0025 - The Training Begins.

The book floated down and settled on the table with a soft thud. Its voice, though still raspy, had calmed.

"Now that I reflect on the events that transpired, it is clear to me that the boy is anything but ordinary. The instant he made contact with me, he flinched, as if he had sensed a hidden warning. It was as though he could hear a whisper, urging him to exercise caution.

"Yes, I caught a glimpse of that as well, but initially, I didn't give much thought. Now, it appears he possesses some talent, does he have the senses to detect demonic entities like you? If he holds the talent then he's a gem we should nurture." The old man picked up the brush and noted something in his notebook. "What happened after that?"

"Later, in his room, he carefully inspected me like a scholar but didn't open me casually. Nevertheless, finding me an empty useless book he went to sleep and I didn't give him any more chances as he was alone and quickly invaded his dreams. 

However, his dreams were beyond bizarre - filled with outrageous scenes of violence and mayhem. He fancied himself a warrior named 'Chad Sheng', slaying creatures with fantastical weapons that unleashed explosions and storms of fire. It was utter chaos."

The old man raised an eyebrow. "Go on. What happened then?"

"I attempted to steer the dream, to catch him off guard by provoking other emotions like sadness or rage. But the dream logic had a deranged momentum of its own. His sleep broke immediately when he dreamed of falling from a great height.

"With not much within my control, I stirred up the dust, creating a storm, trying to bury him. I reckon if I can get a reaction, to understand his thoughts, a breach in his defense. But, he easily brushed it away. I couldn't see how he broke my grip on his mind.

"I thought I finally had him trapped in suffering, he saw through the illusion and shattered it immediately!"

The book fluttered in agitation. "The boy is dangerous - he perceives more keenly than he acts on."

"This boy knows how to defend his mind?…this is getting interesting bit by bit." the old man commented, his eyes reflecting a growing intrigue. The previous disapproval he had towards Lu Sheng was now replaced with mystery and growing respect.

The old man stayed silent, deep in his thoughts.

"Who is he?" The Dark Book asked.

"He is now my Senior Brother, our Physician Hall's first Senior Brother, Patriarch Hong's new personal disciple." The old man revealed the information proudly. His old eyes gleamed with schemes and dreams with Lu Sheng at the center of the hope.

The Dark Book could only react in silence.


In the morning, Tu Peng woke up at the right time, just like he always did according to the Physician Hall's rules. The sun wasn't up yet, but there was a soft light starting to show up in the east, telling everyone it was morning. Tu Peng yawned and stretched as he got out of bed.

"Wake up." He affectionately called out to his little sister Tu Rong. Tu Rong protested while still deep in sleep, mumbling words of reluctance. Tu Peng chuckled and gently shook her awake.

"Come little sister, it's time to wake up." Tu Peng encouraged, coaxing Tu Rong to rise from her slumber. She still protested to get a few more moments of sleep.

"If you don't get up now, Senior Brother will miss breakfast," Tu Peng whispered excitedly, making it sound like a big event. Tu Rong's eyes shot open, and she quickly sat up, eager not to miss out on the morning activity with Senior Brother Lu Sheng.

She jumped out of bed and stormed out of the room to the back washroom. Tu Peng stood there like a statue seeing the sudden sprung of energy in his sister who just a moment ago was refusing to open her eyes at all.

"Does she like Senior Brother more than me?" He felt a tinge of jealousy but quickly dispelled it as he had no time for these thoughts. Both of them quickly performed the morning rituals and cleaning. Put on a new robe, and white gloves and was ready to greet Senior Brother and help him in his morning ritual.

However, as they were crossing the new kitchen in their courtyard a sudden aroma wafted through the air, capturing their attention. Tu Peng and Tu Rong exchanged surprised glances as the delightful scent pulled them immediately to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Lu Sheng was already at work, preparing breakfast. The sizzling sound of ingredients in a pan filled the air, and the aroma of herbs and spices mingled enticingly. Lu Sheng, focused on his task, seemed to be in his element.

"Senior Brother Lu Sheng, you cook as well?" Tu Peng couldn't hide his amazement.

Lu Sheng turned with a grin, a spatula in hand. "Good morning! Yes, I thought I'd treat everyone to a nice breakfast. It's a good way to start the day." 

