0012 - Fake It Till You Make It.

In the middle of the night, his eyes opened as he felt tingling on his skin. He found his strength returned as he turned to look and saw Ming Mei removing all the needles from his body.

"Stay calm," Physician Hong's gruff voice echoed across the room. Lu Sheng turned to see the elder figure seated calmly, enjoying a cup of tea. 

His well-trimmed ducktail beard and waist-length gray hair neatly tied in a ponytail were just a glimpse of his impeccably polished appearance. 

The smooth green robe shimmered under the light, fastened by a golden sash with a shining jade token. Even his gloves, spotless white, spoke of meticulousness.

To Lu Sheng, Physician Hong resembled those handsome, workaholic, genius bastards who hate everyone who doesn't work as hard as they do. Lu Sheng had always disliked such people and felt intimidated by them. Why couldn't they just relax and take a breather? Who were they trying to show off to?

"How were you able to comprehend the Eternal Life Core Elixir in a day?" Physician Hong asked calmly, his teacup clinking down. His voice, deceptively calm, carried an underlying threat as if he were interrogating a criminal.

Lu Sheng sensed the threat and unfriendliness in the room. He was not sure how to respond to it. It was the Automated System who did it automatically but can he say it? He was not sure how to explain it.

He is not sure if he can lie about himself being a genius.

[Why not?] 

The Automated System sensed the thoughts of Lu Sheng and asked. 

[Why can't you say you are a genius? In fact, you are a genius! Lazy but genius nonetheless.]

"What are you talking about? I am no genius. You did all of this, without you, I would not be in this trouble at all." He cursed at the Automated System.

[But I am part of you. I am that genius and I am now yours to use. Why would you treat me like I am a separate thing?]

Lu Sheng grumbled to himself because he was still upset, but he couldn't ignore the reasoning. Deep down, he wished everything could be done automatically, like someone else handling it without needing him. 

However, now he's being forced into this genius stuff, dealing with lots of work that comes with it — responsibilities, expectations, and other complications. 

His lazy side wants to avoid the burdens that come with being a genius, the pressure to live up to high standards, and the extra weight of people's hopes, demands, and all the unnecessary attention. 

It feels like he's being dragged into a world where everything has to be perfect, and he does not want to deal with all this genius nonsense.

He wants to be invisible, like he does not exist and he can do whatever he wants. He regrets now not thinking properly at the time of writing on the paper of karma. He could have gotten a very good power if had given it more thought.

[you could still get a very good power if you use me properly, the reason you didn't is the same. You didn't put in more effort.]

"Don't rub more salt on my wounds. I don't know why you are so chatty with me, I didn't write a chatty system in the paper of karma." 

[I am just a result of your karma.]

"You haven't answered." Physician Hong's voice cut through the silence, bringing Lu Sheng back to the present.

Panic gnawed at Lu Sheng's mind. Should he confess? Deny? Perhaps he could blame it like it's some kind of an unexplainable whisper in his head, courtesy of the Automated System.

Each option seemed risky. Revealing the existence of the System could lead to unseen consequences—people might label him as mad or possessed by ghosts. On the other hand, he could be treated as the incarnation of some old Immortal genius.

There were many angles, and anything could go wrong. Opting to present himself as a genius seemed like the safest choice. However, he wasn't sure if he wanted to lie about being a genius; maintaining such lies can be a chore.

[I am here, why is this a lie to you? Just say it.]

"Hey! Who's the boss here? Huh?"

[Fine, fine.]

He was not happy about his automated system dictating his life but he had no other choice. 'Genius excuse' is the most believable excuse he can give right now.

"I...I just suddenly understood it," Lu Sheng stammered, trying his best to sound convincing. "It all made sense when I read it. The words seemed to come alive."

Physician Hong narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing Lu Sheng carefully. "The Eternal Life Core Elixir is not a complete method and you were able to fill in the gaps? how?" he asked sternly. "It takes most disciples years to reach even basic comprehension of this method's nature but you were able to use it? how?."

Lu Sheng gulped, racking his brains for how to explain.

"Could the trauma from Young Master Lu's injuries have triggered his mind somehow?" Ming Fei suggested. "I've heard tales of people gaining spontaneous insight after experiencing great physical distress."

Physician Hong frowned slightly, considering this. Lu Sheng felt a rush of gratitude towards Ming Mei for the lifeline, though he wasn't sure if her theory would hold up.

"There are rare cases of trauma-induced awakening," Physician Hong conceded slowly. "But to comprehend an unfinished method and even so quickly..." He trailed off, gazing at Lu Sheng thoughtfully.

Sensing he still needed more convincing, Lu Sheng spoke up timidly. "Elder Hong, if you instruct me in the next steps, I will prove I truly understand the foundations."

