Yu Yunxia…Err…I mean Big…Big Sister."

That was a strange complement of words for both of them but Yu Yunxia lightly bowed in return. "You honor me with your praise, Young Master," she replied formally, though Lu Sheng thought he detected a ghost of a smile on her face. He controlled his mouth to not spill more of his previous life's Earthly way of words and talking.

"I should be going to my studies now, but thank you again for the wonderful food," Lu Sheng said. Yu Yunxia nodded and began clearing the dishes.

He wanted to ask if she needed anything but felt it would be too suspicious to suddenly be this friendly.

As Lu Sheng left the kitchen, he glanced back once more at Yu Yunxia's slender figure. A warmth stirred in his chest that he couldn't quite explain. Shaking his head, he made his way to his room instead of studying as he mentioned, ready to dive into his bed for a cozy nap.

[I know you are not going to attempt to learn anything today but can I suggest something?]

"Go ahead."

[Although you cannot recall properly because of bad memory-recalling talent, I can formulate a secret route to avoid confronting Lu Zhan and his lackeys.]

"You also enjoy bullying me?"

[I am a System, I am incapable of enjoying anything.]

"You sure are capable of bullying." Lu Sheng now suspects his system is lying to him on his face but his system is all he had so he has to endure.

"Okay, let's follow your plan."

When he returned to his room he sat down comfortably on his bed and let System do his thing. Every piece of his memory System accessed was also flashed in front of his attention and that led to more linked memories speeding up the process.

[I have completed the map, please take a look.]

"Oh, doesn't it look like a game map?" His interest piqued the moment it gave a familiar feeling of gaming.

[Please focus on the Task.]

"Fine, let's see." Although he was looking at the map, for him it felt like he was visiting the places drawn on the map giving him more immersion and perspective towards his task.

"This long path following the wall will be good, except for a few guards, nobody goes there."

[Very well, I am ready.]

"Wait. What if we encounter some guards?"

[Just wave your identity token.]

"Ah! Right. I am an idiot. Alright then, automate this route towards Scripture Hall and wave identity tokens if someone asks but please approach this carefully to not get caught in the first place, okay?"

[Agreed. Automation Initiated.]

His body stood up again on its own and followed the path as discussed. His plump physique was not suited for stealth, but the Automated System did its best as it guided him along the inner wall of the Clan's estate towards the Scripture Hall.

Settled in the green bushes, his happily plump self discovered a comfy little spot. The nearby plants seemed more alive as he casually walked down the twisted path. Small twigs brushed against him, a clear sign of how few people usually stroll along this hidden path.

Suddenly, his body froze, again, and this time he knew it was his fault, again.


He grumbled but what to do, a couple of lovers were in front of him immersed in their physical display of love for each other. 

"Fucking perverts! This is the first thing you decided to do in the morning?" He can't reveal himself, but then he realizes his mistake. He wanted to smack himself because the automated system could have easily bypassed them, but the scene in front of him was a little steamy to ignore.

[Did you realize my worth even more?]

"Yes, yes. But, are you sure you can bypass them without disturbing them?"

[Let's find out.]

"Who's there?" Before the Automated System can take over his body the couple got alerted of his presence.

The Adult male quickly fixed his robe, pulled out his sword, and dashed toward the direction of Lu Sheng.


"What!? Where? How?" Lu Sheng panicked and ducked, which was the best thing he could do whenever he faced a physical confrontation with bullies.

Automated System timely warning and his own instincts helped him avoid the incoming attack. The sword whooshed through the air above him as he crouched, narrowly missing its target.

Although he survived the core attack it was a spirit-infused attack, the remnant shockwave of that attack hit him hard, sending him flying and smashing into the wall.

The female ran away before the commotion could raise suspicion regarding her illicit romance. The enraged male, witnessing Lu Sheng dodging his attack, clenched his teeth and rushed toward Lu Sheng once again, fueled by a mix of anger and embarrassment.

He notices the Lu Clan's robe but he cannot identify this fat boy who will be in the inner circle of the clan. However, his anger from the embarrassment was not dying out. The moment he came closer he started kicking in the fat belly of this boy.

"AHH! AHH! AHH!" Lu Sheng was not sure what to do but before he could think of anything he started vomiting whatever he had eaten so far, along with some blood.

Seeing the mess Lu Sheng was making, the enraged male stopped kicking the stomach but his anger was not dying out. He raised his leg and stamped on Lu Sheng's leg. With a crunch, the bone cracked and shattered.

"AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!" Lu Sheng cried out in pain.

"What is going on here?" Some influential guards quickly came and quickly stopped the enraged male from hitting Lu Sheng.

"Lu Gong! What are you doing here?" The Guard Captain asked.

"Mind your own business!" Lu Gong, the enraged male spit on Lu Sheng and left before he could be questioned more.

Guards didn't stop Lu Gong from leaving as they turned to check on Lu Sheng.

"Who is he?"

"Who else will be this fat and useless in the inner circle?" one of the guards commented.

"Oh, this is not good. Quickly, call Physicians. He has lost consciousness."


A sharp pain in his leg woke him up and he found himself on his bed, again. Multiple pillows below his back and head to keep him slightly upright.

[How are you feeling, Host?]

He didn't answer as he noticed large bandages all over him. "Ah!" He felt another sharp pain in his shoulder.

[Your shoulder is also injured, please do not move.]

He still didn't say a word.

[I know you are not happy with me being a weak System.]

"Please do not talk to me." Lu Sheng rudely silenced the System.

He took a large breath and tried to forget what happened so far.

[I apologize, Host.]

"You should be, I wanted to spend the day in my room, but you pushed me to go out, I didn't want to go out but because of you I left, and… now stop talking to me."

He closed his eyes and tried to rest.

"Young Master?" Suddenly he heard Yu Yunxia's voice from the outside.

"Tell her, I don't want to see anyone." He directed his words toward the System without thinking about how the System would do it.


"Big Sister, Yu Yunxia. Please rest for the night, I do not want to see anyone." His mouth opened automatically and let out loud but polite words.

"I have brought food, it will help with the healing." Yu Yunxia insisted.

Lu Sheng can stay angry with anything or anyone but food was an exception. "Fine."

"FINE!" His mouth opened again automatically.

Yu Yunxia slowly entered the dark room carrying a lamp and a tray of large bowls of food. She put the tray near a table and then bowed indicating that she was leaving.

"Um…" He wanted to say thank you but no words came out.

"Big Sister? Would you help me?" His mouth opened automatically again and spoke the words without his permission.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He cursed at the System inside.

The System didn't answer at all.

Yu Yunxia stopped and after a moment of silence, she turned and nodded. She sat down near Lu Sheng, her face lit up near the presence of the lamp, and her left wounded eye sparked in the light giving her a ghostly aura, beautiful yet eerie.