0028 - Flying Fat Chicken.

"What now?" He asked 'The Automated System'.

[Well we cannot run away now. Think of something fast.]

"Don't you have nothing from all those books we read?"

[Nope, all of them are just encyclopedic information, nothing martial about them, nothing to help us in the fight, unless you are deciding to cure him, or give him some chiropractic stretch?]

"Well, don't I have the knowledge of all the pressure points too? How about we use that?"

[He's not some simple Mortal Initiate, I am fairly confident that he is at Spirit Condensation Realm but acts as if he is in the Spirit Breathing Realm or about to Breakthrough it. so tapping, disrupting, or blocking his pressure points without any Spirit Essence would not help at all.]

"He is hiding his cultivation realm?" 

[Yes, although in everyone's eyes, we are still Mortal Initiate because I have muted all your pores except the two you originally had, but we are at the Breakthrough of Spirit Breathing Realm, we are practically a cultivator now and I can sense the cultivation realms of others who are circulating their cultivation base.]

"Then we are fucked!" He immediately gave up.

[Why do you cower so quickly? At least give it a try or give me ideas?]

"Yes, I forget important things very quickly and I am still prone to old bad habits. Let me try again. I don't need to fight personally, I can automate it. Let me think for a second…"

Before Lu Sheng could think of a way to fight, Lu Zhan didn't waste a second as he dashed forward, raising his fist ready to smack Lu Sheng before giving him any chance, showing others how easy it is to bully this fat trash. 

However, deep inside, Lu Zhan instinctively sensed something had changed with Lu Sheng and his newfound confidence; he did not want to give Lu Sheng any chance and aimed to take the upper hand in the fight immediately. 

Seeing Lu Sheng still dazed in thought, not looking at the approaching fist, Lu Zhan smiled like a maniac; he could already envision the win.

Lu Sheng, who had no battle sense at all, didn't see Lu Zhan dashing towards him.

The disciples of Physician Hall gasped the moment Lu Zhan lunged and what the outcome was going to be if Lu Sheng did not react in time. Tu Peng closed his eyes believing the outcome already but Tu Rong was waving at him in cheer.

The fist was already on his face when suddenly his face turned to the side and his body swirled out of the way like a lady dancing to avoid his rabid lover.

"Holy Shit! If I had taken any more time…thanks to Tu Rong for…" Before he could finish his thought Lu Zhan returned with a kick and Lu Sheng dodged it again with no effort.

Seeing him dodge two consecutive attacks cheered everyone in Physician Hall but they also felt a little weird seeing him dodging like an exotic dancer. "Did you learn some girly dance? I never knew dancing was your calling, Sister Lu Sheng?" Lu Zhan mocked.

"Ahem!" Lu Sheng didn't reply as he was also feeling a little embarrassed. "I am glad you implemented my Dodge command so quickly but can you not make me look like a dancer?" Lu Sheng complained.


"This gave me an idea. Dodge, Evade, Block, Parry, Counter, Push, Pull, Strike, Hit, Disarm, and Throw whenever I am being attacked or whenever I am going to get hurt, or my life is in danger, prioritizing my safety first, Okay?"


Lu Zhan returned with more attacks and Lu Sheng dodge them all but this time with a finesse of masculine charm but it still was not charming enough in front of his fat bouncy body. Still, he was much more impressive than everyone's expectation.

"Stand the fight! Coward!" Lu Zhan got frustrated and tried to chide Lu Sheng into a proper Martial Duel. However, he can see that his initial impression of dominance, the fear he wanted to put onto the Physician Hall disciples are no longer having the desired effect. 

They were not weary in fear as he had wanted anymore. Instead, with each effortless and yet impossible dodge of Lu Sheng, they seemed to be gaining confidence.

"Why are you only dodging?" Lu Sheng was happy, in fact, beyond expectation as he was not expecting this to survive so far. But, he wanted more so he asked.

[Host, we are barely able to dodge, do you think, this is very easy? We cannot even block because I am 100 percent sure it will break your feeble, untrained arm with one strike.]

"That much of a difference do we have?" Lu Sheng did not believe it at all. His confidence shook.

