0063 - The Standard Trial of Elites.

The colossal grotesque demonic hand is hovering over a barren patch of land encircled by a dense jungle. The etched strange metallic threaded sewn symbols on its flesh were calm. The majestic palace giving off a serene jade aura and yet majestic as gold, descended gracefully into the patch of barren land inside this vast dense jungle.

It looked like the palace was just one small stone in the dirt in front of the sheer scale of this barren patch of land but this barren patch of the land dwarfed in front of the floating demonic hand in the air. As it descended, the palace touched the ground with a gentle grace, not even stirring a speck of dirt or dust.

The gates opened and several characters in various different outfits and armor walked out including the Emperor's left, The Grand Eunuch, Li Qingwei, and The Devoted Heaven's Mandate. However, his majestic aura was nowhere as he looked like a normal monk boy.

"Greetings Minister!" A buff muscular boy with a rod thicker than his wrist on his shoulder gave his greetings, an arrogant smile playing on his face as he fixed his short spiky blonde hair. His new and yet dirty green-shaded metallic armor makes noises with each breath.

Li Qingwei only nodded in return when a voice echoed in his mind. "Give me their introduction if I am going to lead them."

"Your Radiance, we cannot reveal your importance to these arrogant youngsters." Li Qingwei protested.

"Little Li, you should sometimes trust your elders too." 

"I apologize for my transgression, I will punish myself tonight with 1000 lashes."

"Now, you are making me sound cruel. I said 'Trust me', but you are making me feel guilty."

Li Qingwei had no counter. 

"Are you going to stay silent or help me with the introduction?"

"Yes, your radiance." Li Qingwei turned to look at the muscular blonde youngster.

"Hmm…" Li Qingwei returned the greeting and then stepped aside to show the little monk to the buffer blonde young man.

"Gu Lei, this is Esteemed…" Before Li Qingwei could add more metaphors, he received a glare from the boy. "...Ahem! This is the humble Monk Wei Tian from the Imperial Monastery."

"Greetings Kid, Minister Li Qingwei is introducing you, you must be a very important person in the Imperial Monastery but don't worry, this big brother will take good care of you." Gu Lei said with a smirk, his tone dripping with condescension.

Wei Tian remained composed, his expression serene as he bowed respectfully. "Thank you for your kindness, Brother Gu Lei. I am honored to be in your presence."

Gu Lei chuckled, seemingly amused by Wei Tian's humility. "Well, well, aren't you polite? But remember, in this world, it's not just about being polite. Strength is what matters. And from the looks of it, you don't seem like much of a fighter."

Wei Tian's serene expression didn't waver. "Strength comes in many forms, Brother Gu Lei. One should never underestimate the power of inner peace and spiritual fortitude."

Gu Lei's smirk widened. "Haha, inner peace? Spiritual fortitude? Sounds like a load of nonsense to me. But hey, if it works for you, who am I to judge?"

As the exchange continued, Li Qingwei gritted his teeth silently, his anger boiling inside as he could snap at any moment and slap Gu Lei for his way of casual condensation conversation with the Devoted Heaven's Mandate. However, He controlled himself when he noticed a slight smile on Wei Tian's boyish face as if enjoying the conversation.

Li Qingwei stepped forward and stopped in front of another person, He was a thin scholar in similar grey rugged humble garb as Minister Li Qingwei.

"Master Shangguan Bai? This is…" 

Shangguan Bai quickly bowed. "Greetings Senior!" He greeted Wei Tian with utmost respect which swelled the chest of Li Qingwei with pride as he was from the Eternal Mistfall Sect too.

"Senior? Are you cursing me, Master Shangguan Bai? I am supposed to call you senior. Please give me the permission, Senior." Wei Tian bowed and Li Qingwei's proud chest fell as he glared at Shangguan Bai with even more hatred than Gu Lei.

"How can I permit something which I do not have authority over? I humbly implore you to bestow upon me the honor of addressing you as Senior," Shangguan Bai replied with genuine humility.

Wei Tian's smile widened. "Very well, then let's agree to disagree and call each other Seniors. I hope this is satisfactory, Senior Shangguan Bai. I am grateful for your respect."

Shangguan Bai nodded in return and bowed.

With gritted teeth, Li Qingwei came in front of the Third Member, a hawk-eyed, draped in an expensive light yellow and yet simple robe but if you look closely the robe is sewn with tiny scripts and symbols glowing with faint power.

"Mo Kan!?" Li Qingwei didn't say anything else because it would be wasted on someone from Mo Clan and in return Mo Kan only gave a neutral bow to both Li Qingwey and Wei Tian, not individually, not directed at any one of them, one bow to both, divide it yourself.

Li Qingwei's anger was about to explode but Wei Tian also bowed in return as if a deep conversation had finished.

"Ji Tian…" Li Qingwei's voice had a threat in it as he looked at a thin malnourished boy with skin whiter than milk. He was only wearing a rag to hide what needed to be hidden with a stick to lean on, chewing a grass stalk as if enjoying nectar.

"Minister Li Qingwei! I am here to honor my clan's agreement with your Imperial Majesty," Ji Tian interrupted with a calm but firm tone, his gaze steady as he met Li Qingwei's eyes. "Do not expect me to follow your norms and protocols. I am here to fulfill my clan's duty, not to adhere to your personal preferences."

Li Qingwei's jaw tightened at Ji Tian's words and he was about to explode when Wei Tian stepped forward in between.

"Greetings Big Brother Tian." Wei Tian bowed humbly like a junior is supposed to be.

Ji Tian looked down and his gaze humbled. "Greetings little one, I would be honest with you, if the time comes I need to save my life and yours, I would save mine, my clan's entire future depends on it. I will not seek forgiveness for my actions."

"I forgive you Big Brother, you have a tremendous weight on your shoulders, no one will blame you for your actions. I will vouch for that." As if Wei Tian's sweet words lightened the burden on Ji Tian's shoulders as his chest rose with relief. Guilt leaving him away.