0100 - Family Introduction.

The guard led Lu Sheng through a maze of identical courtyards, each connected to the next, creating a disorienting labyrinth. Everything looked the same—the decor, the plants—making Lu Sheng feel like they were walking in circles, crossing the same door multiple times.

Finally, they reached a long, open corridor where the guard stopped. "Young Master, please follow along," the guard said, gesturing for Lu Sheng to continue alone.

"Follow along? What does he mean?" Lu Sheng wondered, confused by the guard's words. He stood there for a moment, feeling foolish, until he finally understood. With a slight embarrassment, he proceeded down the corridor alone.

As Lu Sheng followed the open corridor deeper into the heart of the Lu Clan's core, the architectural style shifted from the familiar courtyards and wooden pavilions to something far more imposing and practical. The structures here were built for strength and durability, not for aesthetic wuxia beauty.