[Yes, and we cannot continue like this, Lu Zhan is adapting, quick, please give me more ideas.]

"Are you sure, the books we read about pressure points will not work here at all?"

[I am fairly sure.]

"What about a single attack with full power? Everything we have?"

[Fine, we should give it a try but I cannot see the future so after that we would have nothing, are you sure you want to do this?]

Lu Sheng gave it a thought as he observed everyone's expression. He saw everyone's hopeful expectation on him. "Yes, I am 100 percent sure."

His body dodged a few more attacks but to the trained eyes it seems he is planning something. Ming Mei was able to notice as she came closer to intervene. She was not sure what Lu Sheng was trying but to her expectation Lu Sheng was far more impressive than what she has heard and observed so far.

Lu Zheng quickly delivered three more punches but the first two were clever feints as the last one finally hit Lu Sheng in his Liver.

"OWW!" Lu Sheng tried his best to not cry out but his feet staggered as he got down on one knee.

"Where will you run now, fat chicken?" Lu Zhan immediately taunted but his tone and voice was targeted towards everyone around, displaying that he always had the upper hand.

Seeing Lu Sheng struggling he lunged again to deliver a roundhouse kick, to kick Lu Sheng's face. To finish this immediately. He aimed to properly, he calculated to properly in the event of Lu Sheng dodge again, his fat body will only dodge, only cower lower or sides, he will change the trajectory of his kick according to it.

In his eyes Lu Sheng is now in his trap, he cannot escape, he cannot dodge. He will get hit this time and get hurt badly.

Ming Mei also read the situation, reading Lu Zhan's trap perfectly as she lunged forward to stop it immediately when suddenly Lu Sheng, who was on one knee Jumped.

His fat body jumped, out of everyone's expectation, it not only jumped but flew, dodging Lu Zhan's kick perfectly, he flew over Lu Zhan's head and landed with style. Lu Zhan, who was so confident about his kick, put almost his entire strength into it.

Lu Zhan was still recovering from it when Lu Sheng turned.


Lu Sheng gripped his right fist with his left hand and delivered a powerful punch at the lower spine of Lu Zhan. The sound of the punch hitting the bone was loud.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" It was not Lu Zhan but Lu Sheng who cried out in pain as he shook his right hand in intense pain. Lu Zhan on the other hand did not even move, that powerful punch from Lu Sheng did not even move him at all. He brushed it off like it was nothing.

Ming Mei who was in the midst of intervening was left speechless by the sudden turn of events. She immediately reached in between Lu Zhan and Lu Sheng to stop this duel going further.

Lu Sheng was holding his right hand in pain as it started to swell and turn red and purple. Ming Mei, seeing Lu Zhan not turning and no other intention of continuing the duel, immediately approached Lu Sheng with a sense of urgency.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her voice soft yet filled with genuine concern. "Let me take a look at your hand."

Lu Sheng winced as Ming Mei examined his injured hand, the pain evident on his face. Despite his discomfort, he nodded gratefully, trusting her expertise to provide him with the care he needed.

Meanwhile, Lu Zhan remained motionless, his expression unreadable as it looked like he was observing everyone around him. It looked like his pride may have been wounded, he maintained his composure, unwilling to show any signs of weakness or defeat.

Tu Peng and To Rong immediately came closer to Lu Sheng, in worry, to help. "Let's go." Ming Mei, seeing Lu Zhan not pursuing anything else at all, quickly instructed Tu Peng and Tu Rong.

Other disciples also quickly joined. Zu Xin and Bi Kai quickly came forward and supported Lu Sheng. "This will not do, quickly make a stretcher." With one instruction all of them quickly joined hands and pulled out bandages and small bone alignment sticks. 

Within a few minutes with practiced precision they created a makeshift stretcher for Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng sighed seeing the stretcher again as he let them carry him because he was out of strength completely. 

"What did you do?" He asked 'The Automated System'.

[Every drop of our strength used, that's why your hand broke.]

As they left, nobody cared about Lu Zhan at all while he stayed still like a statue.

"Big Brother?" One of his lackeys asked confusingly.