Tu Peng's surprise went beyond just seeing Lu Sheng preparing breakfast. To add to his amazement, Lu Sheng appeared ready and well-dressed, wearing fresh robes and pristine white gloves that matched their own.

Tu Rong's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement.

"You want to help too? Of course! Come, prepare the table." Lu Sheng welcomed them with a warm smile.

Both of them quickly joined and helped with the remaining task as they sat down to eat.

"Not much ingredient we had so I just prepared congee, fried vegetables, and this carrot-looking thing juice with a little bit of wild fresh mint. I hope it's enough for us now." Lu Sheng embarrassingly explained, feeling a bit self-conscious about the simplicity of the meal.

Tu Peng and Tu Rong, however, were genuinely appreciative. The aroma itself had already made their mouths water, and the sight of the dishes on the table looked appealing.

"It looks delicious, Senior Brother! Thank you for preparing this for us," Tu Peng expressed his gratitude, he now does not mind that Tu Rong likes this Senior Brother more than him, her actual brother, because now he also likes this Senior Brother too. He has never heard, seen, or can imagine any other Senior Brother would do just a menial task for their juniors.

"HUUUMMM!" Tu Rong chimed in, her enthusiasm was evident as she quickly took a large spoonful and savored the taste with loud acknowledgment which made Lu Sheng proud.

He nodded, pleased by her reaction. "Dig in, quick! Or do not complain later I ate it all." He added a little competitiveness with a playful smirk. The trio delved into the meal, and the courtyard echoed with the sounds of munching. 

The congee was warm and comforting, the fried vegetables were crisp and spicy, and the carrot juice added a refreshing touch to douse the spiciness.

As they finished the meal, Lu Sheng leaned back, patting his satisfied stomach. "I hope you enjoyed it. Now, we should get ready for our morning practice. We have a lot to cover today."

"HAH!!" Tu Peng stood up in shock as if he made a gross mistake. 

"What is it?" Lu Sheng asked.

"I forgot to inform others, I am going now to inform them before they get busy with other tasks." He left the kitchen and stormed out of the courtyard to inform others about today's training session.

He ran towards the dormitory as the sun started to rise and birds began to chirp, welcoming another new day. Tu Peng, with his robe flapping, reached the dormitory area. He burst into the large central room and found a few disciples still rubbing their eyes, while others were already washing themselves in the backyard washroom.

"Get up! Get up! Senior Brother Lu Sheng is preparing a special training session. Everyone needs to gather at the eastern field!" Tu Peng shouted urgently, startling the half-asleep disciples.

Zu Xin and Bi Kai stepped forward. "Is that true?" Zu Xin was very happy to hear this but Bi Kai was skeptical.

"Yes, it's true, Senior Brothers. He is already waiting for us, I was a little late in informing you all. I apologize."

The news spread quickly as Tu Peng moved from room to room, ensuring that everyone was informed. The disciples, initially groggy, soon snapped into action upon hearing about the special training session led by Senior Brother Lu Sheng.

In the courtyard of the dormitory, Tu Peng's voice echoed, "Hurry up! We don't want to keep the Senior Brother waiting!"

Disciples rushed out of their rooms, hastily donning their training robes and tying their hair. The dormitory buzzed with energy as everyone prepared for the unexpected morning training. However, some of them still had doubts about the value of this training session.

The rumors about Lu Sheng being lazy and still in the Mortal Initiate Realm had not been dispelled yet, and some disciples questioned the purpose, authenticity, and effectiveness of the special training. 

Nevertheless, Lu Sheng was from the Lu Clan, and in their eyes, anything Lu Sheng taught in terms of Martial Arts would still be better than what they knew.

Tu Peng, satisfied that he had done his duty, led the group towards the eastern field where Senior Brother Lu Sheng awaited them. Some had anticipation and curiosity, while others were more doubtful, unsure of what to expect from this new Senior Brother Lu Sheng.

As they reached the Eastern field, Lu Sheng was already present, his hands behind his back, radiating a calm and composed demeanor. Tu Peng approached him, slightly out of breath from his sprint.

"Senior Brother Lu Sheng, everyone has been informed. We are ready for the morning training session," Tu Peng reported.

Zu Xin and Bi Kai were also in the group, and they bowed with courtesy. Most of the disciples followed their lead.