0022 - Dream Invasion.

Tu Peng felt a mixture of frustration and helplessness. He was torn between wanting to defend Lu Sheng and not wanting to draw unnecessary attention and mockery towards him.

"How can I help?" Tu Peng cautiously asked, trying to gauge the intentions behind Zu Xin's words while still appearing aligned with their affairs.

"He belongs to the 'Lu' clan and is a member of the core family. If he holds even a small amount of authority, we might have a chance to obtain Martial Arts, Spirit Arts, or even a better Cultivation Method," Zu Xin remarked, his eyes filled with hope. Yet, beneath the surface, there lurked a hint of deep-seated greed, a hunger for power and advancement at any cost. 

"I object." Bi Kai raised his hand to stop Zu Xin from daydreaming. "What is the purpose of Martial Arts, Spirit Arts, or a Cultivation Method for physicians like us? We are here to learn the healing arts, not Martial arts or anything related to violence." 

Bi Kai's words broke the daydreaming of several of them, his words are right. They are here to learn healing arts and now suddenly focusing on any other art or method will be detrimental to them. 

Zu Xin's face also turned ugly as he could not refute this.

"But we are being sent to a warzone, we need methods and ways to protect ourselves." Zu Xin's eyes had fear for his life as he got emotional.

Tu Peng who was trying to find an excuse to leave because Lu Sheng was waiting for him found the concerns of these senior disciples were not full of greed but also had genuine fear for their safety.

"We should focus on improving our existing knowledge and skills instead of attempting to learn something new that may provide a false sense of security. As physicians, we understand the danger of having only partial knowledge, which can be more harmful than having no knowledge at all."

Bi Kai's words defused all the other disciples' apprehensions to some extent. They nodded in agreement, realizing the wisdom in focusing on what they were trained for – the healing arts.

"You're right, Bi Kai. Let's not get distracted from our core purpose," someone in the crowd added.

Zu Xin, reluctantly, had to accept the collective decision. The discussion shifted towards enhancing their existing skills and learning how to apply them effectively in a battlefield scenario.

Meanwhile, Tu Peng seized the opportunity to excuse himself. "I need to get back to Senior Brother Lu Sheng. We have dinner arrangements to make."

Zu Xin, who was earlier consumed by greed, now felt somewhat relieved and nodded in understanding. 

"Alright, go ahead. Let Senior Brother Lu Sheng know that we will be ready for him in the morning if he needs us, even if we should not learn new Martial arts we should at least practice some Physique arts."

Tu Peng nodded and hurriedly gathered both his and Tu Rong's belongings before leaving. He quickly collected whatever ingredients he could find in the kitchen storeroom and made his way toward Lu Sheng's courtyard.

Meanwhile, Tu Rong resumed her game with Lu Sheng when they arrived at their courtyard. She pulled out a blank notebook and wrote down the name of the book on the cover and gave it to Lu Sheng.

"Oh? New challenge for me? Fine! I accept your challenge." Lu Sheng sat down and picked up the brush.

With a deep breath, he started jotting down word by word, page by page as Tu Rong's jaw dropped lower and lower with each page filled with accurate information.

"Do you want me to continue?" Lu Sheng found it amusing seeing her shocked face. 

Tu Peng entered the courtyard with heavy bundles and Tu Rong immediately ran to help. Lu Sheng put the brush down and thought to help too but his lazy ass stayed in his place. 

However, Tu Peng arrived a few minutes ago and had been secretly observing his sister Tu Rong enjoying her time with someone other than him, which warmed his heart, strengthening his confidence in Lu Sheng.

Both siblings wasted no time as they quickly settled down in one of the attendant's rooms and returned to set up a stove. They were well aware that Lu Sheng enjoyed food more than anything.

Both quickly cooked two items while Lu Sheng did nothing except pick his nose.

"Senior Brother, the meal is ready." Tu Peng set up the table and invited Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng was growing impatient due to the tantalizing scent of the food, but he tried to maintain the appearance of a Senior Brother. 

Nonetheless, he could not hold himself back the moment Tu Peng announced and dived into plates like someone who had been starving for days. Tu Peng had wanted to introduce the dishes and explain their health properties as part of the studies, but Lu Sheng simply couldn't wait.

Seeing him enjoying the food innocently, Tu Peng and Tu Rong also sat down and ate their portion of the meal.

