0143 - Auto-Dodge is OP!

"I was in danger? Were you in full control of the situation?" Lu Sheng quickly asked the System, his voice tinged with nervousness.

[Yes, Host. I was in full control of the situation. Your deep trust in me is appreciable.]

Lu Sheng let out a sigh of relief. Despite his casual demeanor, the realization of how close he had come to serious harm was scary. He glanced at Lu Hanli, who was still recovering from the slap, and felt a mix of emotions.

"Thank you," he whispered to the System, his confidence not shaken at all on the System, after the Void Anchor Trial, he now has good confidence in the System's prowess. 

[You're welcome, Host. Remember, we're in this together.]

With that reassurance, Lu Sheng's confidence solidified. He stood taller, and his arrogant expression returned.