0007 - My Girl doesn't trust me anymore.

Her eyes turned grave as she closed the cupboard and quickly stormed towards Lu Sheng's room. 

The moment she entered, she was met with the sight of Lu Sheng's trashed room. It became clear to her that this was the work of Lu Zhan and his lackeys.

She looked around for the clue of Lu Sheng when she came near the closed door of the washroom. "Young Master Sheng?" She called out.

"Is that you, Big Sister Yu Yunxia?" Lu Sheng's nervous and guilty voice echoed behind the door. 

"Oh, I'm so relieved to hear your voice!" Lu Sheng cried from inside the washroom, playing the victim. "Lu Zhan came in, looking for me, broke my furniture, and then left."

"Yes, Young Master Zhan came to me also looking for you." Yu Yunxia replied with concern in her voice.

"He did? Are …are you fine, Big Sister? Did he hurt you?" Lu Sheng matched the emotion.

"I am fine, Young Master, thanks for your concern," said Yu Yunxia. Her voice sounded gentle. "Please come out, Young Master Zhan has left a message before leaving." 

Lu Sheng hesitated but then acted like blushing a bit before speaking, "Um... Big Sister, I can't really come out right now. It would be awkward."

"I understand, Young Master. Let me quickly clean the room and bring your breakfast as fast as possible." Yu Yunxia assured in a calming tone.

"You don't have to worry about Breakfast, Big Sister. I…I don't have an appetite right now." He was still feeling guilty and did not want to face Yu Yunxia at all.

"Skipping meals will be detrimental to your healing, Young Master. However, I will respect your wishes and return with lunch at noon." She paused. "Do you not want to know what Young Mast Zhan left in his message?"

"I rather not, people like Lu Zhan only talk about one thing, I can guess, he wants a re-match or does not believe I am injured, right?" 

[Impressive Host. you are really good at this.]

Lu Sheng felt no pride in it; throughout his life, he had become adept at deceiving, making excuses, evading responsibilities, and using words to garner sympathy from others. 

Perhaps he became too skilled at it, which is why Bull Head Guard took his side and advocated for him, granting him a second chance.

Yu Yunxia had no words left to say. "Stay safe, Young Master." She left Lu Sheng to his own situation and returned to clean the room.

Lu Sheng then heard several noises of furniture moving around, indicating that Yu Yunxia was tidying up his trashed room. He sat quietly in the washroom, holding onto the shredded bandages.

After some time, he heard Yu Yunxia finishing up in his room. The sound of furniture being rearranged ceased, and after making sure she had left he decided to come out.

Lu Sheng carefully emerged from the washroom, finding his room now cleaned but with broken furniture rearranged and left to the side. 

"Is there some curse on me?" He wondered. Not even a day after he arrived in this world, took over Lu Sheng's body, and all these inconveniences and hurt were raining down upon him.

[The curse of being weak.]

Lu Sheng rolled his eyes at the words of the System, and deep down, he pondered whether he should have written "superpowers" on the Paper of Karma. 

However, his laziness, the same laziness that prevented him from lifting even a finger for himself, landed him with this automated system.

But, if he had superpowers then he would have to work tirelessly like those protagonists. He would rather sleep and eat, much better than being a workhorse for others. 

Hero worship leads to more trouble. With thoughts of whether he did right or not, he proceeded towards the floor bedding set by Yu Yunxia.

Feeling a mixture of gratitude and guilt towards her, he lay down on the bed. "Oh yeah! What was that book? The method?"

[Host. we have found a treasure.]

"Really!??" He sat up straight with excitement. 

[Yes, Host. But, there is a complication.]

"Oh, we didn't read enough, right? I knew it! We need to get back and take a look again." Although he was talking about the thick book, his mind was at the moment he took a large sniff of Yu Yunxia's musky scent in her bed. A savory feeling spread all over his body, boiling his blood again.

[Get your mind out of the gutter.]

"Cough! Cough! right…Cough. Anyway, what is the complication?"

[This Cultivation Method would clash with Eternal Life Core Elixir.]

"So what? Let's not cultivate Eternal Life Core Elixir then."

[Why are you so eager to learn this? Do you not even want to know if it's better or good or Evil?]

"Right…Right. Tell me."

[I don't know.]


