0050 - Rage Quit! Blames the Game.

In an arid, dusty, desolate, red landscape, a chubby boy ran with all his might, fleeing from a pack of wolves. He panted heavily, his nostrils wheezing as he struggled to gulp down enough air to keep ahead of the pursuing predators.

His face was streaked with sweat, dust, and tears, teetering on the edge of a cry but holding it back, his focus solely on running.

"FUCK YOU! YOU CURSED SYSTEM!" Lu Sheng shouted, his voice filled with panic and desperation.

[Would you stand and fight?]

"FUCK OFF! I TOLD YOU! I told you I am afraid of wolves and yet you fought them head on!" Lu Sheng caressed his arm as if something had happened to it, though there were no visible signs of injury. "They bit me!" he cried, the fear and terror clear in his eyes.

[Yes, and you got healed. Look, nothing is there, as good as new. No wound at all.] 

The System tried to reassure him.

"SHUT UP!! What about the pain?" Lu Sheng wiped the tears he had been holding back, his voice trembling with emotion.

[If you stop and let me automate your breathing too, you are making this too tough on yourself. Can't you understand this simple fact? Do not listen to your fear, listen to me.] 

The System said, its tone patient yet firm.

Both Lu Sheng and the Automated System had this conversation a few times before, discussing how his own will was stronger than the Automated System's automations. If he exerted his will and interfered with the automation, it would stop.

The System had described this same scenario, warning that if Lu Sheng did not control his emotions, his fear and sudden reactions, they would clash with the automations. Lu Sheng had assured the System that he would do his best, but now he had forgotten all of it, cursing the Automated System again and blaming it for all the pain he was suffering.

Lu Sheng is right now panicking like a child thrown into water and does not know how to swim, but can't seem to understand that it's shallow water. If he calms himself down, he will find his footing and be able to stand up. But in his panic, he couldn't see beyond his fear.

[Listen to me, You can do this. Remember your determination, You are stronger than you think. Trust in yourself, and trust in me. Together, we can conquer anything.]

"SHUT UP! I will never believe you ever again!" In his mind, he has decided he will keep running and that will keep him safe, but any logical reasoning will show how wrong he is.

[Fine, then let's get out of here.]



However, he can't just run forever as this standard trial was not meant to run forever. As he continued to run, his breath ragged and his heart pounding with fear, he suddenly came to a halt as he encountered a group of wolves blocking his path. Panic rose in his chest, and he stumbled backward, his eyes wide with terror.

"No! No, please, not more of them!" he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear.

[Host, Let me know if you need my help, I am here.]

But Lu Sheng's mind was consumed by fear and anger, drowning out everything else. He berated himself for agreeing to this ordeal, cursing his own foolishness for plunging headfirst into the fire. This situation felt exactly the same as the raging fiery hellfire inferno to him, that's why he wished for an Automated System on the paper of karma who would take care of all of these for him, and he would just relax and enjoy.

"It's you! It's all your fault!" he shouted, accusing the Automated System. "You're the one playing with me, aren't you? You're the one controlling everything here!"

[That's not true, Host. I'm here to help you, but you need to trust me.]

The Automated System tried to reason with him. 

[Host, let me help you. I can take over and keep you safe. Just trust me.]

But Lu Sheng was too lost in his own fear to listen. "Shut up! This is all your fault!" he shouted, lashing out at the System.

The wolves began to advance, their yellow eyes gleaming in the dusty air. Lu Sheng's heart raced as he looked around frantically, searching for an escape. But there was nowhere to run.

[Host, please, you need to let me help you. I can automate your movements and protect you. Just stop struggling and let me take over.]

Lu Sheng shook his head, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. "No, I won't let you! I can't trust you!" He tensed, ready to make a desperate attempt to flee.

The first wolf lunged, its jaws snapping. Lu Sheng tried to dodge, but the wolf's fangs caught his arm, tearing into the flesh. He cried out in pain, stumbling backward.

[Host, stop! You're only making it worse. Let me handle this!]

Lu Sheng clutched his wounded arm, blood seeping through his fingers. The pain was excruciating, and his fear only grew. He knew he couldn't outrun the pack, but how could he achieve total control over his terror, which is even impossible for monks after meditating for years? In truth, Lu Sheng can't be blamed for this entirely.

The wolves circled closer, their growls rumbling in the air. Lu Sheng braced himself, steeling his resolve. If he was going to die, he would go down fighting.

He circulated his cultivation base with much effort and pulled out the sparring sword from his spatial ring and swung it at the nearest wolf, catching it in the side. The wolf yelped in pain, but due to the bluntness of the weapon, it didn't leave any wound. However, the others surged forward, snapping and snarling.

Lu Sheng swung the sword wildly, managing to fend off a few attacks, but the wolves were relentless. One leapt at him, its jaws closing around his leg. He screamed in agony, his leg buckling beneath him.

[Host, please! You're only hurting yourself. Let me take over and save you!]

The Automated System pleaded, but Lu Sheng was lost in a haze of pain and fear. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer; he can't be stubborn with the System.

As the wolves closed in, Lu Sheng steeled himself, ready to make a final, desperate stand. But deep down, he knew that without the System's help, he had no chance of survival. No matter how much he wants to blame it, only the System can save him.