0061 - Fear Eats First.

Lu Sheng felt a shiver of fear run down his spine. Just moments ago, he was brimming with confidence, but now, faced with the grotesque figure of the beast, terror consumed him. The System's plan sounded crazy and yet logical, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was the only way. The monster wouldn't just vanish into thin air. They would have to confront him or else It would only get stronger, like a predator on the hunt.

"Wait! We can hide for the rest of the hour to go and escape." Lu Sheng quickly remembered that they could escape this trial, they just needed to wait for the required hour to finish.

[I don't want to break your optimism but it took us only a few minutes to fight off those wolves, do you think we will be able to survive for even 5 mins once that beast is done with whatever he is doing?]

"We can try."

[And what if we are wrong?]

"And what if you are wrong?"

[It's better to do something than just sit and wait in these kind of situation, we could have waited if we had the chance to prepare or get stronger to even the final fight, but we have nothing, so we have to press on to stop him from getting stronger.]

"Fine," Lu Sheng mumbled. "But fight smart, No crazy heroic stunts."

[Acknowledged. Optimal combat strategy initiating.] 

The System took over, Lu Sheng's body moving with practiced efficiency. 

They didn't need to go far. The path ahead was riddled with uneven disturbed red dirt with leftover dark goo mixed with red dirt.

Through the red dirty haze they saw a huge shadow chomping down on a fat human like figure and then they saw how the figure melted into goo and how it sucked in, devouring it. its muscles rippled as it grew bigger with every gulp. Lu Sheng felt his stomach churn. Gross. 

[Confirmed. It feeds on the black puddles to strengthen itself, just as predicted.]

"Yeah, I can see that too," Lu Sheng muttered, clenching his fists. "Can we run now?"

[I have an idea.]

"I don't care, this beast has become more powerful, let's run. It's already out of our hands."

[Listen to me, it's about more power.]

"I don't care, run now! I am ordering you!"

But before they could run, the beast's head snapped up, glowing eyes locking onto them. A terrifying growl tore through the air.

[It's detected us. We cannot run now! Please cancel your order! We need to fight!]

The monstrous creature charged, its every step shaking the earth.


The System readied Lu Sheng's body for the battle.

Lu Sheng felt a surge of adrenaline. They didn't have any fancy moves or mystical powers, just the Cane of Obedience in his hand. It wasn't magical, but it packed a serious punch as it disposed of wolves with one hit.

The beast lunged, its claws aimed for Lu Sheng's chest. The System reacted with lightning speed, twisting Lu Sheng's body just enough to avoid the blow. The claws ripped through the air with a deafening screech, missing by a hair's breadth.

Lu Sheng felt relieved to see that the System and his own body matched the speed of the man-wolf beast. When the beast lunged once more, the Automated System Quickly directed Lu Sheng's movements, prompting him to sidestep and swing the cane with all might. The impact landed with a sickening thud.


A bone broke when the Cane hit, the muscle exploded bloody from the might of the blow. Its thick fur was not able to protect him at all from the unusual might of the Cane of Obedience. The Beast howled in pain but there was no fear in return but more rage as it snarled looking back at Lu Sheng.

"Did we make him more mad?" Lu Sheng muttered, his body gripping the cane tighter. This wasn't working like it did with the wolves. This thing was a whole different level of monster. Even after getting hit it is not backing down or trying to be a little cautious.

The beast charged again, growling fiercely. This time, the System didn't have time for fancy moves. It threw Lu Sheng to the ground, just as the creature's massive paw slammed down where he'd been standing. The ground shook, kicking up a cloud of red dirt.

Coughing, Lu Sheng got up, realizing they couldn't keep dodging forever. They needed to land a blow that would actually stop the beast. But how?

Lost in thought, Lu Sheng was caught off guard as the beast attacked again, moving faster than he expected.

"NOOO!!" Lu Sheng screamed in terror, his fear taking over and halting the System's control over his body. He froze, and that moment was all the beast needed. Its muscular arm hugged him tightly in its hold, its claws digging into his flesh as hooks.

"ROOOAR!" Their faces were now inches apart, the beast's hot breath washing over Lu Sheng's face as it roared, its jaw opening wide. A spray of saliva coated Lu Sheng's face, mixing with the dirt and sweat.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Lu Sheng joined but in terror as he saw his death.

[Calm down host, let me take control.]

Lu Sheng was in primal terror, and couldn't even form a word in his mind as he became the slave of his fear.

Before Lu Sheng could let the Automated System take control the beast chomped down on his entire head.


His head, his skull cracked under the massive jaw's bite and Lu Sheng lost his consciousness in terror or head trauma, doesn't matter anymore.


Suddenly something pierced the man-wolf body. The Beast who was about to crunch harder and chew down Lu Sheng's head into minced meat felt a sharp stab piercing his left stomach. His thick fur was not able to protect him as the Cane of Obedience pierced deep inside him.

The terror finally surfaced in the beast's eyes as It ripped its claws free of Lu Sheng's flesh, flinging him away with a brutal backhand swipe. Lu Sheng landed hard and stayed lifeless on the dirt.