0160 - There is no Love and Loyalty here.

"Lu Xan," he called out, spotting Lu Xan waiting outside as the other guards closed the door and secured it again. Lu Sheng couldn't help but mockingly smile, thinking, "What is there to protect?" but he kept his thoughts to himself.

"Yes, young master," Lu Xan responded, stepping closer.

Lu Sheng began to walk away, and Lu Xan followed closely. 

"So why did we agree to the Endless Battlefield expedition?" Lu Sheng asked, his tone sharp and annoyant.

"Young Master, it was either face all-out war and mutual destruction or obey the imperial decree and have a chance at rare opportunities in the Endless Battlefield," Lu Xan explained.

"Sounds very stupid to me," Lu Sheng muttered.

Lu Xan remained silent, not daring to insult the elders as openly as Lu Sheng did.

"Also, what is stopping others from attacking now that our entire main force is not here?" Lu Sheng's voice held a note of skepticism.