Physician Hong stayed silent for several long moments. Finally, he nodded. "Very well, we shall see if you grasp the essence or if it was a pure fate in play here." His eyes bored into Lu Sheng's. "I shall test your comprehension."

Lu Sheng consented meekly. As Physician Hong swept from the room, Ming Fei skipped over to Lu Sheng. "Isn't it wonderful, Junior Brother? You're so talented!" Her eyes shone with admiration and excitement.

"Do you know, I have been trying Eternal Life Core Elixir myself too, but I can't even grasp anything after the Spirit Condensation Realm even after 3 years of trying. Junior Brother, would you help me when you reach the Spirit Condensation Realm?"

He smiled awkwardly like a liar and nodded, trying not to get caught. Ming Mei quickly left and returned with a tower of books.

"Junior Brother! Master has asked for you to read all these and be ready in a month…" She leaned forward like she was sharing a secret. "...do you know it took me 4-5 months to understand all of this and if you need any help just ask me, I will make sure Master does not know someone helped you." She brushed off her robe, as if brushing away the suggestion of cheating she had just made.

[Ask her for a Dictionary or the entire book of symbols of this world language.]

"Do you have anything like Dictionary?" He asked. Ming Mei turned and didn't answer.

"Umm…Big Sister?" He followed his instinct. Ming Mei smiled at the sound of Big Sister.

"Yes! Let me get it for you." She leaped out of the room like a deer and returned within a blink. 

"Here." She gave a small jade slip. "Oh! I am an idiot. I forgot that you cannot read Jade slips, yet. You are still in the Mortal Initiative Realm."

She tapped the jade slip on her chin thinking then decided. "Let me transfer it to your mind, let me know how much you can comprehend. Okay?"

She channeled her cultivation base and the jade slip glowed up white as she touched Lu Sheng's forehead.

A painful flow of information invaded his mind. "Automate memorization." He quickly ordered the Automated System.

[Automation Initiated.]

Ming Mei thought it would only take moments before Lu Sheng would not be able to continue but it seemed, that the inflow of knowledge, the forced spirit essence invasion of his mind was nothing for Lu Sheng.

She thought of a mischief, to peer into the mind. To find an embarrassing secret of his new junior brother.

She smiled mischievously as her mind dived into the flow of knowledge to gain entry into Lu Sheng's mind.

[Alert! Ming Mei is trying to access your mind.]

"What? Really? Stop her? No! Wait! Can you reverse access her mind? No scratch that. Just let her see some of the memories of Lu Sheng, nothing after I took over this body, or my own memories, okay?" 

As Ming Mei dove into Lu Sheng's mind, intent on uncovering embarrassing secrets, she was met with a rush of disjointed images and memories. 

She saw him as a young boy, chubby and round-faced, often catching him mid-bite of some snack or meal. Those were the happy memories. 

Other memories showed him dozing off during lessons, then jolting awake, confused, others laughing at him. A few times he got scoldings or whacks from clan elders for his lazy, gluttonous behavior.

Ming Mei giggled to herself, amused at this insight into her junior brother's past but so far not finding anything too scandalous. The memories then shifted to Lu Sheng in his early teens. He seemed to spend most of his time in the kitchens, wheedling the cooks into giving him tasty foods.

One memory showed him greedily eating his favorite meat dishes, his cheeks stuffed full. However, suddenly the mood changed as he started getting bullied out of nowhere by everyone as if everyone was targeting him for some reason but Lu Sheng, vacant in his mind, didn't catch on to the reason.

From Lu Sheng's perspective, the situation wasn't ideal; he felt like a dumb cow or pig being mistreated, but he didn't care much as long as he could eat and sleep. 

However, from Ming Mei's viewpoint, it was an injustice. Seeing her new junior brother, so innocent and simple-minded, enduring cruel bullying every day, Ming Mei felt a swell of protectiveness rising within her. The memories of the bullying and mistreatment Lu Sheng endured ignited her anger.

She made a firm decision at that moment to protect her naive junior brother and ensure he wouldn't face any more harm. She was ready to confront anyone on his behalf, and under her guidance, no one would dare provoke or harm him, whom she was responsible for.

Satisfied with this decision to take Lu Sheng under her wing, Ming Mei withdrew from his mind, the memories fading. She gazed warmly at him with newfound purpose. 

This junior brother of hers may be lazy and food-obsessed, but he did not deserve unfair treatment or bullying. She would guide him mindfully on the cultivation path.

She continued the flow of the knowledge from the jade slip until it was over, which impressed her even more, observing how diligently her junior brother absorbed and comprehended the jade slip.

"Do not worry, Junior Brother Sheng," she whispered encouragingly. "I will make sure no one bothers you anymore. You just focus on your lessons."

She squeezed his shoulder comfortingly before dancing out. Though confused, Lu Sheng felt an odd sense of relief wash over him.

"What did you show her?" He asked.

[The childhood bullying and trauma.]