0089 - No Fat Chance!

A guttural roar of pure, animalistic fury erupted from Shou Zhi's throat. The very air around his mouth seemed to tremble before the force of his boundless rage. His giant ape form tensed, muscles rippling and bulging beneath his thick fur as fists clenched until they bled.

Shou Zhi charged forward. His lips peeled back, revealing a maw of dagger-like fangs as a torrent of furious, incomprehensible guttural curses spewed forth. 

"Gorathal Vrexan! Korgath Vaal! Zurnokath Zalareth! Wrathar Vexar! Kraghoth Zal! Thraxxan Vaalrek! Morgulth Zarthul! Vrexan! Korgath! Vaal!"

The grunts and snarls coalesced into what almost sounded like a dark, primal chant - as if beckoning to a some long-buried bestial power from the depths of his bestial form.