After eating for a while, Lu Sheng burped loudly and took another spoonful of soup. "You two are great cooks," he said, wiping his mouth. This made Tu Peng feel a bit conflicted – happy for the praise but also a bit disappointed. 

Culinary art was another subject he wanted to pursue and was hoping for a detailed critique. These were just simple mortal dishes, but it seems like this Senior Brother is content with basic food. 

Tu Peng gave up expecting any detailed comments from him. It looks like this Senior Brother does not understand all the nuances of cooking that Tu Peng was aiming to learn.

"Do you have something to share?" Lu Sheng suddenly asked. Tu Peng tensed up, observing the serious expression on Lu Sheng's face. He was uncertain about the reason or topic for which his Senior Brother was inquiring.

"Anything about tomorrow morning?" Lu Sheng added, clarifying his query.

"Um…Senior Brother, others are…a little tense right now." Tu Peng decided to share everything but in his own words. 


"Yes, because we are physicians, we are not martial warriors or practitioners, suddenly throwing us into the war..." Tu Peng's words stopped.

"Throwing into the war? Who is throwing? Who is commanding? Did somebody say that Physician Hall also needs to fight on the frontline?" Lu Sheng fired several questions, his line of thinking influenced by modern Earth values.

"That's Master Hong's decision, but you will be in command," Tu Peng revealed the information.

"I am in command?" Lu Sheng found this information confusing and considered it a foolish decision by whoever made it.

"Yes, everyone below the Foundation Realm has to participate and be divided into two groups led by Senior Disciples. One is led by Senior Sister Ming Mei, and the other one will be yours to lead."

"Oh..." Lu Sheng got lost in deep thought.

"Senior Brother?"

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Would you be able to...?" Tu Peng asked directly.

Lu Sheng looked up directly into Tu Peng's eyes, a faint trace of hope sparking within them. 

"Of course." He answered confidently. "Any large field nearby where we can practice without any disturbance other than the main courtyard?"

"Yes. The eastern field is much larger and isolated." 

He stood up and patted Tu Peng's shoulder. "It's getting late. Let's rest, and in the morning, bring everyone to the eastern field for practice, okay? Good night," Lu Sheng then lazily made his way to his own room, leaving Tu Peng sitting there with mixed emotions.

Both siblings also stood up, cleaned everything, and entered their new room. Tu Rong pulled the corner of Tu Peng's robe. He turned and saw her confident eyes.

"You have this much confidence in Senior Brother?" He sighed and then nodded.

"Yes, I will support the Senior Brother. Do not worry." He gave a gentle head pat to her and lay down on his bed.

Tu Rong also lay down on her bed and quickly drifted into sleep while Tu Peng squirmed in his bed till late into the night.


Lu Sheng entered his room and closed the door behind him.

"Do you think this is a good chance to escape from the Lu Clan?"

[Sounds like one but before that let's find out what that dark leather book is all about.]

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot about it." He comfortably took his seat on his bed and pulled the dark leather book from his upper robe.

The Cane of Obedience buzzed again on his waist but then it got silent.

He looked at the cover. "Nothing to see, do you see anything?"

[I do not see anything too.]

"Should I open it? Why do I feel like a scary face will come out of a page and bite my face off?"

[You have a wild imagination. But if you want to be cautious then place the book on the table and flip it with the Cane of Obedience.]

"Good Idea!" He placed the book on the table near him, pulled the Cane of Obedience out, and slowly tried to flip it.

Nothing happened as he flipped the book.


[No, nothing, not even a trace of resentment at all.]

Frustrated, Lu Sheng grabbed a book and flipped through its pages. Much to his surprise, they were completely blank—no words, no markings, nothing. 

The pages were thick and rough, with yellowed but clean sheets. No matter how hard he looked, there was nothing to be found within the empty book, leaving him puzzled about its purpose.

"Did we get spooked by empty air?" He questioned as he looked at Cane of Obedience suspiciously.

[Nothing is wrong with it.]

"Then our imagination is going wild?"

[Your imagination not mine.]

"Pfft! fine." He yawned loudly. "I am feeling sleepy anyway. let's worry about it later."

He lay down on his bed, his laziness triumphing over his fear. It didn't take long before he fell into a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night, suddenly, the book trembled.


With a light smack, the book flipped in the air and hovered over Lu Sheng's sleeping face. A demonic face was visible as its pages opened.