0076 -The Aftermath?

Gu Lei watched with a grim satisfaction, the metallic rod in his hand humming with power. The revulsion he felt earlier had morphed into a steely resolve. This monstrosity, this embodiment of nightmares, had to be eradicated. 

This was also the question of recovering his arrogance.

Focusing his cultivation base, he poured every ounce of his energy into his rod. Crackling arcs of emerald power, like miniature lightning dragons, danced across its surface, building in intensity with each passing heartbeat.

A feral snarl ripped from Gu Lei's throat, a guttural expression of both fury and exhilaration. 

"Taste mine too!" he roared, his voice echoing across the desolate battlefield.

With a battle cry that would make even the most seasoned warrior flinch, Gu Lei raised the rod high above his head. The emerald power that had been crackling around it coalesced into a blinding rod of pure power.