0083 -The Dark Champion-Part Two.

An oppressive silence fell over the battlefield, broken only by the heavy breaths of the exhausted Gu Lei and Caiyi Yanzhi. Gu Lei's robe was torn and bloodied, his body had several marks and cuts showing how closely he survived or else. Yet, there was a spark of triumph in his eyes. The man and wolf abomination, a deadly opponent just moments before, now lay lifeless at his feet.

Gu Lei, bloodied and battered, spat on the ground, a cocky smirk on his face. "Easy win," he declared, his voice hoarse but laced with arrogance.

Caiyi Yanzhi glared at him, flicking her fans with practiced ease to remove dirt. "Be quiet, fool," she snapped. "Your recklessness almost cost us all our lives."