0152 - I want to play this game without cheats.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, nodding to himself. "Alright, I'll start by learning about the clan's current situation and meeting with the elders. I just hope I don't make a fool out of myself."

"You won't, Young Master," Lu Xan said confidently. "You have a strong support system in place. And even if you stumble, it's part of the journey. Just be open to feedback and willing to adapt."

With another nod, Lu Sheng continued, "Then this ring has everything for me to learn for now, right?"

"Yes, but are you planning to study them all on your own? I can ask an elder to brief you on the current situation."

"That won't be necessary for now. Let me go through them first."

Lu Xan nodded and left the room to guard it from outside.

Alone with the oil lamp, Lu Sheng called out to the System. "Ready to work?"

[Do I have a choice?]