0137 - The Clan's Dilemma.

"If the core family strength is also gone, who will be left behind?" another asked, worried about the future of the Clan, it's not like they are living in a peaceful time, the danger here is also not less. The deterrent of the Core Family's strength is what is keeping the hostile aggressors from taking bold steps toward the Lu Clan so far.

"Why are they blindly charging ahead? They should have sent a small scouting party first. Whose idiotic strategy is this?" someone criticized angrily.

"I should go. My father needs me. I am the only one left of his lineage," a voice resolved, determined.

Lu Ming raised his hand and everyone focused again.

"The Clan Patriarch has given us his blessing, he will stay behind. In my absence, the Clan Patriarch will resume the Clan management."

Lu Ming's announcement about the Clan Patriarch not joining silenced much of the criticism.