0069 - NICE!

The Void Anchor chamber was coated in a dark sludge, a putrid stench everywhere. From the dark sludge, a twisted, inhuman form emerged. Its elongated arms had sharp bestial like nails which looked more like claws than hand of a normal human, and its skull-like face was feral, glowing eyes was not human like at all but a grotesque monster.

It took a long breath as if it has survived drowning as it gaged, coughed and vomited more dark bile adding to the filth all around him, his voice bestial and yet panic panting at his throat. Its vision confused and terror filled.

"Ugh..." it groaned, its voice raw and unfamiliar. "System! What...happened?"

[Host, we somehow survived.]

"Cough…Cough…I…I am sorry, if I hadn't interfered then we would not have…"

[It's fine, Host. we survived and that's what matters.]