0112 - Ghost Therapy: Success!

Lu Sheng's words started to lift them, and their doubts and hesitations began to fade. The ghostly warriors exchanged glances, the commander's spectral form growing steadier as he absorbed Lu Sheng's words.

"Your sacrifice was not in vain," Lu Sheng continued, his voice resonating with conviction. "Your loyalty and dedication to the Lu Clan have left an indelible mark on our legacy. Your spirits should find solace in knowing that your lives and deaths have shaped the strength and honor of our clan."

The soldiers, still hesitant but now visibly calmer, listened intently. Their expressions softened, a collective sigh of relief washing over the camp. The commander took a step forward, his eyes reflecting a newfound clarity.

"Young Master Lu Sheng, your words bring us peace," the commander said, his voice steadier. "But how can we transition from this realm to the next? How can we ensure our spirits find the rest we seek?"