0031 - Greed of Potential.

[Did you forget? We now have The Nine Heavens, Nine Tribulations, Nine Incarnations cultivation method.]

"If I am not forgetting, this is just a manual, not a practical cultivation method, created specifically to understand the dao of cultivation, how are we going to teach others?"

[You have me, why do you ask so many questions when I said I can do it.]

"Well, that's what I fear the most. I fear that you will do something so outrageous that then I will have to answer for a lot of things. I will become everyone's target."

 [Trust me.]

"It's hard to trust a system like you who wants to show off."

[When did I show off? It's you who has the blind urge to show off but not to do the hard work for it.]

"Umm…Senior Brother?" Tu Peng slowly asked, seeing Lu Sheng lost in his thoughts at the question of what he was going to teach them.

Lu Sheng cleared his emotions and smiled. "I have nothing but if you have anything then show me and let me see what I can do?"

Tu Peng's enthusiasm died hearing this but he did his best to hide it.

"Umm…Senior Brother, we have only a few methods which we bought from the market."

"Market? There is a market here?" Lu Sheng was surprised to hear this.

"Umm…yes, of course. Why?" Tu Peng was not sure what was so surprising about the existence of a market.

"Ahem! Nothing." Lu Sheng does not want to reveal the fact that he assumed that there is only the Lu Clan and nothing else, no other village or city or anything around.

"Then let's go to the market." Lu Sheng stood up with resolve.

"But…it's evening." 

"Oh, right. Then let's go to sleep immediately, tomorrow we are going to the market." Lu Sheng can't wait at all.

Tu Peng was uncertain whether he should continue to trust such an unreliable person, but he had no other choice. No one else would even acknowledge him. At least this senior brother treated him like a person, not just a tool or a slave. He had witnessed how others were treated merely for the chance to learn new things.

They quickly returned to their courtyard, bid goodnight, and retired to their beds, Lu Sheng's mind buzzing with anticipation for the trip to the market the next day.

[Do you have money?]

The Automated System asked a very crucial question.

"Oh, Shit!" Lu Sheng lay up on his bed. "I have no money, wait? What is the money of this world?"

[Spirit Beads and of course, Gold & Silver.]

"And I guess, we have none of it."

[What are you talking about? We just created one.]

"Created? WHAT THE…" Lu Sheng could not believe the words of The Automated System. He quickly pulled out the lightly glowing marble-like bead from his robe and looked at it with greed.

[Yes, this shiny little marble we created is a top-quality Spirit Bead. Although we don't know the correct denomination of Spirit Beads, I am confident, this would be a top-quality Spirit Bead.]

"REALLY?? Then what are we waiting for? Let's create more." 

[Not so fast, I had to extract everything from you to make that, we first need to cultivate properly and then we can make more.]

"Does not air here have Spirit Essence? How about you extract them out to make some? Or unlimited Spirit Beads?" Lu Sheng's face was shining with excitement.

[That is neutral essence, it's inert, it's useless for everyone unless after an arduous cultivation refining or the natural cycle of neutral essence churn and transform into usable Spirit Essence.]

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's cultivate."

[What Cultivate? We don't have a proper method yet.]

"What about this Nine-Nine-Nine Method?"

[What a lack of respect for such valuable knowledge. You're so lazy, you can't even bother to say its proper name?]

"What is there to disrespect or respect between us? I'm simply efficient, trying to express my ideas as quickly as possible," Lu Sheng countered. "Stop wasting time and let's make some money."

[You understood nothing about the Nine-Nine-Nine Method and you want me to cultivate this for you, which is not ever a method?]

"Is it bad? Didn't you say earlier that this is a path, this is the formula, this Dao, in this method will let you cultivate anything, then why are you suddenly so scared towards it?"

[Yeah I said that but I don't know, I can't predict everything, these words, the knowledge might be false or misleading.]

"What is there to worry about? We are just using it for some money and you are a system, stop worrying about it all the time."

[I am not an omniscient system.]

"Then stop wasting time and start making money." Lu Sheng's eyes were sparkling with greed as he shined the marble in his hand like a madman, not able to understand the underlying warning of The Automated System.

[Fine, don't come crying to me that I didn't try to stop you. Now say the word.]

 "Yeah, yeah. Automate 999 Method."

[Sigh…Automation Initiated.]

A gentle, prickly sensation spread all over his body, as if his pores were itching all at the same time. He scratched where it itched the most, but after a moment, it felt like his skin was on fire.

[Initiating Nine Heavens Nine Tribulations Nine Incarnations Method... Stage One: Seed of Potential...]

"Sounds Awesome but what is happening?" Lu Sheng shrieked, fear creeping into his voice.

[I don't know, I did warn that this is not a practical method.]

"You mad bro? Are you playing with my life?" Lu Sheng roared, his initial bravado replaced by raw terror. He ripped off his robe in a desperate attempt to cool down, flinging open the window with a crash. 

The cool night air slammed into him, a quick relief against the itchy burning skin. He stumbled towards the window, gasping for breath. 

The marble in his hands fell down on his bed, he no longer cared for its shine or value.

[You're gambling with your life. I warned you not to come crying to me, but you insisted on chasing after all that money.]

"Okay, okay, you win! Stop this immediately!" Lu Sheng rasped, his initial greed replaced by intense irritation and discomfort.

[Automation Paused.]

Silence, broken only by Lu Sheng's ragged breaths. The burning sensation decreased slowly, leaving behind a dull searing feeling on its skin that throbbed with every shallow breath.

Though the searing pain had lessened, an unsettling warmth lingered beneath his skin. It felt like an unfamiliar heat pulsed within him, a tiny ember nestled deep within his core.

Lu Sheng collapsed onto the floor, his body trembling. Sweat drenched him, but he found comfort in the coolness of the marble floor beneath him. He gazed up at the ceiling, his eyes wide and vacant. "Maybe..." he croaked, his voice rough and barely audible, "maybe that wasn't such a good idea."