0114 - Lasso of Justice.

Finally, the last strand was woven in, and the glowing cord solidified into a weapon of divine judgment. Its radiant fibers shimmered with divine light, each one carrying the combined retribution of the purified souls. Seeing their effort has formed a weapon of justice, they all smiled and suddenly started to vanish into nothingness.

"Thank you for your sacrifice!" Lu Sheng bowed deeply.

A soft, collective voice echoed in response, "No, thank you, Young Master. We find peace knowing the Lu Clan is in righteous hands."

As Lu Sheng grasped the sacred creation in his hands, the air seemed to whisper an ancient, ethereal name. It was a name that resonated with the echoes of a thousand hells, a name that promised to bind and punish the wicked, to cleanse the land of malevolent entities that had subjugated the innocent for centuries untold.