0055 - The Naked Shame.

"Where is the Cane?" Lu Sheng looked for it, worrying about losing it too, he just learned how powerful the Cane of Obedience is, he does not want to lose it too.

[Ah, that, that is easy.]

With a hum, the cane flew from wherever it was and landed in Lu Sheng's hand, causing him to cry out in delight, "Cool! Like Thor's hammer!"

As his body formed anew, his red skin, however, still stayed as it was; his past mistakes were not gone.

[Let's go and look for the Spatial Ring.]

The Automated System suggested.

"Where? Is there a way to detect which direction we should look for?" Lu Sheng asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

[Yes, this land is barren of essence, so detecting a spirit item like a Spatial Ring would be much clearer and easier.]

The Automated System explained, its tone carrying a sense of assurance.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath and placed his complete trust in the Automated System. He had no choice but to follow its lead. As he ventured deeper into the dusty wasteland, the swirling red dirt obscured his vision. He was practically walking blind, desperately searching for his lost Spatial Ring.

 With nothing but his bare skin and the Cane of Obedience in hand, he felt a strange mix of embarrassment and, well, freedom. Sure, being naked wasn't exactly his ideal choice, but there was a weird kind of cool in feeling the wind whoosh between his legs as he walked.

[I sense something in that direction.]

"I too...but it does not feel like a Spirit Essence." Even a lazy trash like him was able to sense it as his 108 pores acted as 108 eyes and noses.

Following his heightened new senses and the Automated System's directions, Lu Sheng couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. The barren landscape offered no shelter, and every step he took kicked up clouds of rusty dirt that stuck to his naked skin.

[There, that way.]

Lu Sheng squinted in the indicated direction but saw nothing but more red dirt and smog. Still, he trusted the System and walked quickly towards it. The new power the Cane of Obedience he witnessed earlier is now giving him a lot of confidence.

After a few minutes of walking, he spotted a glint of metal in the distance. Lu Sheng's heart raced - his Spatial Ring! He picked up his pace, kicking up dust with every step.

As he came closer, Lu Sheng could see it clearly - his spatial ring. But before he could reach to pick it up, another set of fingers got there first. Lu Sheng stopped, eyes widening in shock. What he saw made his heart stop: a naked red skin figure, identical to himself, crouched in the dirt just ahead. And in its hand? His Spatial Ring.

"What's going on here?" Lu Sheng's voice sounded rough.

The naked clone said nothing, but got up smoothly, shamelessly scratching his balls, a smirk on its face, looking identical to Lu Sheng. It gripped onto the spatial ring tightly and possessively.

[It seems the laws of this trial have copied you and spawned your clones instead of wolves.]

"What the fu...k??? What are we supposed to do now?"

[Take back the spatial ring first.]

Lu Sheng raised the Cane of Obedience like a seasoned warrior, prepared to fight. A shocking turn of events for The Automated System, to see Lu Sheng taking charge without saying a word instead of relying on automation. However, it chose not to mention it, not wanting to break the sudden focus & confidence of its host.

Lu Sheng tightened his grip on the Cane of Obedience, ready for a fight as the clone sneered, holding onto his Spatial Ring. Suddenly, three more naked copies appeared, all looking just like Lu Sheng: fat, red-skinned, shameless, each with a cocky grin.

With wild shouts, the clones charged at him. Lu Sheng met them head-on, using the Cane to fend off their attacks. One punch snuck through and landed on his ribs, but it barely fazed him. Despite that jab to his ribs, he barely felt the pain, focused on defending himself. He dodged a wild swing, sidestepping a clumsy kick.

He dodged left, then right, as the blows kept raining down from his clones. Suddenly he noticed something odd. It was easy, almost too easy. It wasn't that he'd suddenly become a martial arts master; these clones just sucked. All wild swings and sloppy kicks, barely a threat.

The earlier jab to the ribs had been the first clue, maybe just a lucky shot. But the more he dodged their flailing attacks, the more it felt off. Way off. One of the clones even got tired, panting like a pig after a light exercise.

It seemed the Standard Trial had only replicated the physical aspect of Lu Sheng, not the Automated System or the Martial Knowledge. The wolves were much more of a threat in comparison to his clones. With a quick reaction, he delivered a casual punch to the nearest clone's jaw. The impact was light but effective, breaking the clone's jaw and sending out a spray of red mist from its mouth. Momentarily stunned, the clone staggered and gripped its mouth in shock.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" It cried out in pain, almost in tears, and then suddenly fled, running away from the fight, from Lu Sheng.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! COME BACK HERE!" Lu Sheng yelled, throwing his hands up in mock outrage. "You're gonna cry and run after one little punch? That's weak!" He wanted to chase after the fleeing clone as he himself felt a second-hand embarrassment, but his goal was the clone with his spatial ring, so he only shouted, "Come back here and fight like a man!"

He acknowledged the embarrassing performance of his clones who had come out with such threatening fanfare, acting like they were going to kick his ass, the original Lu Sheng's ass. But their actions were pathetic. It was a strange moment of self-discovery for him, realizing how cowardly he appeared to others in similar embarrassing situations.

Seeing that clone running away, the rest of them also lost courage immediately, and they all scattered.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Lu Sheng said, grabbing the clone with the spatial ring before it could slip away. He smacked the clone's head, sending it sprawling on the ground. Then, with a satisfying thud, he planted his foot firmly on its back, pinning it down.

"Give it to me, nice and easy if you don't want more pain." The clone whimpered at Lu Sheng's calm and yet threatening demand as the Cane of Obedience was at its neck, its face contorted in pain and fear as it raised its hand containing the Spatial Ring. With trembling hands, it opened its fingers and showed the ring, handing it over to Lu Sheng, who snatched it away with a victorious grin.

"Thanks," he said, slipping the ring back onto his finger and feeling a surge of relief.

"Quickly, Automate Dress...err...wearing?"

[Are you asking or commanding?]

"I am commanding. Do it."

[Happy to oblige. Automation Initiated.]

The Automated System observed silently, impressed by Lu Sheng's newfound assertiveness and ability to take control of the situation. It had been unexpected, as it helped Lu Sheng wear used dojo rags from the Martial Room taken from the cupboard.