[Hear me out, this is just a speculation when I performed the comparison. Eternal Life Core Elixir methods, and procedure point towards gentleness, smoothness, and harmony. If we compare both methods then this new method is somewhat ripping off, tearing off, cruel, or berserk.]

"Oh! Meaning it's very powerful?"

[You understood everything wrong about what I said.]

"Fine, What is its name?"

[There was no name in those 20 pages.]

"And what about the purpose of this method?"

[Soul Slaves.]

"What? Slaves? It is Evil! What's so difficult for you to understand about it?"

[If it was some stealthy method then we could have cultivated it but if we practice it now, we will be announcing it to everyone about it. that is the complication.]

Lu Sheng sighed. He is now confident, he has some curse on him.

[All is not bad news, Host.]

"Huh? There is something else in that method?"

[The first 20 pages were a jackpot because it had two Cultivation Art and the beginning of this Evil Soul Slave Method.]

"OH! Then the Cultivation Art would not be evil too?"

 [Yes, these Cultivation Art are evil too but that's logical for others, not for us.]

"You are hyping it too much, if it turns out to be trash, I will be very angry."

[Do not worry, I am a System, I do not make false assumptions.]

"Yeah, yeah. Just spit it out already."

[This Evil Soul Slave Method is to cultivate an evil tyrannical soul-controlling method, it converts external neutral spirit energy into a berserk malicious essence that would corrupt the souls of others quickly.]

[The goal of this malicious essence is to gain control of others, turning them into slaves, that is one of the two Cultivation Art.]

[The other Cultivation Art involves controlling objects, like flying swords, with this Art. The treasure I mentioned earlier is used for this purpose..]

"Flying swords? That is…AWESOME!! But what was the logical part you were talking about?"

[This Evil Method theorizes a lot about Soul Essence, the core of not losing yourself to the same Malicious Essence, but you don't need Soul Essence, you have me.]

"I have no idea what you are talking about and I don't care but YES!!!"

[I thought so too.]

"So we are cultivating this Evil Method, this Malicious Essence?"

[No, why would we do that?]

"Didn't you say you will protect me from this Malicious Essence?"

[Of course but why use this method and announce to others that we are cultivating a Malicious Essence?]

"Right, I forgot about it."

[Yes, instead we will use the gentle essence of Eternal Life Core Elixir.]

"Really? Can we, I mean Can you do that?"

[Of Course, it's as easy as dreaming. Why? Now do I feel like an OP System?]

 "Of Course you are! I never doubted you!" He shamelessly lied forgetting that the System has full access to his mind. Nothing hides from it.

[Yes, I never doubted you too, Host. Now give me an official command.]

"Yes, Automate the Nameless Flying Sword Art Mastery."

[Nice Name! Automation Initiated.]


Meanwhile, Yu Yunxia returned to her room and closed the door. She pulled out a small rag of bandage and smelled it. Her eyes turned cold and emotionless, like a snake ready to strike, unleash poison and death.

She opened the cupboard and pulled the thick book out, she browsed the book one more time and then stormed towards the stove. She threw the book into the fire as she witnessed the whole book turn into ash.

As the book burned and turned to ash, something within her also turned to ash. She left the kitchen immediately towards the main grounds of the Clan.


Lu Sheng was lying on his floor bed waiting for his Automated System to give him some good news.

"How long will it take?"

[Host. It's barely been 5 mins. I am an Automated System, not a Bypass Laws System, I cannot bypass laws of physics, laws of Spirit Essence, Laws of Heavens.]

"Yeah, yeah. Do it faster than, I can't wait to play with a flying sword."

[This is an Art, not a game and to play with a flying sword, you will need a flying sword first. Also, we haven't made a breakthrough from the Spirit Breathing Realm, we don't even have enough Eternal Life Core Elixir essence to bind an object let alone make it fly.]

"Arrgh! Why does everything take so much effort and so many hoops to jump to get awesome? Why can't everything be as easy as breathing?"

[Host, you automated your breathing too, you have no right to complain about anything being hard at all.]

"Fine, fine. Focus on the task. Don't get distracted."

[Host, I am a System, I do not get distracted at all.]

"LU SHENG!!!!!"

"HOLY SHIT!!! Who is it now??" He heard an angry shout of a man.