0171 - Your Calculations are all wrong.

Lu Xan's eyes went wide, and several questions exploded in his mind. "Young Master…where did you?"

"You see that hole? The skull was in that hole."

Lu Xan stepped inside and looked down the hole, more questions than answers.

"Follow me," Lu Sheng ordered again, his tone impatient.

Lu Xan, still bewildered like a lost bird, followed Lu Sheng out of the room.

Lu Sheng led Lu Xan on his tour of the courtyard, pointing out several similar holes along the way. They returned to the room with the skeleton.

"All those bones were in those holes," Lu Sheng stated, his voice filled with accusation. "Is this also a pretense?" His eyes bore into Lu Xan's, demanding an answer.

"Should we keep this also away from the Clan Patriarch?" Lu Sheng asked mockingly, a bitter smile curving his lips.